For a change "Smallville" gave us a story line that was more or less NOT creative. With the show it's very easy to develop an outrageous plot and chalk it up to the fact that the show is based on comic books which permits the writers to go in any direction they desire. It's a sort of validation to validate the absurd. There are times you need to make a leap of faith in order to go along with the premise of the show given its fictional nature but then there are times the writers ask use to leap over canyons and this episode was one of them. Anything Clark can do makes sense because we're supposed to believe he can do anything. But splitting his powers through a lightning bolt that also travelled through kryptonite is a bit of a stretch even for this big fan.
So like I said, Lana becomes Clark; or rather she gets all his powers. She just happened to be holding Krpytonite when lightning struck a windmill that both she and Clark were standing next
to which caused his powers to split and transfer into her. Predictably, the rage and calculating personality we've seen develop in Lana caused her to go over the edge and do whatever it took to set up Lex and eventually try to murder him. In the mayhem that ensued Clark finally discovered the secrets Lana has been hiding from him ever since she got back. And as he said, "there's a darkness inside her." I wish I could be blind to the bad in people and only see the good like Clark but for most of us we don't get that luxury. At the same time this is a massive weakness in him and I'm sure this won't be the last time it prevents him from seeing the truth. I should point out that the one thing I really enjoyed from this was the "sexquake" Lana and Clark caused. Nice little shot of humor in there.
There were a few things that we should really take note of for the future. I have a feeling these things are going to have a huge role to play as the season progresses. First, Lex clearly has the editor of the Daily Planet in his back pocket. He's there to can any stories that might shine a light on him and make trouble for his projects. This can never be a good thing and Lois needs to start honing those investigative reporter skills a bit more. It's staring her in the face and she has no clue what's actually going on. She's definitely not ready to be the Lois Lane we know she becomes. Second, Braniac is still here! Just when we thought he was gone Lex saved a piece of the ship and now it's escaped. I'm a bit disappointed if only because we've been there and done that. For now though I'll give the writers the benefit of the doubt and say they'll come up with a new twist for Braniac. Third, Lana seemed to like when Lex kissed her. Granted she pushed him off and tried to strangle him but it seemed like she hesitated for a moment before she did. Not only that but I don't think she could harbor this obsession if she didn't still feel some connection to Lex. Lex is probably right about this too and she probably doesn't love him but I think she may be attracted to the dark side now.
It was great to finally see someone confront Lana on what she's been doing. Chloe was always very insightful and I like watching her protect Clark like this. I think she's really starting to embrace her role in his life and what he's destined to do. At the moment Lana will do nothing for Clark other than to bring him down and he can't have that in his life. I was very proud of Chloe when she laid out the whole truth for Lana and told her that she wouldn't let her cause his downfall.
This was a pretty decent episode although not the most creative. With November Sweeps progressing I believe things will get better and more intense at the same time. Let me know what you think might happen and until next week, enjoy the review!
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