Derek is dating The Chief! Well, not exactly, but for all purposes he sort of is. The Chief is living on his own for the first time in his life and isn't really able to do anything on his own. For instance, he has Derek doing his dry cleaning for him in exchange for free use of his extensive DVD collection (I would totally make that deal with my collection). These two really have great chemistry (well, no) and that was the theme that permeated tonight's episode. If you've ever watched "Grey's" before you know that one thing will always remain true - nothing good ever lasts for very long. Tonight's episode was a grade A lesson on that subject and for many of you I'm sure you're happy some relationships appear to be ending while some you wish others would keep going.
Let's start with the most prominent relationship in the past few weeks - George and Izzie. As I
said last week I was a big fan of these two last year and even in the beginning of this season. Somewhere along the way though, these two just stopped being a cute couple and became, for lack of a better word, creepy. I just do not see it anymore and in fact I was quite disturbed by all the sex talk and sexual acts between them the past couple of weeks; and I'm pretty sure they're disturbed themselves. The fact of the matter is that if you ever end up crouching in fear after sex, need liquor just to keep going, and almost cry afterwards then you probably need to stop doing it. These two need to accept the fact that they're just very
close friends and nothing more. For the mental health of viewers and the characters themselves, they need to save us from this troubling and disturbing roller coaster and just get off the ride. The look on Meredith's face when George tried to talk to her about how terrible everything went is pretty much exactly how I feel about it; I don't want to hear it anymore and I especially don't want to see it.
While not as disturbing Meredith's relationships are on very fragile ground but could go either way. To start, she hasn't much much progress in either direction with Derek. They're still sleeping together and Derek is still looking out for himself. Rightfully so, in my opinion. He shouldn't have to wait around for Meredith when he could end up being happy much sooner. The simple truth is that she may never be ready. I have a feeling that her ability to love and be ready to commit may be somewhat connected to her relationship with Lexie. Meredith has
never had a stable family in her life and there's the very good possibility that Lexie could be this family she never had. Lexie is a great person with a good heart and Meredith should give her a chance. It looks like that may actually be happening since Meredith finally referred to her as "my sister" at the end of the episode and was looking out for her by asking Alex to take her home from the bar. Granted she was pretty awful to Lexie throughout the episode before this but I think the ice may be thawing. I should also mention
that Lexie doesn't have things as good as Meredith may think. True she may have had a decent life growing up, one that Meredith never had, but her life now is certainly far from decent. Her father is a complete mess and has become a mean alcoholic since Lexie's mother died. I hope Meredith can find a way to get close with Lexie before she finds out about Thatcher. I'd hate for her to finally open up and then have Lexie resent her because she feels Meredith is pitying her.
As for an unlikely relationship, mainly because we had no clue she was joining the staff, between Haan and Christina, I'm actually enjoying the struggle that's taking place. It's really a lesson that every choice in life has consequences and past choices in choosing Burke and her professor to sleep with have finally come back to bite her in the butt. I think Haan is nowhere near the right one here but I also understand her motivation. Bailey was certainly right in telling Christina to look for another specialty though. If she really wants to be a heart surgeon she needs to fight for it and right now she's just rolling over and asking someone to give it to her. Things in life don't come that easy and Christina seems to finally be learning that.
Oh yea, there were actually some patients in this episode too. The mother who passed away a week after adopting her child was just terrible. It's never fair when something like that happens
especially when its simply because she tripped on a stair. Thankfully her husband was there to take the baby when she passed away. I think he's going to be a great father even if he's not fully convinced yet. The fact that he's willing to take on the responsibility to carry on his wife's wishes for the baby to have a great life, really shows how much he loved her. The other patients were actually just annoying and catching them having sex together was almost as disturbing as George and Izzie's sexcapades.
This was a very good episode and a great start to November Sweeps. Hopefully the writer's strike will end soon so we don't have a very long break after the end of the episodes they've filmed so far. Until next week, enjoy the review!
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