Tonight's episode was another shining example of why "Brothers & Sisters is the best show on television today. It might not be the most action packed, it might not be the funniest, and it certainly isn't the flashiest, but the writing is top notch and the acting superb. I haven't seen a show with such amazing talent in all facets of production come around in my entire life. True enough, I haven't been around for more than a quarter-century but in the time I have been watching television I can honestly say that this is the best all-around show I've ever watched.
The focus of tonight's episode shone directly and brightly on Justin Walker who once again had to go through De-Tox after becoming addicted to his pain medication. It's sad really because he
fights for his country, takes shrapnel to the leg, and is forced to take the very pills he was trying to stay away from. Even more ironic and depressing is that Justin tried to convince the Army not to send him back because of his addiction which began while serving over seas during his first tour. What's worse though was the intervention. This family has got to get on the same page man. For a bunch of people who spend so much time poking into each other's lives they really should be able to work cohesively a bit more. This was the worst and most poorly planned out intervention ever; didn't they watch "Party of Five," that was a good
intervention. Apparently Kitty was smart enough to realize what was going on and drew the line in the sand. Everyone else got defensive when Justin attacked him (which to me would seem like the obvious response from an addict - deflect attention from oneself by pointing out the weaknesses in others) but Kitty saw it for what it was, told him she was only there because she loved him and gave him a choice to either fix this or leave forever. It was brilliant, poignant, and emotional and exactly why I love this show.
For the next 36 hours Justin went through detox at home. Now, I was and am very skeptical on
the whole "do-it-at-home detox," especially since the idea came from Justin. True, his reason was convincing (he didn't want to ruin the campaign) but I'm still not sure this was the best idea. At least for the time being it appears to be working and at the end of the night Justin met Nora by the pool for a beautiful mother-son moment where she told him
he was no longer her baby and he had to be a man. This is going to be a very good thing for Justin and force him to finally grow up.
For the next 36 hours Justin went through detox at home. Now, I was and am very skeptical on
Aside from being Justin's detox wardens, Tommy and Kevin have quite a few problems of their own. Tommy, predictably, has been continuing his affair with Lina despite all the warnings from Holly. What's new is how deep into it he's gotten. He used to leave the relationship at sex but tonight we see him beginning to sleep over at Lina's. Not that he didn't cross a line long ago but now he's really gone too far. It was one thing when he was lonely and hurt (although never excusable) but it's completely another thing to be in a relationship with Lina. And you just knew that he wouldn't be able to keep this a secret for long in his family. I don't blame Holly for saying anything to Saul. Tommy is completely in the wrong and especially in an emergency she shouldn't have to protect such a horrible secret. Meanwhile, the way Tommy treated Saul when he said something to him was uncalled for and hurtful. Everyone in this family takes for granted what Saul brings to their lives. If they took a second to look around they would realize that he's a great man and a great uncle who they should respect.
Speaking of people who treated Saul terribly, Kevin needs to come off his high horse. He was doing so well for so long and all of a sudden he's right back up there. I sort of felt like it was
coming though; Kevin has never really been one in control of his emotions. He should cut Saul some slack and let him be who he is. Of all people, Kevin should know how hard this must be and the additional weight from growing up in the era he did. I have a feeling that he's going to come around eventually but it would probably be very good for Saul to admit that he's gay. He'd have a much more enjoyable life as himself rather than living a lie. At least he told the truth to Nora. I was so glad that all she did was show her love and not judgment. It probably meant a whole lot to him.
Meanwhile, Robert almost came clean himself. He had the perfect opportunity to tell Kitty how he feels about having a baby and instead he took the politicians route - he faked a smile, told her how important she was to him, and told her the answer she wanted to hear. This is no way to start a life together and one way or another this is going to come back to haunt him for a very long time when Kitty finds out the truth. She's a wonderful person and deserves a lot more than that. I didn't really understand why Kitty thought she wouldn't make a great mother. As much as they fight she's her mother's daughter and has the same strength, kindness, and love as Nora. She's going to be a great mother...someday, but probably not anytime soon. The truth about Robert may come out sooner than we think if the previews are what I think they are. Kitty decides she needs to speak with Robert when they're at the altar, which can never be a good thing. I'm really looking forward to what happens.
Meanwhile, Robert almost came clean himself. He had the perfect opportunity to tell Kitty how he feels about having a baby and instead he took the politicians route - he faked a smile, told her how important she was to him, and told her the answer she wanted to hear. This is no way to start a life together and one way or another this is going to come back to haunt him for a very long time when Kitty finds out the truth. She's a wonderful person and deserves a lot more than that. I didn't really understand why Kitty thought she wouldn't make a great mother. As much as they fight she's her mother's daughter and has the same strength, kindness, and love as Nora. She's going to be a great mother...someday, but probably not anytime soon. The truth about Robert may come out sooner than we think if the previews are what I think they are. Kitty decides she needs to speak with Robert when they're at the altar, which can never be a good thing. I'm really looking forward to what happens.
Personally I love Rebecca and I think her character is great. It is about time though for her to move on and find some happiness in her own life without trying to find it with the Walkers. They should certainly be part of her life but not all of it. I hope Justin apologizes because their relationship is something special. He was horrible to her and she deserves a lot of grovelling from him.
This was another great installment from "Brothers & Sisters." I can't wait to see what the rest of November Sweeps brings for the Walkers. Until next week, enjoy the review!
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