I found a season 4 preview for Grey's Anatomy. It answer's a couple questions about returning cast members but not much more than that. Only 2 weeks left until the premiere and if I find out more I'll let you know.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Damages: We Are Not Animals
I'm not really sure how I feel about this episode. I sat down to write this review the night of the airing and I just couldn't do it. While I liked it, I'm not sure I loved it as much as the previous episodes. Most of all, it did not live up to the hype from last week's previews. The previews made it feel like we would have these amazing revelations after watching the episode. Although some things were surprising I didn't feel like it was groundbreaking or earth-shattering. Worst than that it just wasn't as exciting as usual. While it answered some questions it left many more unanswered and I felt like I would at least have one or two of the big questions answered.
We find out that Patty had something to do with the attack on Ellen at her apartment; or at least it seems that she did. Ellen gets attacked, her fiance' killed, and the very same day Patty is missing. Then Ellen points out for us that only Patty knew she was at her apartment that night which means Patty will either have a great story to tell or she is very guilty. Personally I think she was involved just the same way she was involved in the murder of Katie's dog earlier in the season. And at the end of the episode we find out that Tom may be involved too!! Now this I didn't see. I had a feeling he would betray Ellen but I didn't think he would ever have had anything to do with the attack. Now my gut is telling me that he and Patty for some reason set it up together. Tate Donovan has done an amazing job on the show this year. I was afraid I'd see Jimmy Cooper (The O.C.) all season but he really has developed this character nicely and changed some of his mannerisms.
A big moment in the beginning of the episode revealed that Ellen did not kill her fiance' David. Not that I ever really believed she did or could, but we now know for sure that she didn't which reinforces my theory from last week that the stalker Lila (the daughter of David's patient) is the one who murdered him.
One of the things I like the most is the dynamic between Patty and Ray. They're on opposites sides of this massive case and yet somehow they sort of show respect for each other even if it's never said. Patty doesn't respect anyone except for herself but when she's in scenes with Ray I get the feeling that she respects his abilities as a litigator. I like that there's at least one person who she feels is a worthy (or somewhat worthy) opponent.
The one thing that kills me is the stupidity of the police (and possibly the writers) in this episode. They decide to arrest Ellen officially based on her fingerprints on the murder weapon, the fact that she's covered in blood, and was found near the scene. The problem is that if they tested the blood on her they would find out it wasn't David's and she was at her apartment because it's her apartment. And OFCOURSE her fingerprints were on the murder weapon, IT WAS A GIFT TO HER AND IN HER APARTMENT!!! You can't arrest someone based on fingerprints alone being present on the murder weapon when the weapon was in the person's own home and was a possession present in the home before the murder; there is no way based on that to prove she used it to kill him since its equally as likely that she just held it other times. You would need a lot more than that for an arrest and the writers dropped the ball on this one.
The whole Patty/Tom/Ellen triangle baffles me. I still don't understand what the big deal is between them. Patty wants Tom to herself and Tom likes Ellen but can't say no to Patty. But I don't get why Patty is so anxious to screw over Ellen. She used her to get to Katie and I understand she may need to use her again but I don't see why she feels its necessary to screw with her life. She could just as easily get what she needs from Ellen without doing that. I guess we'll find out sooner or later what exactly her motivations are.
I have to tell you that I think Ellen is amazing. I wish I were as smart as she is. As a lawyer myself I know how impossible it is to write a perfect brief on any topic and she was able to do it on the first shot earlier in the season. And now she so easily sees through Tom's rhetoric and is able to set him up to get to Patty. It was great to see her get a little revenge against the people that underestimate her.
I can't wait to see where Patty is hiding out and what actually happened that day. On a side note I was a bit disappointed that we didn't have any appearances by Arthur Frobisher (Ted Danson) this episode. He brings such a great and creepy feel to the show that he really should be there every night. In the meantime, leave some comments and theories on what will happen, I'd love to read what you think.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Saving Grace: Everything's Got A Shelf Life
Last week I mentioned that the show lacked a compelling storyline linking each episode to each other. While it still lacks an overall storyline (other than the basic premise of Grace needing to be saved) the show is far better when the cops are on a case that is thrilling and interesting. Last week they tracked down a killer soldier and touched on issues connected to the War in Iraq. This week Grace and the other officers tried taking down a drug dealer and his crew. The opening got the episode off on the right foot as we watched Grace, her fellow detectives, and the Swat Team swarm the home of the suspected drug dealer. It was intense, exciting, and exactly what this show should be all about.
The truth is that this show is MUCH better when the focus is NOT on the wildness of Grace. Her character's tendencies are certainly compelling and the core of the shows purpose but they're more poignant when they aren't the only thing we're watching. In fact, Grace is much more likable when we watch her doing her job and doing it well with interjections of her wild personality. As I watched Grace handle the drug dealer and his crew in a few face-to-face confrontations I was impressed by how smart and crafty she can be. Then when her wild side came out I didn't mind it as much as I did when I had to watch her drunk and having sex for half the episode. It was actually nice to see Grace working out when she couldn't sleep in the beginning of the episode rather than downing a 12 pack of MGD.
It was funny when each of her partner's fought over who would stay the night with her when she passed out on her couch the night after being shot in the raid. Obviously we know why Butch and Ham wanted to stay but I was a little surprised that Bobby wanted to say also. I guess she has a way about her that gets all these guys wrapped around her finger. She needs to open up to Butch though. He made her a great breakfast after staying the night when he didn't really have to and all she did was tell him that she usually skips breakfast. She totally dissed his attempts to get closer with her. She's much better off with Butch than she is with Ham, not only because Ham's married but Butch just seems to be a bit more together than Ham. Anyway, this group affection for Grace is becoming a very interesting dynamic on the show. Watch out though, Ham and Butch will likely come to blows over her at some point; how can it not.
A great thing in this episode was that the outcome wasn't as telegraphed as some of the events last week. I mentioned that in my review last week that the writer's tend to telegraph outcome's and it hurt the show. They did show flashes of intelligence in the past (i.e. when Grace's boss was shot in the head by his own son without any foreshadowing in episode #2) and in this episode they showed they could do it all the time. I never saw the Grandma as the drug dealer. Maybe I'm naive but I just didn't see the Grandma being the city's crack lord.
Did anyone else think Grace looked much better all cleaned up at the end of the episode? It was refreshing to see a different side of her. Although in the uniform she looks ridiculously tiny.
See you all next week for the Season 1 Finale. If this week is any indication we can expect even better writing in the last episode of the season...
Monday, September 10, 2007
The Hills: Jason Returns
Well, well, well... Where should I begin? I guess the best place to begin is the same place we leave off every week; what in the world are these girls thinking?
I get it, I do. I understand that when you're in a long relationship and you "fall in love" (as these girls say almost every time they have a boyfriend) that it's hard to get over your ex and you go back sometimes. BUT how do these girls keep getting mistreated by the same guys and keep going back again, and again, and again?! Jason was in rehab!!! He made Lauren miss an unbelievable opportunity the other summer to go to Paris for her internship. He cheated on her multiple times. He's assaulted people and cops (from what I've heard in the news). How is she still going back to him? If someone can answer this for me it would be greatly appreciated.
And it's not just Lauren. Audrina and Heidi are the same way. Heidi doesn't need any
Despite the fact that these girls disappoint us each and every week in their choices the biggest disappointment is Lauren. Not only is she stunningly gorgeous but she's the favorite reality star of many young girls (she won the Teen Choice Award this years for favorite female reality star). What example does this show when she's willing to go back again and again to this kind of guy? Aside from the example, as a fan it's disappointing to see such a smart girl make such dumb decisions sometimes.
I do need to mention the double date that Lauren and Audrina went on with their trainer, Jarett, and his friend, Derek. It was very weird when Derek was all over Lauren telling her that
Now...to Heidi and Bolthouse. How has her boss not run this company into the ground? I've never seen a more clueless employee than Heidi. We've seen her stare into space more times than we can count when she's been given something to do. We saw her disobey her instructions time and again last year. So to promote her over Elodie boggles the mind. Clearly he was thinking about the publicity on MTV and not about the best course for his company. Too bad for Heidi it won't last past the end of the show (although it's alright because I hear she's putting out a hip hop album with Spencer as her producer; good luck with that). And on top of all this she got the job by stabbing her friend/co-worker, Elodie, in the back. Yet another friend Heidi has screwed over. I'm sensing a trend. As usual Spencer was there to support her in her trashy actions.
How I Met Your Mother: The Slap Bet
From time to time through the airing of the September Premiere's I will be posting some video clips to do one of the following: convince you to watch a good show you're not watching, to get you hyped for a new show, or to remind you how great the shows you already watch were last year.
So here's video clip #1. "How I Met Your Mother" is one of the best comedy's on tv and if you haven't watch it yet you MUST start watching this fall. The third season premiere will be on Monday, September 24th @ 8PM on CBS. This was a storyline from season 2 that will be carrying over through season 3 and beyond. It shows up at random and is damn hilarious. The clip doesn't fully explain the bet but I think you get the point. Plus you could always buy/rent the second season DVD when it comes out in a few weeks. (please ignore the subtitles but this was the best slap bet video I found)