Sorry Michael Michelle (Samira), you may be gorgeous but you suck at being a diagnostician. I really thought she was going to be around for a while given her high profile stint on "ER" but alas House is just too smart for her and at the same time too dumb. Apparently, he unknowingly hired her believing her abilities were greater than reality because his judgment was clouded by her good looks. It seems this isn't the only time this has happened to him as he thinks it may also be happening with thirteen. Personally I think Olivia Wilde (Thirteen) actually is good at her job but now he's questioning his perception and this may not be a good thing for her. House did bring up an interesting question though, did the same thing happen with Cameron? I think we could all agree it didn't, so a better question is why didn't it? I'm not really sure; I'll have to think about this one a bit longer and get back to you.
Meanwhile, House and his interns spent the night trying to help a young boy with a severe deformity have plastic surgery; or at least everyone was except for House. In an interesting
turn, not surprising however, House was more interested in saving his life than getting him the surgery just to keep his feelings from being hurt. Granted none of us could imagine what his life is like with that deformity but I was totally with House. There's no reason to rush into plastic surgery no matter how crazy the deformity if you're going to put your life at risk.
As I alluded above, Thirteen isn't as stupid as House thought she may be. After an hour misdiagnosing the boy, it turns out one of Thirteens ideas that were dismissed was correct. The boy had Lyme Disease; the only problem was that the bullet target at the site of the bite was hidden by his hair. Very good pick up by Thirteen and I think this pretty much shows us that she's going to be around for a while longer.
It was an interesting perspective watching much of the episode through the lens of a documentary film camera. Although I should point out that this wasn't very original. "ER" accomplished this feat many, many years ago when they shot a live documentary of a day in the ER. Still, it was a nice change of pace and an interesting touch to the episode. I loved watching House try to dodge the camera by finding new and interesting places to hide so that the interns wouldn't feel inhibited.
This was kind of the standard "House" episode and very enjoyable. With a mix of the usual mystery, humor, and witty remarks from House, I thoroughly enjoyed this hour of television. From what I'm hearing there's only 5 episodes left of "House" before they run out so enjoy it while you can. Until next week, enjoy the review!
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