The usual "Las Vegas" episode doesn't require all that much analysis like many of my other reviews and tonight's episode was no exception. It's really just because the show is supposed to be fun, not dramatic. Basically it's supposed to be the anti-Grey's Anatomy. Whereas "Grey's" mixes in some fun with loads of drama, "Las Vegas" brings the fun all the time with little bits of genuine drama here and there. And we love it! There isn't another show on television that brings this much fun all the time and never fails to NOT take itself too seriously.
Tonight the Montecito went green! Partially at least. A "Save The Earth" type convention was being held at the hotel and Delinda took up the opportunity to do her part by working on improving the Montecito's enivronmental efficiency. Unfortunately, the cost to converting a hotel Green is enourmous! And as Cooper explained to her, this is a business in the end and he couldn't do everything she wanted if the hotel were to stay in business. At least he decided to convert a number of suites and consider converting the entire floor if the demand for the suites were sufficient.
Sam spent the night going Green but in a completely different way. Her revenues were still down for the quarter and she needed a way to pick them up and fast. Luckily for her an opportunity for a scam basically dropped in to her lap. Las Vegas had its very own matchmaking service catering only to rich men and women looking for mates that weren't golddiggers. How was Sam able to use this to her advantage? Well, she lied her way onto the service and scheduled dates with three rich whales all on the same night, obviously at the casino. So while the men thought they were on dates and were just gambling to spend time with her, they were actually making up her revenue deficiency all in one night. This is exactly why I love Sam. She has no shame, always keeps you on your toes, and is damn fun to watch every Friday night. What's even better is that lately she shown some signs of a conscience and actual feelings. In the end, she felt bad about what she did and she decided to find each of them women that would be perfect for them and weren't out for their money. Of course she didn't return the money they gambled away :)
Cooper didn't screw anyone out of money or property this week. Well, at least no one who worked for him at least. Paul Grant, a developer, owned some land in Canada that Cooper wanted to buy and luckily he was speaking at a conference in the hotel. At the same time Paul shows up at the hotel so does Erin Hudson, a business nemesis of Copper's. Apparently the two of them have a long history of butting heads in the business world and this was no exception; Erin too had a very keen interest in Paul's piece of land. So what does Cooper do? Well at first he tries to beat her outright but then in the fashion we're beginning to get used to, he shocks everyone with an end around. He convinces Erin to team up with him on this one deal to screw Paul out of the land for a very cheap price. The plan was brilliant actually and the two of them work very well together. I don't think this is the last we're going to be seeing of Erin at the Montecito anytime soon.
This was yet another great, fun installment from team "Las Vegas." Stay tuned, until next week, enjoy the review!
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