
Saturday, December 1, 2007

Grey's Anatomy: Crash Into Me - Part 1


Seth Green!!! This was totally unexpected and surprisingly excellent. I much prefer having unknown actors as guest stars on this show because I'm able to look at them as patients much easier than known actors to whom I've already attributed certain characteristics. With the exception of "ER," most shows, including "Grey's," have never been able to use well known actors as patients very well . Tonight was the exception however. Seth Green was fantastic and even more amazing was the cliff hanger the show left us with. Throughout the entire episode we all seemed to get pretty used to Lexie and Seth's character hanging out and dishing on odd gossip. I'm not sure about you but while I thought his artery might burst in the beginning I sort of forgot about it by the end of the night. So when his artery burst all over Lexie instantly I was shocked and left with my mouth hanging wide open when the screen went to black. I hate when we're left with cliff hanger moments like that but at the same time it's what makes a show great.

Whether he survives or not you can never really know on this show but I doubt he has much of shot; from the very little I know I think it's only a matter of seconds before you bleed out and die if you cut that artery. Personally I'd like to see him stick around a bit longer. He had great chemistry with Lexie and for the first time in a while she seemed like she was genuinely happy talking with someone.

Speaking of Lexie, I just had a feeling that Eva would show up again once Alex started getting close (or as close as he gets to anyone) with Lexie. She left without resolving anything with him and you just knew this was going to bite him in the butt one day. I love the fact that he has this problem now because he's really not a great guy so he deserves some calling out. He totally belongs with Eva by the way. There's no reason he should choose Lexie because he's really only known her for a short amount of time whereas he has this unbelievable connection with Eva that he won't find anywhere else. And honestly, does Lexie think they had a relationship? Obviously she did because she was clearly hurt when she realized they were both there for Alex, but she knew what he was about when they started this! He told her flat out which is more than most women could say for the guys they date. Anyway, this is certainly going to blow up in his face next week and I can't wait until he gets a bit of his own medicine.

As for some of the other stuff going on at the hospital, a Nazi paramedic/patient is definitely not what I would have thought would come out of this episode. Bailey is much stronger than I am because I would have walked away, not caring whether he lived or died. To meet someone up close who has that much hate for so many people and believes in it so violently, would really hit me hard and I doubt I could look him in the face let alone operate on him. That guy was a horrible person and it's both a blessing and curse that we believe in treating everyone the same regardless of their beliefs.

And what would a review about "Grey's" be without some info on the Meredith-Derek relationship drama. Derek seems to be getting closer every week to Rose, the nurse he finally realized was around a few weeks ago when she spoke up during a surgery. I think he's attracted to her forwardness and her strong personality. In my opinion he really needs to move on from Meredith and this would be the perfect opportunity. She's still very much messed up and although she's made some strides she still isn't ready for the kind of commitment Derek is looking for and deserves.

But the truth is Meredith has been making some great progress. Last year I don't think she could have held it together in a situation like the one with the paramedics in the flipped over ambulance. I was impressed at how strong she was despite her emotions. The truth is that a situation like that should hit you hard and require you to summon all your strength to deal with it; if it didn't I think that would be the bigger problem. She's really becoming an excellent doctor although I think Derek will have moved on to a relationship with Rose by the time Meredith is ready to be there for him.

The paramedic storyline is unbelievable and vintage "Grey's." I couldn't possibly imagine being in Sarah's shoes and talking to your husband (or wife) knowing they were going to die as soon as they were moved. This was an amazing episode and part 2 is sure to be just as good if not better! Until December, enjoy the review!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

House: You Don't Want To Know


This was definitely one of the better "House" episodes. Tonight, we saw House take on a magician and come out on top; yet still without any inside information on how the magician was able to perform any of the tricks. It's sort of how House operates so he shouldn't be too peeved when he wasn't able to find out the secret to the tricks. He always performs these procedures and tests on patients resulting in diagnoses that no one else could figure out and he never reveals how he does it. Obviously we know the tricks because we see behind the scenes but for the patients it's like watching a magician do magic right in front of you.

The magician was actually pretty cool and I was really hoping to see how he was going to escape the underwater trick. Too bad he ended up bleeding through his nose and going unconscious in the middle. At least we found out how he was going to escape; he had the key hidden in his mouth. Unfortunately for him in all the commotion of you know, almost dieing, he forgot he swallowed the key which then ripped through his internal organs when he was brought to the MRI machine. Moron. This was probably something he should have tried to remember. It's bad enough that you almost died performing the trick but you survive and then almost kill yourself by forgetting something as simple as a key in your stomach; not too smart.

Aside from the magician we had another pretty big story line develop during this episode. Apparently, Thirteen's mother and grandmother both died of Huntington's disease. Basically, (and for those of you who watched "Everwood" you know this already) it's a degenerative disease that effects the brain and can strike at anytime. You slowly lose all function over your brain and you turn into a vegetable. It's a horrible disease and House started to notice symptoms in Thirteen; or rather he manufactured them. It was actually a terrible thing to do given her state of mind but when she dropped a folder House noticed she freaked out even though it was just a natural drop, nothing to do with Huntington's. So he switched out the caffinated coffee with decaf and when she unknowingly went through caffeine withdrawal and her hands shook she started to freak out. Actually, I'd like to restate my point of view, it wasn't just terrible, it was downright evil of him. When he found out it was Huntington's and not Parkinson's she was worried about at least he showed some sympathy. It just goes to show how awful this disease is; no one should ever have to go through that. The only problem was, as usual, House wouldn't leave it alone and he tested her DNA without her permission to determine if she had the disease. Her explanation about why she didn't want to know was very touching and I think it really hit home with House. Since he didn't look and now that we know all this about Thirteen, it's pretty much a safe bet that she's going to be around for a long while.

For a little fun in all the drama, House decreed that whoever obtained Cuddy's panties would be able to nominate two other interns for elimination. A very ingenious idea if you ask me and especially hilarious. Shockingly it was the Mormon who got the panties! I couldn't believe it and I guess neither could House. He realized that the only reason he got them was because he teamed up with Cuddy. The idea was that by him winning he would nominate Kutner for elimination, which Cuddy was very happy to see because she believes he's a liability given all his mishaps over the last couple months. The only thing Cole didn't realize was that the one person house always wants to beat is Cuddy and by teaming up with her, he did exactly what got him fired - he made a pact with the devil. So goodbye to the moron, you will certainly be missed for all the sarcastic jokes House made at your expense.

Yet another fantastic episode from "House" and I will certainly enjoy every minute we have until the episodes run out. Until next week, enjoy the review!

Journeyman: Emily


I'm really sorry that I have to do this but I am beyond annoyed at this show. There's a lot going on and with Dan constantly travelling to the past I'm sure it has got to be hard keep everything straight given all the implications of his actions in the past. Except if you want to be a successful television show then you MUST keep everything straight and consistent. So how in the world do the writers think I wouldn't notice the fact that although the stolen money was left in the past the FBI is not only still interested in Dan in the present but they're still looking for the stolen money? What's even more ridiculous is that in the same episode that they drop they ball on this, they make it even worse. Throughout the episode Jack started to come around to Dan's rhetoric on time travelling after he fed him more and more information on a kidnapper that had never been caught. But when Dan went after him in the past and caused his arrest, Jack forgot everything and time changed to the way it was before Dan said anything to him. Now, if this changed then how could the issues with the FBI not change?! He left the money in the past! If they're this interested in it then I'm sure they would have come across the bills in circulation or even at the crime scene where he left it. Then clearly they would have no reason to suspect him in the future. Let's not forget that Dan's tip to Hugh in the past about the kidnapper should have had a big effect on his future position in life (possibly giving him greater opportunities for advancement) and yet when Dan went back to the present Hugh was still the same. I'm so incredibly angered by this that I actually considered not watching the show anymore. I think I'll continue to watch but another huge mistake like this and I can't see myself hanging around anymore.

Speaking of the kidnapper, I was actually pretty impressed with the creativity and action of the time travel story line this episode. Dan finally rebelled against his intended job (although only slightly since he still helped the girl anyway) and went after the child kidnapper despite Livia's warnings. Apparently, if you stray from the intended path and change something in the past then there will be dire consequences in the future. For Dan, they are pretty extreme. His failure to listen to Livia resulted in the arrest of the kidnapper, which is all well and good except for the fact that he was released from prison six years later. Not only did he come out with an intense vendetta to pursue against Dan but he's meaner and stronger than when he went in. Jail seems to have turned him into a hardened criminal and he's targeted both Dan and his family now for revenge. Next week should be interesting as Dan finally learns the consequences of straying from his path.

I think it's interesting to watch Katie's reactions to everything. Her frustration finally boiled over this week when she threw a mug at the wall after Dan disappeared during their conversation. Who could blame her though? She loses her husband randomly and for unknown periods of time, her son is beginning to lash out at others, and there's absolutely nothing they can do to fix it. But I don't think blaming Dan is going to help either. It's not like he asked for this or knows how to fix it or who to talk to about it. It's totally out of his control. He's pursuing the only lead he has in Dr. Langley but he's not giving him much to go on at all. At least she finally admitted to Zack what Dan is doing seems to be very important. The truth is that although we don't know yet why this is happening he appears to be doing good things and so you have to believe it's important for him to keep pursuing it.

My frustration aside, this was a pretty good episode. Unfortunately, the word out is that "Journeyman" may not be around past the end of the episodes filmed before the writer's strike. I hope this isn't true and NBC decides to give it another chance when the strike is over. Anyway, I'll still watch even though I'm angry. Until next week, enjoy the review!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Heroes: Cautionary Tales


Noah is dead! Holy crap! (well maybe...; but more on that later) Not only did I think they would end up changing the future from what was portrayed in Isaac's paintings but I never thought it would come about so quickly. I'm so used to the stories playing out over a long season that it never occurred to me that any of this would materialize as soon as it did. Unfortunately for Noah it did and if you're looking for someone to blame then look no further than Dr. Suresh. For a smart guy he is extremely naive and stupid most of the time. You'd think after everything that happened last year and everything he knows about the company he would take what Bob has to say at face value so easily. Well, he did and the immediate implication turned out to be the death of Noah while the more important implication appears to be an outbreak of the virus which he started when he and Nikki were there fighting Maurey. So there we have it, Suresh chose the company over everyone else and killed Noah. Terrible...

Now, if we're talking about people who have done stupid things then we have to talk about Hiro next. If Suresh is to blame for the current turn of events then Hiro should be just as blameworthy. He is the one that created the person we know as Adam and he is the reason that a vendetta has been burning inside of Adam for 400 years. So we can't point the finger at Suresh and totally let Hiro off the hook. And this week, Hiro almost changed the future again and probably not for the better when he went back in time to prevent his fathers death. In the end at least he listened to his father and decided not to mess with things that should be left as they are. It was touching though to see the two of them pay respects to their mother at her funeral again. I think most people would like to have such a personal moment with a loved one before saying goodbye once and for all. Speaking of implications of your actions, Hiro may have finally learned his lesson when he discovered it was Adam who threw his father off the roof. This might very well be the turning point for him and what turns him into that future Hiro we saw a lot of last year. Personally, I'd like to start seeing more of the kick ass Hiro than the softy Hiro.

So what could we expect in the next two episodes? Well, I think Parkman is going to have a big role to play. Now that he knows what he can do his powers seem to be growing much faster. He's already starting to control peoples thoughts and actions which can only mean it's just a matter of time before he'll be able to control what his father was able to do by placing people in a prison inside their heads. Also, this episode really showed Claire growing up, at least a bit. She's definitely more forceful and she knows what she wants. Plus she's very smart; she saw through Bob's disguise even though it was extremely surprising that he'd make such an obvious mistake.
Like last year, Claire will probably have a lot to do with the outcome of the season.

We learned the most important piece of information tonight - that Adam is looking to kill everyone in the picture simply because they locked him up. Although I'm sure he'll be looking for Hiro when he's done too. As I said at the beginning of the review, Noah may not be dead after all. It appears that Adam hooked him up to an IV with his blood in it which as we know should bring him back to life very quickly. The last second shot of Noah's eyes would seem to indicate this is exactly what happened. With Noah on his side as well as Peter, Adam may have assembled an unstoppable team. Oh, and lets not forget that Maya may be a source of the virus and Silar likely won't be idle for too long. I can't wait to see how this plays out. Until next week enjoy the review!

Chuck: Chuck Versus the Imported Hard Salami


Lou is the best! Come on, how many girls do you know would make you a mouth-watering sandwich on the first date? Probably none. She's totally cool, funny, makes incredible sandwiches, and is not above making out in a car for an hour. She's pretty damn awesome if you ask me. Too bad it didn't work out for the two of them, I thought they made a great couple. At least she now knows the truth behind his secret identity, an undercover FDA agent in search of illegally imported deli meats. That was hilarious but Rachel Bilson played that with more of a straight face than I ever could have.
Speaking of Chuck's undercover persona, Lou ended up dealing with her ex-boyfriend to smuggle in precious deli meats. Unfortunately, Chuck happened to catch them in the act, putting an end to her devious plan to take over the world with delicious sandwiches. At least she didn't turn out to be a terrorist or another undercover spy. I really wish I could taste one of those sandwiches; that meat looked incredible. I think at this point though they need to get Chuck just one normal girl. So far Lou has been the least of his problems (and she had a criminal of an ex-boyfriend lurking around) and clearly Sarah isn't all that normal or easy to handle. This guy deserves to have someone normal in his life; hopefully Sarah will realize she has the chance to be that person. I'm going to miss Lou being around; it could be cool to have her come back somewhere down the road. These two are great together and if he can never have anything with Sarah then he should at least get the chance to be with Lou. Even their moment in the deli when he apologized to her and she forgave him was amazing. Definitely one of the best moments so far and the comedic aspects were some of the best yet.

As for Sarah, I think she definitely realizes how she feels about him, at least to some degree. That kiss didn't come out of nowhere and she's definitely been jealous about Chuck and Lou the last couple of episodes. The bigger problem now is that Bryce is apparently still alive; which I'll put to the side for a minute because my rant may go on for a bit. Obviously things are not going to progress for the two of them as long as Bryce is around, if ever. It's unfortunate because the two of them make for a great couple and even better viewing. They're always funny together and as the sexual tension grew so did the funny in their relationship. I hope they get a chance down the road (as I'm sure the will), it's just a matter of when and how long down the road.
Now to Bryce; what in the world were the writer's thinking when they stormed up this doozy? This is one of the worst plot ideas so far this season and possibly over the last few seasons. This was the dumbest and most ridiculous idea ever. I don't care how they end up explaining it, it is never going to be alright with me that they did this. The only reason I'll keep watching this show and not storming off in protest, is because I'll keep my hope going that he'll be gone soon and we'll have things back to normal. There is absolutely nothing interesting or intriguing about Bryce coming back. The only thing we cared about was whether he really set Chuck up or not and we already know the deal with that. This was a stupid idea and hopefully it won't be around long enough to ruin the show.

With my rant and the ridiculousness of the final plot aside, this was a decent episode. Not the best but certainly up there with the better episodes of the show so far. Keep it up "Chuck" and hopefully we'll see Bryce gone soon. Until next week, enjoy the review!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Hills: With This Ring


As the title of the episode suggests we had a lot of Speidi drama this week. Also, as you can imagine it's Spencer who causes most of the problems. We knew this kid had no sense the first time we met him but I at least gave him credit for knowing to stay out of the way in the wedding planning when he proposed to Heidi. No matter who the woman, you do not mess with the wedding. Like always, Spencer proved he's as dumb as he looks and of course for the last couple months he's been doing everything he can to screw up his pending nuptuals.

Tonight, he really took his efforts to a whole new level however. To start he couldn't possibly have made it any clearer that he does not want anything to do with the plans Heidi is making for the wedding. At the same time, how could she be so surprised? He's been apathetic at best about everything to do with getting married. So when she took him to the church and on top of suggesting an expensive wedding there she informed him that the church requires marriage counselling before the wedding, it shouldn't have been much of a surprise when he had a look of utter terror and disappointment on his face. And seriously, does she think marriage counselling will do any good? Do any of us? Please, you can counsel the devil to be a saint.

Then, Spencer decides that if he can't convince her to change the plans with his amazing ability to convey what he's thinking (sarcastic...yes I am being that), he will pack her bags, light some candles, and this will convince her to run off with him to Vegas to elope. Not only that but he already put the deposit down on what I'm sure is a gorgeous honeymoon sweet. And yes, I'm being sarcastic again. How in the world did he think that would be a good idea? Heidi was almost as stunned at the gesture as I was. I just sat there shaking my head. This kid just seems to surpass his ridiculousness every single week; it's simply unbelievable that he's been able to do it so consistently. Thankfully Heidi grew some sense for once and called him out on it. I'm just shocked that she hadn't handed him back the ring before. I think she forgave him too quickly given all he's put her through but I have a feeling she might not be completely past it all just yet. She needs to realize that he just does not want to get married; plain and simple. Even if he's willing to elope, look at the fact that he doesn't want anyone to see them married or even his family to know or be there. That should be saying a lot to her but clearly she's doing whatever she can to ignore that. This is just a disaster of a relationship and I just hope they don't procreate.

Leaving Speidi aside, tonight Whitney got her game on! We haven't really seen her go after the guys too much so it was good to see her mackin' it with her trainer. Apparently the girls only go to this gym to get dates with their trainers. Personally I think this guy is a bit plain and boring but if Whitney likes him then more power to her. He does need to stop saying "Cheers" when they go out; that was getting a bit old after the first 8 times he said it. I was glad to see her getting out there and it was even funnier watching Lauren and Audrina cracking up while watching her play pool with him.

Things seem to be getting pretty interesting over there in The Hills. Enjoy every minute of it as the third and final season comes to a close soon. Until next week, enjoy the review!

How I Met Your Mother: Slapsgiving


This was a classic HIMYM episode and one of the best they've ever showcased. I was not one of the people enamored with the slapbet countdown clock. I thought it took away from the anticipation of the moment to give us a time when it was next going to occur. The last time Marshall used one of his slaps it came totally at random and was one of the funniest moments of last year. In the end though, the countdown actually worked out relatively well and the comedy of the moment was not lost; in fact it was damn funny!
The slapbet is one of the best comedic story lines on any show today and I doubt it will be surpassed for quite a while longer. Even better was the creation of "Slapsgiving." This is the greatest holiday ever, second only to "Chrismukkah." It was nice to see Lilly resume her role as Slapbet Commissioner. She takes the role so seriously (as is required) that I can't stop laughing while she ponders her rulings, although the postponement of the slapbet for the remainder of Thanksgiving was very much telegraphed and predictable. Although I was a bit annoyed at the postponement and the obvious attempt at building more suspense, it turned out alright so I can't be too upset. The saving grace for Slapsgiving was Marshall's surprising Slapsgiving song to commemorate the occasion. I swear I was laughing so hard that I started to cry during the song. The constant "oh oh oh's" from Barney, the lighters waving in the air, Robin's really old date waving a cell phone with the light on, and Marshall's wonderfully funny piano playing/song singing, are things I'm not likely to forget for a very long time.

A great side note to the whole Slapsgiving event was the buildup. Barney was so afraid of Marshall that I almost started to feel bad for him. Seriously, Marshall can be VERY creepy when he wants to be. When he starts talking in that low, deep voice and his eyes radiate evil, I really started to get creeped out myself so I'm sure Barney would be. Usually he's so put together though that you couldn't picture him like this. Definitely a nice change of pace and a new side of Barney that we got to see.
As for Robin and Ted, tonight was great! I love these two together and although I know they don't end up getting married I miss them. They really do have great chemistry together as actors and bring out the best in each other. I'm glad we finally started to see the awkwardness between them post-breakup that we weren't seeing before this. It's never easy going through a breakup but to have to hang out with your ex everyday is unimaginably hard. It was just a matter of time until they let loose and slept together again. They didn't breakup because they fought or didn't love each other anymore, so you had to know this was coming given the intensity of their feelings for each other. I personally love the fact that they slept together again. I'm hoping we get some more of them before the writer's decide to introduce someone new for Ted.

Speaking of awkward ex-situations, when Robin and Ted were alone making pies he threw out one of the best and most awkward comments of the night and the season: "Remember last Thanksgiving when we slept together 7 times?" So funny! By the way, while I'm mentioning the pie making, it was so wrong for Robin to have Ted making a pie for Bob. They might be friends but that's really a knife to gut.

I should mention something about the inside couple jokes. It is so true that couples have inside jokes that no one else ever gets but them. This joke I totally got but I definitely wouldn't have thought it was as funny as they did. Very good idea to come up with this joke; extremely insightful of them to notice how people tend to put military titles in front of innocuous statements.

Briefly, why in the world does Canada have Thanksgiving? I never knew the reason they celebrated it but that's the oddest reason to have a holiday than I've ever heard of.

Hopefully next week Robin won't be dating anymore really, really old guys. Truthfully he wasn't that old but watching an actual old guy make out with Robin (even if it was a figment of Ted's imagination) was disturbing. I could definitely do without that from now on. Anyways, I hope the greatness continues, as I have no doubt it will, so until next week, enjoy the review!