Seth Green!!! This was totally unexpected and surprisingly excellent. I much prefer having unknown actors as guest stars on this show because I'm able to look at them as patients much easier than known actors to whom I've already attributed certain characteristics. With the exception of "ER," most shows, including "Grey's," have never been able to use well known actors as patients very well . Tonight was the exception however. Seth Green was fantastic and even more amazing was the cliff hanger the show left us with. Throughout the entire episode we all seemed to get pretty used to Lexie and Seth's character hanging out and dishing on odd gossip. I'm not sure about you but while I thought his artery might burst in the beginning I sort of forgot about it by the end of the night. So when his artery burst all over Lexie instantly I was shocked and left with my mouth hanging wide open when the screen went to black. I hate when we're left with cliff hanger moments like that but at the same time it's what makes a show great.
Whether he survives or not you can never really know on this show but I doubt he has much of shot; from the very little I know I think it's only a matter of seconds before you bleed out and die if you cut that artery. Personally I'd like to see him stick around a bit longer. He had great chemistry with Lexie and for the first time in a while she seemed like she was genuinely happy talking with someone.
Speaking of Lexie, I just had a feeling that Eva would show up again once Alex started getting close (or as close as he gets to anyone) with Lexie. She left without resolving anything with him and you just knew this was going to bite him in the butt one day. I love the fact that he has this problem now because he's really not a great guy so he deserves some calling out. He totally belongs with Eva by the way. There's no reason he should choose Lexie because he's really only known her for a short amount of time whereas he has this unbelievable connection with Eva that he won't find anywhere else. And honestly, does Lexie think they had a relationship? Obviously she did because she was clearly hurt when she realized they were both there for Alex, but she knew what he was about when they started this! He told her flat out which is more than most women could say for the guys they date. Anyway, this is certainly going to blow up in his face next week and I can't wait until he gets a bit of his own medicine.
As for some of the other stuff going on at the hospital, a Nazi paramedic/patient is definitely not what I would have thought would come out of this episode. Bailey is much stronger than I am because I would have walked away, not caring whether he lived or died. To meet someone up close who has that much hate for so many people and believes in it so violently, would really hit me hard and I doubt I could look him in the face let alone operate on him. That guy was a horrible person and it's both a blessing and curse that we believe in treating everyone the same regardless of their beliefs.
And what would a review about "Grey's" be without some info on the Meredith-Derek relationship drama. Derek seems to be getting closer every week to Rose, the nurse he finally realized was around a few weeks ago when she spoke up during a surgery. I think he's attracted to her forwardness and her strong personality. In my opinion he really needs to move on from Meredith and this would be the perfect opportunity. She's still very much messed up and although she's made some strides she still isn't ready for the kind of commitment Derek is looking for and deserves.
But the truth is Meredith has been making some great progress. Last year I don't think she could have held it together in a situation like the one with the paramedics in the flipped over
ambulance. I was impressed at how strong she was despite her emotions. The truth is that a situation like that should hit you hard and require you to summon all your strength to deal with it; if it didn't I think that would be the bigger problem. She's really becoming an excellent doctor although I think Derek will have moved on to a relationship with Rose by the time Meredith is ready to be there for him.
The paramedic storyline is unbelievable and vintage "Grey's." I couldn't possibly imagine being in Sarah's shoes and talking to your husband (or wife) knowing they were going to die as soon as they were moved. This was an amazing episode and part 2 is sure to be just as good if not better! Until December, enjoy the review!