"Chuck" so far in it's inaugural season has had some good and some very bad episodes. Tonight was not one of the bad ones. It was packed with action (the ridiculous and humorous kind that we could only get from "Chuck"), drama, emotion, and a brand new, shiny guest star in one of my favorite actresses Rachel Bilson. Clearly, her appearance in this episode is not a coincidence - Josh Schwartz was the creator/writer of "The O.C." too. Nevertheless, I will ignore this bit of friendship nepotism and revel in the fact that I love these two teaming up together again and I love Rachel Bilson being on a fun show once again. For how long, I'm not quite sure yet especially with the writer's strike in full swing but I do know that she is just a guest star, possibly recurring. Whether the recurring role lasts for a long while or only a few episodes I will try to find out for you but lets all enjoy the time we have with Rachel, I mean Lou (great character name by the way; the last great Lou was in Doc Hollywood; anyone else remember that?).
Speaking of Rachel Bilson, she came into Chuck's life as a nervous wreck. Her Blackberry was on the fritz and like the rest of us that are married to our electronics she freaked out when she couldn't get it working. Chuck sweet talked her into calming down and the next thing he knew they were flirting with each other. The only problem of course is the fact that Chuck is dating Sarah, or at least he has to pretend to be. So Chuck was stuck between wanting to date Lou and his obligations to the government. Well, not so much stuck since for him it was a clear choice - no matter what happens, he wants to have a life with someone else in it. Basically, this meant that that the real problem was the fact that Chuck couldn't decide between two women; Lou and Sarah.
This led to a moment we've all been waiting for when Chuck seized the opportunity to ask Sarah about her real feelings while they were both under the influence of a truth serum. Unfortunately
for Chuck, Sarah had been trained to withstand its effects and held herself together just long enough to turn him down in order to protect her job and her cover. I felt real bad for him because he finally put himself out on a very long limb. The truth is though that Sarah really does have feelings for him. You can tell all throughout the episode that she was jealous of his blossoming relationship with Lou. She comes with a lot of baggage though considering what happened with Bryce so it's understandable that she's hesitant to do anything. But I think that if she ever wants to be happy it might just be with
Chuck and if that's the case then she needs to be honest. By the way, I totally didn't buy her explanation about the lingerie she was wearing. That was totally to get him turned on and away from Lou. She did look damn good, I'll give her that; I don't know how he would have been able to sleep next to her in that. Fake breaking up with Sarah was probably the best thing for Chuck to do whether things work out with Lou or not. I felt bad for Sarah but Chuck needs to be happy and if she's not going to step up then he needs to find it somewhere else. For the time being, he and Lou look great together but with this show I'm sure that won't last for too long.
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