Shauvon left!!! What is this girl thinking? Great, she's in love. But what really is the point in being in love with this guy David? I've said it so many times before and I'll mention it again one last time tonight, you can't be with someone who doesn't let you live your dreams and your life. David refuses to let her experience life and pursue her passions. True, the real world house isn't the ideal place to be when you're in a relationship but the fact is that he isn't just upset about her choice to be in Sydney. She mentioned numerous times that he doesn't want her to work (which is something she wants to do) and many other specific things she mentioned over the last few episodes. He's controlling, insecure, and unwilling to allow her to live her life. Does this sound like someone you want to be with? Sadly, Shauvon left decided it was and she left Sydney to go home and marry David.
Meanwhile, the rest of the roommates left for a one week work vacation. Contiki sent them to the Cairns in order to go on one of their vacations. This was supposed to give them a perspective on the reality of the vacation packages and what they should look like. They all seemed to enjoy the trip and the Great Barrier Reef was really cool. Parisa is up to her old tricks again this time messing with Kelly Anne. Parisa is well known now as someone who will always go for a guy that happens to be involved (at whatever level) with one of the other female roommates. As Kelly Anne spent a night out dancing with a bartender (I'll talk about her situation with Cohutta in a second), Parisa immediately cut in to dance with him the second Kelly Anne walked away. Parisa is real sketchy and definitely not cool. She needs to chill out, mind her own business, and get her own life.
Now, for my favorite part of the episode, the Kelly Anne and Cohutta relationship. FINALLY we get some of the goods one what's been going on. Apparently, they've been hooking up and sleeping together for weeks now despite us not seeing anything about it. Kelly Anne though decided to speak with her ex-boyfriend Sutton on the phone and also to read some letters he wrote. This didn't go over well with Isaac and Dunbar who tried to convince Cohutta he should cut everything off before it gets messy. Cohutta refused and I think if he can control himself then it might be alright. Unlike some other people in this house, Kelly Anne never played any games. She didn't tell Cohutta there was a future for them when there wasn't or that he should expect anything in particular. They just started hooking up and never even said if they liked each other. Cohutta knows the deal though, he knows that Kelly Anne isn't the most stable relationship girl and he's taking it all very easy. Although he appears to be getting attached at least he's not deceiving himself about the reality of the situation.
After Kelly Anne spent some time flirting with guys on their trip she came home and realized that she never really should have spoken to Sutton because he did treat her very badly in the past. She fully admitted that she didn't want to get back with him and that she truly does like Cohutta. I think that although she thinks that if she likes him then after a week she won't, this isn't really the case. They've been hooking up for a while and still likes him, which is why I think it appears that at the end of the episode she finally decided to go for it full on. She told Cohutta she liked him and he did the same. This could be a very big thing as the episodes roll on. I think these two are the coolest people in the house and it would be great to see them happy together.
Next week we meet the new roommate and it seems she's not going to be all that nice. I can't wait to see her bring the drama and I would love for her to put Parisa in her place. Until next week, enjoy the review!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
House: Mirror, Mirror
Tonight brought us another extremely interesting patient. A man, who was introduced to us during a mugging, began wheezing uncontrollably and landed in Dr. House's service with an unknown condition. The interesting aspect of his condition was that he took on the thoughts and emotional characteristics of the people around him. For instance, while any of the doctors were in the room he would start speaking from their point of view, making comments that that person was thinking at the moment. According to House, this is called Mirror Syndrome and he was able to read people so well that it was essentially a form of mind reading; although based off appearance, movement, eye contact, etc.
As you could imagine, a patient like this could reek havoc upon the doctor's in this hospital and he absolutely did just that. He called each of the doctors out on their inner most feelings including the hilarious moment when the patient (channelling House) told Thirteen (Olivia Wilde) that she was hot! Too funny and I knew House was attracted to her, it was so obvious over the last few episodes. This could really be interesting later on as she gets to House more. Will he actually hook up with someone on his team?
Basically, tonight was a funnier episode than usual from the team over at "House." The fact that the mirror patient literally mirrored every doctor, it brought a lot of serious but also hilarious issues to the surface. Whether they actually play a part in who House decides to hire for his team is unknown but I have to believe House knows most of these things already. He always has that insight into people that most of us don't and I'm sure he knows things such as one of the interns desire to go back to third world and help, that one of them hates what he's doing at the hospital, etc. In the end, House always knows who will be good and who will hurt the team.
Finally, all three original team members are back at the hospital. Earlier Cameron and Chase came back, albeit in different positions. This week Foreman came back except he was hired by Cuddy as House's boss! Well, sort of. House never really has any bosses because he doesn't listen to anyone. But Foreman's job is to watch over House and keep him in line while at the same time helping with the patients. The back and forth between Foreman and House was sorely missed throughout the beginning of the season and reminds us just how good the first three seasons were. Foreman discovered tonight that although he's been fighting House and the effect he's had on his life over the past few years, it turns out that he really loves working with him. It doesn't actually torture him to be there; the opposite is actually true - he loves the fight and he loves the challenge. Cameron had a big hand in this little bit of self discovery and it was great seeing them interact again. It's almost as if the old team is back. I do feel bad for Foreman though; even if he wanted to leave he can't anymore. Everyone in the medical community believes that he's been corrupted by House and this left him with no other option than to work at the hospital again. It just sucks that after everything that's happened, he can't even move on to somewhere else because of a stigma that's not even his fault. Not that I mind all that much because selfishly it's great having him back.
One a side note, I loved that House and Chase were secretly working together to rig the betting pool on who would be the next to be fired. House decided not to fire anyone on the team which means that Chase won every single bet that was made. And, House got a 50% cut! Too funny.
Great episode and it's awesome having everyone back. November Sweeps should be excellent and hopefully the writer's strike will be resolved before we start losing our favorite shows in December and January. Until next week, enjoy the review and cross your fingers for a resolution!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Chuck: Chuck Versus The Sandworm
Surprisingly, I liked this episode despite its lackluster premise. The premise of tonight's episode found Chuck in the midst of Halloween. Unfortunately, he also discovered the presence of a rogue CIA technician who appeared to be extremely dangerous. All of Chuck's plans with Morgan and his sister got sidetracked as he pursued the technician. At first he appeared to be misunderstood as he explained he was taken at a young age by the CIA and lost his freedom to the wishes of the Agency. However, as Chuck later learned, he was seriously unstable and even attempted to blow up the Santa Monica pier as some sort of revenge for the how the CIA treated him. So, as I said the premise was basically lackluster.
Yet, I liked the episode. I believe it was the development of the Chuck-Sarah relationship and the Chuck-Morgan relationship. Chuck called Sarah out on her deceptive actions after he found out both she and Casey had each separately bugged his apartment. This really seemed to strike a nerve in Sarah and she started to realize that she cared about Chuck as more than just the person she was ordered to protect. I'm not saying she's fallen in love with him or anything but she certainly cares for him. As we learned about a spy, they never let any part of themselves come out or it may compromise their cover. Sarah, though, appears to be letting some things out and I don't think she's even realizing it. For instance, tonight she felt bad about bugging his apartment by placing a doctored photo of them from ComicCon in his bedroom. So she came over dressed up in the same outfit from the photo and took an actual picture of them for Chuck. Clearly, she was showing that she cares for him and I think as time goes on she's not going to be able to hide her feelings for him. I can't wait to see how and when she admits her feelings because the two of them are great together.
On a side note, I loved the awkwardness of the opening scene when Chuck asked her to hang out in his room because everyone thought he was getting lucky at the moment. The two of them were so thinking about them doing it and I loved the tension.
As for Chuck and Morgan we really saw how close they are. Morgan didn't have to but he stepped up for Chuck and gave a powerful speech when Chuck missed his interview to be Assistant Manager. Well, alright, not powerful but he meant well. I really enjoyed seeing Morgan all grown up and his scenes with Captain Awesome were hilarious. I guess it is true that there's a day that comes for every man when he finally becomes "a tucker." Chuck as "a tucker" was great and to be honest, I enjoyed his character a lot more when he wasn't so ridiculously outrageous but a bit more mature. He's definitely more tolerable when he's not so ridiculous.Everything seems to be going steady for "Chuck." The ratings aren't where we'd hope they would be but it seems "Chuck" could get a shot at a full season. The talk in many sites is that it has a better chance than "Journeyman." I guess we'll see after November Sweeps. Until next week, enjoy the review!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Heroes: The Line
Last night's episode was a bit interesting. The usual format of "Heroes" is a whole bunch of interchanging storylines involving just about all the characters. However, tonight the main storylines only involved a handful of them. Even then, we needed learn all that much about most. Essentially, we made progress with Claire, Noah, and Hiro. As for Suresh, Monica, Nikki, Alejandro, Silar, Maya, Ando, and Peter we made very little progress and everyone else wasn't even present in the episode.
So lets start with Claire and Noah. These are the two characters I would say we made the most progress with tonight. Claire found herself caught between a rock and hard place when she couldn't get onto the cheer leading squad. The head cheerleader didn't like her very much, so despite her excellent try out she was refused a spot on the squad. The problem is that Claire told her dad that she would be trying out for cheer leading which was really a cover-up to spend time with West. Without cheer leading she would have no excuse to get out of the house to see him. So, what did she come up with? West and Claire decided it would be a good idea to stage a horror show for Debbie and scare her way onto the squad. West, dressed in a black outfit and ski mask, then flew into the picture, grabbed Claire and dropped her from 100 feet in the air, splattering her body all over the pavement in from of Debbie. When Debbie called the police obviously her story was absurd and the entire squad thought she was nuts. Then when she was caught with the liquor she was drinking she was suspended from the squad and the rest of the team voted Claire on. So all-in-all things worked out well for Claire; she's a cheerleader again and she gets to hook up with West anytime she wants.
As for her father, Noah, he was up to his own games. He went half way around the world with the Haitian to visit his mentor, Ivan. Long ago Ivan recruited Noah into The Company and taught him everything he now knows. Noah needed to find the paintings and knowing Ivan as well as he does, he figured this was the best way to find out their location. Noah and the Haitian spent the day torturing him in a sense (the Haitian would remove his most treasured memories one by one until he gave in) and eventually discovered the location of the paintings. Unfortunately, we were shown the paintings but have no idea what they mean yet. I'm sure this is going to be the storyline that develops throughout the season. On a side note, I was actually surprised at Noah. I know he's capable of bad things but I really didn't think he would shoot Ivan straight out. It seems that Noah is going to have a much bigger role to play this year. I'm not quite sure what that's going to be yet but it probably has something to do with Adam.Who is Adam you may be asking? Good question; I wish I had an answer. All we know so far is that he seems to be a good guy. That's pretty much it. He did try to contact Peter and warn him about what's going on so it seems we know what side he is on. Who he is and what his power might be, if any, is the big mystery. Obviously Peter is going to have a big part in us fining out who Adam is but for now we'll just have to wait and see how everything unfolds.
Meanwhile, Dr. Suresh had his hands full over at The Company. He spent the episode studying Monica but when Bob ordered him to test a live vaccine on her things got a bit sticky. He didn't want to risk her life and possibly many others this way and destroyed the labs store of vaccine's. I honestly thought he was going to be killed when he did this but apparently Bob has other plans. He apologized to Suresh and set Monica up at home with all the tools she'll need to sharpen her power. I have to believe Bob has plans for Monica other than altruistic. The Company is NEVER out to do good and they always have a hidden agenda. Given her abilities they could be some very big plans. We haven't had much insight into what these plans are but it seems we may be getting close.
Niki was an interesting twist. Apparently, she's working for the company now and is supposed to help out Suresh. The only problem is that she doesn't seem quite herself. The last time we saw her she was there to have her alter-ego removed so she could go back to her normal life as Niki. From what I could tell, it seems Niki may be the personality that was removed. This just can't be good for anyone if that's the case.
Now for Hiro. I could talk about him but to be honest I'm bored just thinking about it. The writers need to get him out of Feudal Japan right now! It was the best storyline to begin with and now we've had to watch him there all season. This is getting ridiculous and VERY boring. The biggest implication in all this is that Hiro is changing history. He weakly fell for the princess and is changing the past. There is no excuse for what he's done and although I have no idea how this will impact later events, there will likely be massive implications. Hopefully, we'll get on with the implications and leave Feudal Japan where it belongs; in the past.
Maja, Alejandro and Silar were also involved in tonights episode. The same storyline that we've been watching all season took place tonight again. The three of them were heading for the U.S. border and again Silar was being sneaky around Alejandro while predictably plotting his future to steal Maya's power. Basically a boring storyline and annoyingly similar to every week before it. Finally they're in the U.S. so hopefully things will start to pick up next week.
I have to say that the show has definitely declined in quality this year. It seems that many of you agree with me because the show is averaging 3 million less viewers than the same time last year. The writers need to get back on track soon. While I think this show is safe for the time being, NBC doesn't like to put up with failing shows for very long. A prolonged depression in quality and ratings could spell the end for "Heroes." Maybe things will turn around during November Sweeps. Until next week, enjoy the review!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Journeyman: Keepers
This week's episode was pretty weak in my opinion. Usually we see a lot of mystery, turmoil, action, and excitement in the show but this week many of these seemed to be lacking. Despite having bomb plots, explosions, and conflict among Dan and his brother, the episode just didn't do it for me. I'm usually psyched for the next week except this time I was just glad the hour was over.
Dan spent the episode trying to stop a young man, Stephen, from blowing up buildings. He was a genius child and grew up with many problems including an abusive father. This changed him and he lost control of his emotions which resulted in his belief that he had to blow up buildings and people in order to feel better. Dan met this young man and his older brother when they were just kids and followed them through to when they were adults in order to prevent these tragedies. As usual, he was successful and changed Stephen's life for the better. The problem though is that this wasn't all that interesting. Not that it was completely boring; I just didn't find myself as enthralled with the time travel story as I usually am.
Although I will admit that the best part of the night came just after Dan averted Stephen's bomb plots. Dan was leaving with Livia when he noticed his brother, Jack, and his wife (or soon to be at that point) Katie, walking down the street together. He followed them back to his apartment and listened to their conversation in the lobby. Dan had asked Katie to marry him back then because she got pregnant. The sad part for Dan is, that he didn't know Katie wasn't sure if she loved him. I couldn't imagine finding that out from someone you love at any point, let alone after years of marriage. That must of killed Dan and he even asked Katie if she would have done it all again when he got home. Honestly, I wasn't all that convinced by her answer "of course" when he asked her. She seemed a bit hesitant and appeared to think about the question entirely too much afterwards. These two may have some pretty big bumps down the road and I think one of them may be Katie's lingering feelings for Jack.
It was nice to see Jack and Dan work things out by the end of this episode. It was certainly helped by the conversation Jack had with Katie back in 2000 that Dan overheard. Apparently, even though Dan asked Katie to marry him, Jack still protected him and made Katie feel better about him and their pending marriage. This helped smooth things over back at home and the two of them appear to be on their way to reconciliation. I think this would be a good thing for Dan; with everything that's happening he could use support from his brother.
I REALLY want to get interested in the whole, why is the time traveling thing happening question, and I was for a while, but the writers are just killing me. They're making the journey to the truth so damn boring! If they want us to be hooked they need to surprise us! More than that, they need to make it interesting. I'm not going to be hooked on the quest just because they happen to drop hints about how it might be happening. I need something to be pulling for; I need a reason to want to know the answers now, rather than later. The problem here is that all we keep getting are hints that maybe someone might know something. We need a little more to go on here and I hope the writers pick up on this before NBC decides to give the show the axe. I'd hate to see so much potential go to waste.
So, all around not the best episode but hey, it's just before November Sweeps so maybe we can chalk this up to the writers needing a filler episode before the craziness of November. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the review and I'll see you next week.
Monday, October 29, 2007
The Hills: Stress and The City
Just a side note to start, are they really having a fashion party in a church? Isn't that, oh I don't know, just slightly sacrilegious? I can't imagine the Church foresaw photobooths in the confessionals when the Church was built. This is the most absurd thing I've ever heard of and I can't believe it went over so well with the top brass at Teen Vogue. At least it worked out for Whitney, she deserved some props for working so hard.
Speaking of Whitney, how could she go all the way to New York for a meeting with the EDITOR IN CHIEF of Teen Vogue and not practice her presentation. It's all well and good to put the thing together but if you don't practice it and work out any kinks it's not going to go well. Personally, I didn't think the presentation went well but apparently those over at Teen Vogue New York thought differently. Whitney got props for doing a good job and seems to be moving along well with her new position in the company.
While Whitney was impressing the people at Teen Vogue, Lauren was sent downtown to visit Marc Jacobs studio and help prepare their photoshoot. I actually thought it was odd that they would surprise Lauren with the opportunity to go over there and then put her to work. I think she was a bit shocked at that too but in the end it worked out because she made a good impression and even got to meet Marc Jacobs. These ladies get amazing job opportunities being on this show and they're very lucky. Not that I'm looking for a job in fashion but I wish I could get those kinds of opportunities in my field.
There wasn't all that much else that took place tonight. Brody got a phone call from Spencer after he ran in to Frankie outside Bolthouse. Frankie laid it out there for Spencer and basically just told him that if he wants to be friends with Brody he needs to chill out and just let Brody be friends with whoever he chooses. Maybe Spencer was willing to do that at the end of the episode but we may never know since Brody has no desire to call him back. Lauren really showed what kind of person she really is in all this. Whereas others (Spencer and Heidi) took opportunities like this to bad mouth Lauren, she came right out and told Brody that she doesn't want to effect his friendship with Spencer and he should do whatever makes him happy. She's really a good person and it shows just how petty Speidi really is.
It seems that Brody and Lauren are beginning to get pretty close. That was a nice little setup with the candles and the movie at Lauren's apartment. I think she may be wanting a bit of the Brody. Maybe next week we'll see if that's the case or if they're just really close friends. Until next week, enjoy the review!
The Big Bang Theory: The Middle Earth Paradigm
Here's a few great lines from the episode:
By the way, congrats Koothrapalli. I never would have guessed he'd end up in bed with someone, especially since he still can't say a word to women.
Excellent Halloween episode! This was probably the best Halloween themed episode I've seen so far. I honestly didn't think it was going to be this funny but, as usual with this show, I was pleasantly surprised. As the title suggests, Middle Earth played a role in last night's show and for those of you who don't know what that is, it's a reference to the country in which the Lord of the Rings books/movies took place. Penny invited all the guys to her Halloween party and Leonard attended as Frodo Baggins, the ring bearer from The Lord of the Rings. And, if you saw tonight's episode, you know that Leonard was a very important part of the storyline.
There were some interesting moments as the guys prepared for their first cool person's Halloween party. Each of them originally showed up at Leonard and Sheldon's apartment dressed as the flash. Watching four nerds argue over who could go to the party as the Flash was hilarious. Even funnier were the events at the party later that night. The naivete of the group is probably the best part of the show and Sheldon's dry humor really rounds out the comedy.
At the party, Penny's ex-boyfriend showed up once again and Leonard got more than a little bit jealous. If you don't remember, Penny's ex-boyfriend stole Leonard and Sheldon's pants when the first time they met him. Well tonight wasn't all that much better. Leonard basically picked a fight with the monster and ended up being embarrassed at the party. Before you feel bad for him though, Leonard certainly ended up with the last laugh. Penny, as drunk as she was, felt terrible about what happened and went over to see Leonard during the party. She apologized and eventually gave a pretty long and intense kiss. Leonard though stopped it because he knew she was very drunk. I don't know if this was the best move but when she left she kissed him again in the hallway right in front of her ex-boyfriend. Hence the title to the episode.
Leonard made some big steps with Penny tonight but I don't think they're ready for each other just yet. Plus, I don't know how much she'll remember after this episode given how much she had to drink. Even so, it was great for Leonard and at least we know he has a shot. Sometime before the end of the season I foresee a confrontation about their feelings and maybe some good news for Leonard.Here's a few great lines from the episode:
- Leonard is discussing how to socialize with the people at Penny's party and says that what you do is walk up to the group and say: "How wasted am I?" and then the group will say: "Duuude..."
- When Leonard was standing up to Penny's ex-boyfriend, Sheldon suggests the following: "Why don't you text him that & see if he backs down."
- Leonard says Penny's ex can't even spell the word confrontation and so Penny's ex tries to spell it out: "C - O - N....frontation"
- When Penny's ex sees her kiss Leonard in the hallway, Leonard responds with: "That's how we roll in the Shire."
- Penny said to Leonard: "Why can't all guys be like you?" and Leonard responds: "If everyone were like me the human race wouldn't be able to survive." Lastly, a quick word on everyone's costumes. Sheldon -- the doppler effect, really? Only he could go as the doppler effect and think everyone else is crazy. Walowitz -- Robinhood, wait Peter Pan. It was hilarious that everyone thought he was Peter Pan when he really intended to be Robinhood. Maybe if he lost the green tights and wore more rugid clothes it would have worked. Koothrapalli --Thor; this would have been a good costume if the long blonde hair didn't look so ridiculous.
Great episode tonight. Hopefully the guys will stay away from paintballing for a while, they don't see to really have the hang of it just yet. When you lose to "Kyle Berstein's Bar-Mitzvah Party" I think it's time to hang up your paintball guns. In the meantime, lets keep our fingers crossed for Leonard and hope that he eventually gets everything he wants. Until next week, enjoy the review.
By the way, congrats Koothrapalli. I never would have guessed he'd end up in bed with someone, especially since he still can't say a word to women.
How I Met Your Mother: I'm Not That Guy
Great all around episode tonight. It wasn't the funniest, it wasn't the craziest, but it was a great all around start-to-finish episode. I laughed throughout and thoroughly enjoyed the ridiculousness of there being a porn star named Ted Mosby. This is the strength of "How I Met Your Mother," when there's nothing huge going on, the writer's throw out some crazy plot with flashforwards and flashbacks and results in hilarity that you totally didn't expect. Tonight's a perfect example of that; nothing really major occurred but we had Ted track down a famous up and coming porn star using his name and Marshall deciding between working for the NRDC (his dream job where he could save the environment) and a large New York City law firm that represents everything he hates. And yet, I was laughing the entire episode. This is why HIMYM is so great and why you should be watching if you haven't been.
As I said above, Ted had a little adventure tonight. Barney found a porn video starring none other than "Ted Mosby." Unfortunately, it wasn't actually Ted, which would have been hilarious, but instead it turned out to be a friend of Ted's from way back in school. Ted had saved him from some bullies one day and he decided to honor him by making Ted's name famous one day. Seems he thought the best way to do this would be to use "Ted Mosby" as the name of his porn star alter ego. The porn convention was too funny and I thoroughly enjoyed watching Ted try to save his good name. And I don't know about you but I thought the porn puns about Ted were hilarious!
Marshall, meanwhile, was torn between his dream job with the NRDC saving the environment or taking a boat load of money to work for a mega-law firm. Little did he know that Lilly was quietly pushing him into the law firm job because she has an overly outrageous credit card/shopping addiction. Honestly, how could you possibly take out 100 credit cards and use them all?! That's insanity! It was definitely honorable for her tell Marshall to stick with his dream job despite the debt she racked up. In the end, it turned out to be alright for everyone because Marshall accepted the job with the law firm. The last offer was just too much for him to turn down - his only client would be "Tuckabee Funland" a place Marshall described as "the dream factory where magic is made." This is the old Marshall that was missing at the beginning of the season and I'm glad to see him back.
I wanted to point out a couple things that were great tonight: When Marshall left the law partner's house after the night out and he said "I'll call you tonight" the raggedy woman on the street says to Marshall "he's not going to call you." Also, Marshall decided to take the invitation to dinner with the partner because he was told the lobster was fed with Kobe beef at this restaurant. But the best line of the night, "You can really taste that he beef in lobster." Very subtle joke but extremely effective.
Lastly, Lilly needs to stop texted Marshall on the can. That's just disturbing. Until next week, enjoy the review! And I'll have some nice screen shots up once CBS posts tonight's episode on their site.
Brothers & Sisters: Domestic Issues
Honestly, I didn't think Kitty would be pregnant this fast. After everything this family has been through in the past year or so and the fact that she's still not over her commitment issues (case in point, her prenup freak out last week), I was surprised to find that the writers did in fact decide to impregnate Kitty. I'm really not sure how I feel about this. I can't see a scenario where this could be good for their relationship let alone for the show. Robert is running for President! How are they supposed to stay together when Kitty needs rest and probably won't be able to travel everywhere with him on the campaign trail? I was hoping we would get to see some more of the fun side of their relationship before things got real serious with a wedding and kids.
Not to mention, Kitty apparently doesn't know Robert as well as she thought. It turns out that his ex-wife was right last week when she said it's all about Robert, all the time. In the end he came through and supported Kitty, but I have a feeling this wasn't the last we've seen of his sharp temper. He really cut into her in the hotel when he found out she was pregnant. Maybe it was just a long day for him or maybe it was just a one-time thing; either way, it was a bit shocking and doesn't bode well for their future.
I thought it was hilarious when everyone knew Kitty was pregnant because Nora walked into the pantry to speak to her. Turns out she had done the same thing on a few previous occasions such as when she found out Kitty was a Republican. Too funny and Nora played it off hilariously.
The best performance of the night goes to Rachel Griffiths, Sarah. She was unbelievable at the end of the episode when she said goodbye to her children. It was one of the best performances from an actor so far in both seasons; it was really something incredible. Speaking of Sarah, I can't believe what level Joe has stooped to in order to make her life miserable. Let's list what he's done: 1) kissed her half sister; 2) lied about kissing her half sister; 3) asked for a divorce when Sarah forgave him and wanted to work things out; 4) left Sarah to get back together with his ex-wife! AFTER he slept with Sarah again; and 5) Now, he's asked for full custody of the kids because he believes her job, you know that little thing that supported him and the kids for the past 10 years, is preventing her from being an available parent to her children. It's terrible that he wants to punish her for supporting their family while he stayed at home and played the guitar. Whats even worse is that the judge agreed with him. It's horrible that any good parent should ever have to be punished for supporting the family. I hate that this is how our system works and last night showed how good people can be destroyed by it. Sarah is an exceptional mother and the fact that she's a CEO of a company shouldn't factor into whether she could have shared custody of her children. I would understand if she didn't care and was never there for her kids even before the divorce but that's never been the case. I hope she finds a way to be with a children down the road. I have to believe Joe is going to mess up again sometime soon.
Honestly, I didn't think Kitty would be pregnant this fast. After everything this family has been through in the past year or so and the fact that she's still not over her commitment issues (case in point, her prenup freak out last week), I was surprised to find that the writers did in fact decide to impregnate Kitty. I'm really not sure how I feel about this. I can't see a scenario where this could be good for their relationship let alone for the show. Robert is running for President! How are they supposed to stay together when Kitty needs rest and probably won't be able to travel everywhere with him on the campaign trail? I was hoping we would get to see some more of the fun side of their relationship before things got real serious with a wedding and kids.
Not to mention, Kitty apparently doesn't know Robert as well as she thought. It turns out that his ex-wife was right last week when she said it's all about Robert, all the time. In the end he came through and supported Kitty, but I have a feeling this wasn't the last we've seen of his sharp temper. He really cut into her in the hotel when he found out she was pregnant. Maybe it was just a long day for him or maybe it was just a one-time thing; either way, it was a bit shocking and doesn't bode well for their future.
I thought it was hilarious when everyone knew Kitty was pregnant because Nora walked into the pantry to speak to her. Turns out she had done the same thing on a few previous occasions such as when she found out Kitty was a Republican. Too funny and Nora played it off hilariously.
The best performance of the night goes to Rachel Griffiths, Sarah. She was unbelievable at the end of the episode when she said goodbye to her children. It was one of the best performances from an actor so far in both seasons; it was really something incredible. Speaking of Sarah, I can't believe what level Joe has stooped to in order to make her life miserable. Let's list what he's done: 1) kissed her half sister; 2) lied about kissing her half sister; 3) asked for a divorce when Sarah forgave him and wanted to work things out; 4) left Sarah to get back together with his ex-wife! AFTER he slept with Sarah again; and 5) Now, he's asked for full custody of the kids because he believes her job, you know that little thing that supported him and the kids for the past 10 years, is preventing her from being an available parent to her children. It's terrible that he wants to punish her for supporting their family while he stayed at home and played the guitar. Whats even worse is that the judge agreed with him. It's horrible that any good parent should ever have to be punished for supporting the family. I hate that this is how our system works and last night showed how good people can be destroyed by it. Sarah is an exceptional mother and the fact that she's a CEO of a company shouldn't factor into whether she could have shared custody of her children. I would understand if she didn't care and was never there for her kids even before the divorce but that's never been the case. I hope she finds a way to be with a children down the road. I have to believe Joe is going to mess up again sometime soon.
Meanwhile, it's basically status quo for everyone else. No big news to report with Kevin, Justin is continuing to sneak extra medication, Rebecca is just chilling with Justin, and Saul wasn't around much last night for there to be anything to talk about. Unfortunately, it's also status quo for Tommy who continued his affair with Lina. I know what he's thinking but this is completely wrong. Julia is treating him very unfairly; not only has she moved away but she's refused him any contact with her and his daughter. It's absurd but it doesn't excuse nor justify the affair. This is going to blow up in his face and it's going to get very ugly. I just hope someone will talk some sense into him before its too late.
This was an enjoyable installment from "Brothers & Sisters" and a good segway into November Sweeps. Things should start to get interesting over the next few weeks as we near the holiday break and I'm wondering what the huge bomb is going to be. Will it be Julia discovering the affair? A rift in the Kitty-Robert relationship? Relationship trouble for Kevin? Self-destruction from Justin? Maybe all of the above? I can't wait to find out.Sunday, October 28, 2007
Grey's Anatomy: Haunt You Every Day
Rebecca/Eva is back!!! I love this character and I think it's great the different side of Alex she brings out. Generally he's a major ass but when she's around he softens; she turns him into something resembling a normal, good human being. Their romance was short lived however, when Alex didn't return from making sure his intern, Norman, didn't die from a stroke. Understandably he wanted to make sure Norman was alright but he shouldn't keep disappointing Eva. She's the best thing that's ever happened to him and he needs to decide if he's in or out.
The one problem of course is that Eva is still married. Clearly, she isn't happy with her husband and although I don't like to promote divorce because I think too many people use it as a scape goat for fixable problems, Eva should probably get one. She went back to a husband she originally ran away from and she's still unhappy. So although she's disappointed with Alex for not coming after her last year and for not coming back last night, she really needs to make a choice herself first. If she's that unhappy a divorce should be the answer whether Alex makes the first move or not. Until she decides though, it really doesn't matter what Alex does or does not do. Personally, I hope they get together. The hard, mean side of Alex is getting old and it would be interested to see a different side while she's around.
I have to compliment Meredith for her attempts at becoming the woman that Derek deserves. She's trying to get ready for a life with him and her first step was to finally move on from her mother's death. Thus, she decided it was time to get rid of her mothers ashes from the back of her closet. Speaking of which, I loved the line from the episode, "This is even more disturbing than you bag full of mommy." In the end, Meredith washed her mothers ashes down the drain in the surgical scrub room with the help of the chief. I think that was definitely the place she would have liked to go.
Speaking of the chief, I feel terrible for what he's going through. He worked so hard to fix his marriage and then Adele leaves him again because he doesn't want to force his niece to fight cancer for a third time. I think it's unfair to ask someone to do that out of selfish desires. Hopefully next week he'll start to think of some way to get her back. He is very much in love with Adele and I think it would be great for them to finally end up happy and together.
As for George and Izzie things didn't get any better. Callie told everyone about the affair and in this hospital information like that can make life very difficult. Christina turned out to be very judgmental and is ignoring Izzie now. I agree with Izzie though, that although what she did was terrible Christina has no right to judge. She's made her mistakes and even slept with her boss when it was expressly forbidden. She can disagree with Izzie's choices but she should keep her opinions to herself. Christina should also keep as many allies as she can with Dr. Haan signing on to work at Seattle Grace! This should be very interesting and I can see Christina reverting to the old, extremely competitive doctor we once new before Burke destroyed her.
I was also impressed by the developing relationship between Bailey and George. I hated seeing Bailey so beat up about not getting home especially when she's doing great things with her time (she donated her time to help build a child ears). It's Bailey so I have no doubt she'll find a way to be there for her family and work. She always figures things out. Along those lines she put George's situation into the perfect light. While his actions were unforgivable, it always takes two to create marital problems. Obviously Callie would never have wanted this to happen but like Bailey said, George had a hard week back then with his father passing and all. The thing is that Callie knew all this and still married George. This makes it two of them as part of the problem, not just George.
As for the patients, who saws off their own foot?!?! That guy was insane but worse than that was what happened to the father and daughter. The father needed a new heart and the same day that he was in the hospital his daughter was killed by a brick that flew off an overpass. Fortunately and unfortunately, her heart would be a perfect match for him. It had to be devestating for the father to take the heart but George was right, a child would give their heart to save their parent. This one really pulled on the heartstrings and so did the young boy who was born with ear canals but no ears. His mother works in the hospital cafeteria but they don't have enough money for the surgery to build him ears. So Meredith brought him around the hospital trying to get the staff to donate their time. It was hilarious when he went trick-or-treating for new ears, great idea and it was so funny how it worked immediately on everyone. I really enjoyed this patient's storyline and it was nice to see how happy he was when he got the ears.
Favorite thing from the episode: Nurses United Against Mark Sloan. Love that he slept with so many that they formed a hate club. Too funny.
Before I end the review I have to apologize for missing last weeks review. As I said in the review of Las Vegas, I started a new job that took up a lot of time last week and I got backed up on the reviews. I don't think it will happen again and I hope you all continue to enjoy the reviews. Until next week, enjoy reading!
Rebecca/Eva is back!!! I love this character and I think it's great the different side of Alex she brings out. Generally he's a major ass but when she's around he softens; she turns him into something resembling a normal, good human being. Their romance was short lived however, when Alex didn't return from making sure his intern, Norman, didn't die from a stroke. Understandably he wanted to make sure Norman was alright but he shouldn't keep disappointing Eva. She's the best thing that's ever happened to him and he needs to decide if he's in or out.
The one problem of course is that Eva is still married. Clearly, she isn't happy with her husband and although I don't like to promote divorce because I think too many people use it as a scape goat for fixable problems, Eva should probably get one. She went back to a husband she originally ran away from and she's still unhappy. So although she's disappointed with Alex for not coming after her last year and for not coming back last night, she really needs to make a choice herself first. If she's that unhappy a divorce should be the answer whether Alex makes the first move or not. Until she decides though, it really doesn't matter what Alex does or does not do. Personally, I hope they get together. The hard, mean side of Alex is getting old and it would be interested to see a different side while she's around.
I have to compliment Meredith for her attempts at becoming the woman that Derek deserves. She's trying to get ready for a life with him and her first step was to finally move on from her mother's death. Thus, she decided it was time to get rid of her mothers ashes from the back of her closet. Speaking of which, I loved the line from the episode, "This is even more disturbing than you bag full of mommy." In the end, Meredith washed her mothers ashes down the drain in the surgical scrub room with the help of the chief. I think that was definitely the place she would have liked to go.
Speaking of the chief, I feel terrible for what he's going through. He worked so hard to fix his marriage and then Adele leaves him again because he doesn't want to force his niece to fight cancer for a third time. I think it's unfair to ask someone to do that out of selfish desires. Hopefully next week he'll start to think of some way to get her back. He is very much in love with Adele and I think it would be great for them to finally end up happy and together.
As for George and Izzie things didn't get any better. Callie told everyone about the affair and in this hospital information like that can make life very difficult. Christina turned out to be very judgmental and is ignoring Izzie now. I agree with Izzie though, that although what she did was terrible Christina has no right to judge. She's made her mistakes and even slept with her boss when it was expressly forbidden. She can disagree with Izzie's choices but she should keep her opinions to herself. Christina should also keep as many allies as she can with Dr. Haan signing on to work at Seattle Grace! This should be very interesting and I can see Christina reverting to the old, extremely competitive doctor we once new before Burke destroyed her.
I was also impressed by the developing relationship between Bailey and George. I hated seeing Bailey so beat up about not getting home especially when she's doing great things with her time (she donated her time to help build a child ears). It's Bailey so I have no doubt she'll find a way to be there for her family and work. She always figures things out. Along those lines she put George's situation into the perfect light. While his actions were unforgivable, it always takes two to create marital problems. Obviously Callie would never have wanted this to happen but like Bailey said, George had a hard week back then with his father passing and all. The thing is that Callie knew all this and still married George. This makes it two of them as part of the problem, not just George.
As for the patients, who saws off their own foot?!?! That guy was insane but worse than that was what happened to the father and daughter. The father needed a new heart and the same day that he was in the hospital his daughter was killed by a brick that flew off an overpass. Fortunately and unfortunately, her heart would be a perfect match for him. It had to be devestating for the father to take the heart but George was right, a child would give their heart to save their parent. This one really pulled on the heartstrings and so did the young boy who was born with ear canals but no ears. His mother works in the hospital cafeteria but they don't have enough money for the surgery to build him ears. So Meredith brought him around the hospital trying to get the staff to donate their time. It was hilarious when he went trick-or-treating for new ears, great idea and it was so funny how it worked immediately on everyone. I really enjoyed this patient's storyline and it was nice to see how happy he was when he got the ears.
Favorite thing from the episode: Nurses United Against Mark Sloan. Love that he slept with so many that they formed a hate club. Too funny.
Before I end the review I have to apologize for missing last weeks review. As I said in the review of Las Vegas, I started a new job that took up a lot of time last week and I got backed up on the reviews. I don't think it will happen again and I hope you all continue to enjoy the reviews. Until next week, enjoy reading!
Smallville: Action
Corny, cheesy, ridiculous, unoriginal, etc. All words that come to mind after watching the opening of this weeks "Smallville." The idea to have a superhero movie shot on Clark's farm was awful but not totally unexpected. Every once in a while the writers on this show get a little too cute and come up with plots that don't work. This was one of them. On top of the cheesiness of the whole premise, the fact that Rachel (the star of the movie) tried to hit on Clark while reading lines and then gave him a red cape as a gift was just too much and I really did not like it.
Basically, tonight centered around the movie shot on Clark's farm during which there was an attempt to kill the star of the movie Rachel Davenport. Of course Clark saved her and oddly no one asked questions, of course Rachel fell for Clark, and of course this was just boring. There was nothing even mildly entertaining about this whole story. The situations were generic (for instance Rachel using the script reading with Clark to hit on him) and the premise was absurd. Are we really supposed to believe that Superman wore a red cape because Rachel Davenport, the star of a superhero movie, once gave it to him as a gift? We get this from "Smallville" hear and there so I'm really hoping that next week we get an episode with slightly better writing.
The biggest revelation of the night though showed us what may be the true side to Lana. Apparently, her marriage to Lex was more than traumatizing, it changed her core. It appears that Lana has taken on the Luthor traits and as Lionel said, she's about to cross over a dangerous line and walk a path that it's very difficult to get off. I agree and I'm wondering whether her current personality is more a defensive measure or whether she really has changed. Is she still truly the quiet, farm girl? Or is she the ruthless ex-Luthor who will stop at nothing to get what she wants while deceiving all those around her? I'm really not sure at this point. I could see her surveilling Lex to protect herself but kidnapping Lionel? Hitting him in the face with a shovel? Lying to Clark? This is all very strange and I have to believe she really has changed.
In general I need to make the point that Clark has to be more careful. He was easily caught my the killer using his powers and he can't be that sloppy. It's fine if he wants to stop the bullet but you don't stand on the set looking at it. Go far away where you know no one will see you. Clark was lucky that this guy Grant is so infatuated with superheroes or he may have revealed Clark's secret to Lex. This was dangerously close to destroying everything by giving Lex the information about Clark; too close for comfort.
Anyway, I still love the show and I can't wait for next week. Until then, enjoy the review as usual.
The Real World Sydney: Anger Mis-Management
Hey, so Dunbar fought with Parisa for a change. Wait, that happens every week, hmmmm. Maybe Cohutta and the roomates are rigtht - there could be some sexual tension there. I mean, there has to be a reason that these two fight ever single week! It's not like they fight over anything that even matters. For instance, this week Parisa was cleaning the house, then Dunbar helped clean, and next thing we know they're yelling at the top of their lungs at each other about whether Parisa did or did not clean the house. It's ridiculous! And it's starting to get old, VERY old. These two need to either sleep together or stop talking to each other. Apparently, there's no other way for them to co-exist without freaking out on each other.
With all this excitement, you may have missed a visit from Dunbar's girlfriend, Julie. Well, probably not since they covered her visit a lot throughout the episode including the spooning and other nighttime extracurriculars that took place. These two really seem to be in love and I think she's great for Dunbar. She's his 100% opposite; whereas he is loud, obnoxious, mean, and out of control, she is very quiet, nice, put together and tolerates all his faults. I loved when she told Dunbar that he can be very mean. He refused to believe it whenever the roommates told him and I was hoping that after hearing it from her it might hit home how awful he can be towards people. Unfortunately, he still can't control himself and right after she left to go back home he attacked Parisa verbally at work. I'm convinced that Dunbar is just not a good guy and it's sad that he treats people, especially women, the way he does.Not all that much else took place since the camera's mainly followed Dunbar and his fight with Parisa and visit by Julie. Shauvon continued her conversation with her overly insecure ex-fiance' and still hasn't decided whether or not to go home. I think this entire situation is absurd. I agree with Kelly Anne that it's understandable why he would want Shauvon out of the situation she's in now with the drinking and hooking up everywhere. The problem is that this isn't just about the Real World house. He's insecure, jealous, and demands of her things that he shouldn't be demanding. He's trying to dictate her future not just her present and that's just wrong. No one should give up all their dreams for the future because someone else tells them they have to. I hope she makes the right decision and decides to stay and look for someone who will let her be herself.
I'm still hoping we'll find out more on the Cohutta-Kelly Anne front. The producers apparently want to keep this all a secret but I think they ought to let us in on some of it already. Until next week, enjoy the review!
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