Just as with my review of "Chuck" and "Journeyman" I'm not going to review every detail of the pilot episode since it hasn't aired just yet and I don't want to spoil it for those of you who intend to watch it. Not that it would really matter with "Bionic Woman."
I'm sure you know the basic premise - girl gets hurt, girls boyfriend turns out to be a government surgeon who can change real body parts with bionic parts for ridiculous sums of money, girl fights a lot. The episode tracks Jaime Sommers a normal, everyday girl who is raising her deaf, younger sister all on her own when one day she's in a horrific car accident. From there its pretty simple; without giving away anything other than the obvious, she's given bionic parts and becomes the Bionic Woman. Now up until this point I bought the premise and I was alright with it. But the show never really establishes itself after that. I kept feeling like something was missing.
I actually had high expectation going into this one. You would figure that a combination of a successful show from the 70's, stories about superior technology, and action sequences would result in a watchable show. Sorry to burst your bubble but "Bionic Woman" just plain sucked! At points I felt like the dialogue was written by 8 year old's and the acting just wasn't where it needed to be. The action sequences were decent but nothing that would bring me back each week (Although I didn't really mind watching two women beating the crap out of each other). The show just doesn't offer anything other than the typical storyline with the typical ending and the unfortunately typical bad dialogue.
If you don't expect too much going in you may like this show but I highly doubt it. Stick to "Journeyman" and you'll be much happier...