Amazing! Livia lives in the past!!! To be clear she actually lives in 1948. Apparently, she began
time travelling to the future in order to complete tasks in the same manner as Dan. Until one day when she travelled to the 80's and never went back. She has no idea why but since she was stuck in the future she began to live her life and take advantage of all the opportunities available to a woman in the 80's that wasn't available in the 40's. So, she went to law school! Too funny; you have anything in the world you want to do and you go to law school. That aside, as we all know, she ends up with Dan later on but eventually she was sent back to 1948. Why? We don't know that much yet but it's amazing to know this much now. It makes a lot of sense considering everything but it also opens up a host of new questions. For instance, how can she travel forward in time but Dan only back in time? Is this whole time travel thing only happened to them? Is there a purpose to that?
Keeping these questions in mind for the future, I love this new twist. Although I think it pretty much sets aside the idea that Dan and Livia will ever get back together one day. As she said
herself, they were doomed from the beginning and never meant to be together. The two of them tonight got to meet up on the 70's at a key party. I know a lot of crazy things happened back then but a key party?! Really? That's cheesy and kind of weird. I'd hate to be the daughter who saw her mother having sex with the complete stranger. I totally understand how she was messed up after that; wouldn't any of us be? I can barely stand the thought that my parents had sex at least the one time before I was born let alone think about either of them having sex with strangers while still married. The challenge for Dan and Livia during this episode was decent; not the best of the season but definitely not the worst. I like when there's some action and excitement to his time travelling rather than just detective work. The best line of the night took place when Dan got home and told Katie about his trip back to t he 70's:
Katie: "I love that you went to a wife swapping party and it was Nixon that turned you on." (referring to the Nixon speech denying his involvement in Watergate that was on the tv at the party)
Speaking of Katie, she and Dan seem to be doing a little better. They had a nice little love session and they also appear to be supporting each other more. She stood up for him against Jack
whereas a few weeks ago she was going to Jack for help. I think their communication about everything is getting better which is helping them get through everything. Although by the end of the episode Katie broke down. Understandably so because Livia told Dan that through her own experience the trips begin getting longer over time. It's got to be very hard having your husband disappear randomly, for unknown periods, with no control over it and no way to even speak to him.
The marital stress probably isn't being helped by the FBI which has begun to force their way into the their lives thanks to Jack. So, how were they to deal with this problem? Well, it all leads back to the money so if they don't have the money then they can't be in trouble. That's a bit of a simplification but it's really what it all boils down to. Dan ended up leaving the money in the past so I believe this will be the end of the FBI involvement for now. How can it not be right? If the money was back in the past then it never could have come into Dan's possession and then no FBI. I'm really hoping this is the case because this story line has been pretty lame so far.
As for all the time travelling questions, Dr. Langley is definitely involved in everything. Why would he keep contacting Dan if he wasn't? Plus, when Dan disappeared right behind him he had a smirk on his face that clearly showed he knows more than he's letting on. It seems we're
starting to get more and more information about him and I'm sure we'll be getting a big dose before long. I also think all the talk about Quartz Crystals as Dan travelled to the past may play a role in the answers we're looking for. They supposedly have the properties that could make time travel possible and with talk of them popping up all over I have to believe we're getting some hints here. What do you think? Anyone know some information about quartz that we don't know yet?
Anyway, this was yet another solid showing from "Journeyman." Hopefully the show will be back after the hiatus due to the writer's strike. I believe we only have two to three episodes left before they run out. I really hope the strike gets worked out soon so we don't lose our favorite shows, including this one, for too long. Until next week, enjoy the review!
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