Yet again I'm disappointed in the writers at "Smallville." I don't get how they think, I really don't. Time and again they give us formidable foes for Clark to go up against and every time these guys get beaten in one episode. Why do the writers on this show refuse to keep an enemy going for more than episode, with the obvious exception of the Luthors? It makes no sense to me. Don't get me wrong, I love this show; it's one of my favorites. But it gets me angry when I invest so much time in the show, get excited about the new characters, and then they're gone after 40 minutes.
Anyway, tonight Clark went up against Zor-El, Jor-El's nemesis and brother. As usual, Clark's emotions got the better of him and when he heard his mother's voice from Kara's crystal he put
it into the panel at the fortress which released bother his mother and Zor-El. Well, actually I shouldn't say released as much as recreated them from the DNA in the crystal. Clark seems to be letting his emotions get the best of him entirely too much. They control his actions when he should be using his brain instead. Just as it always happens, this didn't turn out quite the way Clark had hoped. In the end, he couldn't control Zor-El and he had to choose between what he wanted and what was right; either his mother stays and so does Zor-El or both of them go.
Clearly, he had to choose to destroy the crystal and say goodbye to his mother. I really couldn't feel all that bad for him since it was his brash actions that brought all this about to begin with and it almost culminated in the deaths of every person on the planet. You can't bring back the dead and he needs to get past that or he'll never be able to move on.
The idea of the blue kryptonite was interesting though. I never read the comic books but I really hope this is the end of all the colored kryptonite. Every season there seems to be a new kind that messes with Clark and to be honest, it's getting a little old. The fact that the the blue kryptonite strips him of his powers is a very dangerous weapon however and Clark better hope there aren't any other sample laying around anywhere.
Lara was beautiful, kind, and a great mother. I can see why Clark would want her to stay. What was more interesting however was the insightfulness of Kryptonians. After only a couple minutes with Lana, Lara was able to see the darkness growing inside of her; something that Clark has been blind to for so long. Hopefully she'll head Lara's warnings before it's too late. The fact that she saw it so easily might be the shock that Lana needs to snap out of her funk.
There were a couple HUGE events towards the end of the episode though. First, Kara lost her memory!!! Yet, another side effect of Clark's refusal to put his emotions aside and listen to his brain. When he destroyed the crystal Kara was somehow transported to Cleveland (or was it Detroit?). Not only that but she has no memory of who she is at all. Clark though believes she's
dead and has no idea if she's alive, let alone somewhere with no memory. This can't be good and I hope there's more to this than just Kara walking around trying to figure out she's special. That would be terrible and extremely boring. Second, Gabriel is Julius Luthor! I definitely did NOT see this coming. I knew he was in Lex's back pocket but I never would have guessed this. With Gabriel/Julius defying Lex and still seeing Lois, this should become a very interesting family feud.
Before I go, I should mention that Clark seems to have something interesting going on. Whatever Jor-El did to him can't be good, it never is. Maybe he's going to force him to begin the training program he wanted him to do or maybe send him to some sort of prison. Maybe he'll even strip him of his powers for a time. Who knows. But for now enjoy the review and I'll see you next week!
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