Blair is 17 and things aren't so rosy. First off, her relationship with Nate has ended and although she's sort of still hoping they could get back together, she's immensely depressed that their 10+ year relationship is ending. Second, she slept with Chuck! In the back on a limo! After stripping in his burlesque club! Crazy! We all knew she was a bit of a hard ass and has no problem taking anyone on and making them feel like less than nothing. But a wild child? I thought that title went to Serena's pre-exodus from New York personality? Looks like she's taking a page out of Serena's well written book and throwing all caution as well as reason to the wind.
Unfortunately, in all of this Chuck as fallen for Blair. Who knew he could ever actually feel something for someone else? This guy is one of the worst people you could ever know, loves sleeping with loads of random women, and yet somehow he falls for Blair after one night? I somehow doubt this would be possible in real life, so I'm going to suspend my disbelief for the time being. I have been enjoying the quick retorts to Chucks advances by Blair. She's very witty and it's fun watching her put him down at every turn. I wonder if maybe this is just a rebound for her. I mean, she wanted nothing to do with him after that night until Nate never showed up at her birthday party and she started making out with Chuck again. If that's the case then good for her because Chuck is definitely not the best boyfriend to choose.
Speaking of messed up relationships, Alison (Rufus' wife) showed up with Jenny! She's beautiful but dangerous. This woman not only left him and the family but she also had an affair. It doesn't matter that she's telling the truth now or that it only happened once. The fact is that she did it and abandoned her family. I understand that Rufus is still in love with her but he needs to be more careful. He jumped headfirst back into the relationship in this episode without solving any of the problems that led to the current state of affairs. It's never good to ignore such major issues because they're just going to be there again when the euphoria of the moment wears off. At least there's one person happy in all of this - Jenny. This really just goes to show how immature she still is and how exposed she is to being hurt as she tries to immerse herself in the world of the rich.
As for Dan, his relationship with Serena seems to be the only normal one. They're really getting
a lot closer despite some problems they're having; which by the way are totally normal. Vanessa is definitely a buzz kill and can totally ruin their relationship if she doesn't back off. At least her and Serena seem to be making an effort to get to know each other now. The Guitar Hero duel was awesome; Serena is pretty sick at that game. I think they could really be friends if not for the fact
that they're in love with the same guy. By the way, it was totally fair of Serena to want to be Dan's go to girl. He can't be with her and still go to Vanessa all the time even if she's his best friend. He's walking a tricky line right now and he better watch out because before he knows it he could be left without any girls in his life.
Before I end tonight's review can I just say that Nate and Jenny are totally random and not at all a good couple. I don't see it at all and I'm a little disappointed in this story line. I guess it's sort of necessary in order to give Jenny her chance at the throne. Anyway, I'm sure you're all just as anxious to see the next episode after having the Thanksgiving Week off, so until then enjoy the review!
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