"That's the most tragic thing I've ever heard with the exception of the big ticket items like famine and genocide." Best line of the night; best line of the week; best line of the month! This show is great and the writing is becoming more and more exceptional every week. I'm actually surprised at how much this show has grown on me. Before the premiere I was debating whether I even wanted to start watching at all and here I am a month and a half later touting the greatness that is "Pushing Daisies."
It's hard to describe exactly why this show is such a work of genius without making you think I'm on some sort of controlled substance. The premise of the show, as you all know, is far out there and no where close the traditional formats we're used to watching. I mean, for starters, it's about a guy who can bring people back to life my touching them. I could say about a thousand more words on the show and a newcomer still wouldn't hear anything other than that and automatically dismiss me. So if you haven't watched this show, don't expect me to put the premise into some easy to use, microwavable format for you so you can decide quickly if you want to watch. Just trust me, and the millions of loyal viewers who tune in every week, and take a leap of faith. Give the show a chance for a few weeks and I promise you won't be disappointed.
Most viewers probably think that Ned and Chuck are the reason this show is successful, and
while they are a big part, the truth is that Emerson is what completes the circle. Without his comedic presence this show wouldn't be what it is and likely would be very boring. I absolutely love that he is sickened by all the lovey-dovey talk between the characters. It really makes scenes that might otherwise be sappy extremely funny. Speaking of which, excellent use of the term "Gangsta Love" by Emerson. I actually think he should pursue the wife #3 of the polygamist. They were hilarious together and her equally brash and sarcastic attitude compliments him well, bringing out an even funnier side of his character.
I should mention that Ned was an idiot for not telling Chuck about Olive's kiss. He did nothing
wrong and should have told her. By hiding it he made it seem as if there actually was something to hide. It is interesting how much the idea of having someone to touch is getting to Ned. I don't think he really likes Olive but the fact that it's an actual possibility and someone he doesn't have to worry about touching, is why he keeps thinking about. Ned and Chuck seem to have worked out their issues with that for now but I have the feeling this isn't going away for good anytime soon.
By the way, did anyone else recognize the setting for the funeral in this episode? It was Stars Hollow!! Both "Gilmore Girls" and "Pushing Daisies" are filmed on the Warner Bros. lot in California and Stars Hollow is actually a permanent, free standing set located on the lot. It was great seeing the old town again.
I very much enjoyed tonight's episode and I'm sure you did too. Keep tuning in for as long as the show is still on the air until the writer's strike catches up with the episodes. I'll do my best to get an updated count on the new episodes remaining and let you know about it next week. Until then, enjoy the review!
I agree and am enjoying the show. But I don't understand how Chuck is still alive but no others are dying. Isn't that part of the idea?
Actually someone did die in order for Chuck to be alive. In the first episode when Ned brought her back to life and let her live past 1 minute he did so knowing that someone else in near proximity to her would have to die but he couldn't bear to let her go. So when she lived, the funeral home director died while on the toilet near where they were standing.
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