So here's how today's review is laid out. I'm basically combining the last two episodes into one review because I think they fit well together and the same drama has sort of bled it into each episode.
Let me start by saying that Isaac is insane. It's plain and simple, he's just insane. He sees birds because he used to be addicted to acid? Now, I'm not a doctor or anything but I'm sure there is absolutely nothing normal about that occurring even after being addicted to a powerful drug.
Add to the insanity the fact that he sees black birds once in a while and if he does it means someone close to him is dead. That's just creepy and the fact that it actually turns out to be correct is even creepier. How in the world can something like that happen? What's even more odd to me is that he claims its a result of taking acid for a long time. So is he saying that if you're addicted to acid then the after effects cause you to become some sort of psychic? I don't know what's wrong with this guy but I've had this odd feeling all season that something just wasn't right with him. He's always seemed a bit off and this may explain a whole lot.
So what was Isaac's response to seeing the black bird? He leaves the house very early in the
morning to go back home for his grandfather's funeral. At least he told Noirin where he was going so that someone knew but he should have mentioned something to the roommates. Plus, his note about being faxed to China was just weird. Hopefully everything was alright back at home, or at least as alright as it can be after losing someone close to you.
I was VERY angry at the blatant attempt at creating drama by the producers during this episode. Are we really expected to believe that it was pure coincidence that Dunbar, Ashli, Kelly Anne, and Cohutta were put on the same work team? I think it's pretty crappy to screw with a guy that's trying to stay faithful to his girlfriend (not that he's trying all that hard as we see in the next episode). More than that though, it's a shot at our (the viewers) intelligence that we wouldn't notice such an obvious attempt at creating drama. Also, Parisa and Trisha on the same team? Blatant attempt to create drama? Hmmmm. On this note though, I have to say that I think Ashli is very scummy. She claims to not be the type of girl that hooks up with a guy who has a girlfriend yet she takes every opportunity she can to flirt with him and put her hands on him. For instance, when they were at the bar not only did she call another girl trying to hit on Dunbar a slut (which was totally random and not necessary) but she also was openly flirting with him and grinding with him on the dance floor. Who really was the slut there?
(next episode)
Before I move on, I'd just like to point out again how ridiculous Ashli is. She totally pulls Dunbar into this web of cheating even when he's not thinking about it (not that he's totally innocent). The perfect example is Ashli's teasing about having a 3-way spooning with her and Kelly Anne. No guy in their right mind would avoid that conversation. Any conversation about two beautiful girls wanting to spoon with you will always be something you want to hear about. And Ashli totally kept pushing the point, trying to get him worked up thinking about it. She's very devious and I could totally see her getting Dunbar to cheat and then being like, oh whatever I don't want you now. He needs to watch his back and decide one way or the other what he wants.
As for everyone else in the house Kelly Anne and Cohutta have been pretty quiet lately with their goings on. Apparently they sleep in each others bed on a regular basis but we haven't seen too much drama from them. For now I'll take that as a hint that they may actually be establishing a legitimate relationship there. Unfortunately, it seems a pregnancy scare is going to be coming their way in the near future...
Next we get to Parisa and Trisha. Ah, don't we just love these two. we don't but I do have some friends that think Trisha is gorgeous. Personally, I think she's alright; nothing
special. But that's all besides the point. The point here is that these two just cannot seem to get along at all. Every week I go back and forth between who is right and who is wrong. Each of them seems to do something stupid and inconsiderate to the other, alternating between aggressor and aggressee. I've come to the conclusion though that they're is no right person in all of this; they're both equally wrong. They both purposely egg on the other and both of them purposely attack the other, looking for ways to start a fight. Tonight, for instance, Trisha purposely had to push Parisa's button about the phone calls while Parisa just had to ignore all the roommates cleaning and go work out. Parisa knew
this would drive Trisha nuts just as Trisha knew making fun of Parisa's family would do the same. In the end though, it seems Trisha may have lost. She let her temper boil over and pushed Parisa down to the floor. As we all know, physical attacks are not permitted in the house and I guess now Parisa gets to decide whether Trisha stays or goes.
Parisa certainly has a tough decision to make now. Given the animosity with Trisha and how much she's been hurt, of course she should want to send her home. She probably even deserves to go after everything she's done to her. But if Parisa sends her home then the other roommates
are going to be pissed at her the rest of their time there since Parisa has been just as bad. This is a tough situation but I think Parisa may end up letting her stay. These situations often turn into love fests where the person in Parisa's shoes allows the other to stay. Then they end up reconciling the rest of the season. I don't see them being best friends but if Parisa wants to save face and show she's above all this she should let her stay.
Parisa certainly has a tough decision to make now. Given the animosity with Trisha and how much she's been hurt, of course she should want to send her home. She probably even deserves to go after everything she's done to her. But if Parisa sends her home then the other roommates
Fun times at the Real World house. I'm glad to see the drama picking up a bit. Things should start to get even more interesting in the next couple of weeks. Until next week, enjoy the review!
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