I'm actually surprised at how much I'm starting to like this show. There was a moment during last night's episode when I realized I was enjoying myself more than most of shows I watch (and don't get me wrong, I watch more than my fair share). My favorite aspect of the show is the relationship between Chuck and Ned. Their chemistry is amazing and Chuck is very cute when she's openly falling in love with Ned. I also love the characters played by Chi McBride (Emerson) and Kristin Chenoweth (Olive). They're extremely lovable and they draw you to their personalities. Obviously this show is a bit out their and quirky but there's something about it that makes me come back every week.
This week Ned, Chuck and Emerson were forced to take a trip make the funeral home where
Ned brought Chuck back to life. Apparently, the funeral home owner who died when Ned didn't touch Chuck again within a minute had a brother who put out a reward to find his brothers killer. Luckily, he asked Emerson to find the killer. As the trio tried to figure out a way to cover up what happened and get the brother off the scent, craziness ensued. Oddly enough I found their attempts at covering up the truth very funny. At every turn they ran into problems and eventually the brother wound up dead in Ned's freezer. Now, I'm not exactly sure how the Chinese guy ended up being involved except that somehow his grandfather stole the identity of a Civil War General, the sword he took from the General was stolen by the funeral owner at the grandfathers funeral, and now his son ends up fighting Ned in the basement of the funeral home with that very sword. Good thing for Ned that he wanted to be Jedi when he was growing up or he would have been cut in half by that sword.
Olive finally got a significant amount of time with her own storyline and Kristin Chenoweth did an amazing job. She's really turned Olive into an important and likable character. It's tricky playing this part because it's built into every viewers thoughts to be on the side of Chuck and Ned. So to play the part of a woman in love with Chuck that wants to steal him away can be difficult. If you don't watch yourself, you could turn the audience against the character in a heartbeat.
As for what Olive was up to tonight, she's starting to figure out some of Ned's secrets including his true relationship with Chuck. This could end up being a good thing - Chuck could have a another friend on his side - or a bad thing - a woman scorned could do just about anything. If Olive feels like Ned let her down by dating Chuck, she could reveal his secret to the public. I doubt this will happen but it could be an interesting road as Olive becomes a bigger part of the story.
I'm sticking with this show for a while longer and I suggest you do the same. There really is nothing like it on television and you might be pleasantly surprised at how attached you get. Until next week, enjoy the review.
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