Barney is the greatest! Only he could formulate such an elaborate plan to win a bet so quickly. If you didn't watch the episode, Barney and Ted made a bet on who would sleep with a random girl at the bar first. It was a bet to prove who had more game. (By the way, no Marshall does not win this one - he had girlfriend/wife for the last 11 years; thats not game) Just as the bet begun Barney was already up and talking to the girl when 5 seconds later she slapped him across the face. When he came back to the table he told Ted and Marshall that he slept with her last year and she wanted nothing to do with him. So Ted was in to take his time and win the bet; or so we thought.
As we go through the episode Ted and the girl begin to date. After a number of dates it appears that Ted is going to win the bet. Unfortunately, Barney knew exactly how to keep Ted from going through with it. Apparently Ted has a phobia about sharing things with people - he couldn't even take a sip from Barney's drink let alone share the same girl. Thus, when it came
time for Ted to "seal the deal" he kept seeing little Barneys that made fun of him for not being able to go where Barney had been the year before. It was absolutely hilarious! Too bad for Ted the whole thing turned out to be a lie. Barney is a damn genius. He told the girl in the bar that Ted was getting over a relationship and if she slapped him he would get the courage to talk to her himself. Then as Ted dated her Barney got information on what she liked and used that to get in her good graces as well. In the end though no one won the bet; the girl couldn't hook up with Barney either because she wasn't over Ted.
The whole thing about the bet wasn't the funniest storyline HIMYM has come up with but it was definitely funny. Whereas most shows would go with it straight up and try to make the
exploits of the characters in the bet funny, HIMYM does that and it goes one step further. HIMYM added the Barney deception in which turned the bet from a generic storyline into a one-of-a-kind HIMYM moment. That's the genius of this show and what sets it apart from the other comedies on television. If you haven't been watching the show you need to start and I promise you'll agree with me in one month's time.
Meanwhile, the writers apparently think it's a good idea to give Robin her own adventures apart from the group. Why? I'm not sure. I think they may be attempting to get us used to the idea of Robin and Ted dating other people and Robin having a life of her own so that when they have Ted meet his future wife we won't be calling for Ted and Robin to get back together. This is the only thing that makes sense to me because Robin out on her own just isn't all that funny. It's a bit humorous but the best moments of this show are when the cast is interacting with each other not when they're set apart with other characters.
Last night, Robin started dating the father of one of Lilly's students. The hitch was that he had a son and we all know how much Robin hates kids. While Robin spent most of the night going from liking the guy to hating the fact that he has a kid, the guy apparently moved on and started
dating someone else. It was a bit of a shock for Robin when she went over to his apartment to break up and met his new girlfriend instead. This storyline wasn't all that great let alone funny. The funniest moment came when she thought his son was getting attached to her and she felt she needed to break up with the kid; and even that wasn't all that funny. They need to keep Robin in the group or the writers risk alienating her with the audience.
This may be a bit out of order but I do have to mention the opening scene. Ted was 100% right; whenever someone wants to set you up they leave out the "but" when describing the blind date. He/she is smart, funny, successful... You never get the "but." "But" she has a dead tooth. "But" she has a pug that she pushes around in a stroller. This was so true and so funny. Maybe we'll get to meet the girl Ted thought killed his turtle sometime; I can just see how great that would be.
Overall a decent episode. Not as good as last week but much better than the week before. Still can't wait to meet Ted's future wife; keep in mind we did catch a glimpse of her in the season premiere and I'm sure we're going to get more as the season goes on.
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