We're getting a little better now. A bit more consistency could go a long way here and between this week and last hopefully the show is starting to return to old form. I was disappointed however that we didn't see anything about Peter or Nikki this week. I was hoping to see more of Peter's powers and maybe find out what happened to him but it appears we should be learning a lot about that next week.
Last night some big news was discovered as Parkman and Nathan began working together to figure out why Mrs. Petrelli was willing to turn herself in for the murder of Mr. Nakamura. In their search for some answers Nathan found an old photograph of his mother and father along with Mr. Nakamura and others, including Matt Parkman's father. Apparently, his father stole a lot of money and left home when Matt was 13 years old. So how he ended up in this picture is very intriguing. Even more intriguing is Molly's identification of his father as the man she sees in her nightmares. Remember, this is the man Molly said was worse than Silar. It could be that Mr. Parkman is the person behind the murders of the people in the photograph.
Parkman needed Molly to track down his father so he could figure all of this out. Suresh tried to stop him but Molly agreed to do it anyway. Sadly, Mr. Parkman somehow attacked Molly when she found him and he appears to have put her in some sort of coma. Parkman should have left her alone and figured out another way to track down his father. Using a little girl like that when you know the consequences is irresponsible. Anyway, I'm thinking that everyone in the picture is a member or former member of "The Company." The man Dr. Suresh works for is also in the picture so this would seem to make the most sense. Why the symbols are showing up on each of their pictures and why someone would be taking each of them out is still a mystery though.
Meanwhile, Claire is up to no good herself. Not in the evil sense but she got much closer with West. She finally let him in and now they're dating. Unfortunately, it's Wests arms she ends up
in the night her father is murdered. Noah is doing everything he can to prevent her from dating but Claire did a very good job covering up her activities by telling him she's made the cheerleading team even though she was forbidden. West creeps me out a bit, something about him seems off like he's hiding something from Claire. I wonder if maybe he's up to something and not just a guy she happened to meet at school.
As for Nathan, I still want to know if the mangled face he sees in the mirror is his true face or if its a memory of what he looked like after Peter exploded. It's a damn ugly face for sure though. We did find out that after Peter exploded Nathan became an alcoholic as he looked to liquor to ease the pain of losing his brother. His life could end up turning around when he finds out Peter is still alive.
Maja and Alejandro continued their trek to the U.S. last night. Naively, they picked a man up who was barely alive off a dirt road in Mexico. Unlucky for them it was Silar. I still have no clue how he ended up there. At the end of last week it seemed like he was in some tropical jungle not Mexico. Worse for everyone, Maya not only told him about going to see Dr. Suresh but he now knows what her power is along with her brother's. A power like that in the hands of Silar could be it for everyone. He would be able to kill at will and no one except her brother could stop him. But imagine if he got Alejandro's power also; who knows if anyone could ever stop him except maybe Peter. The one thing I thought was interesting though was the cockroach on the brick after he killed the driver. From what I remember, we saw it last when Silar was run through with the sword in the season finale last year. What does that mean? What's the cockroaches significance?
Lastly, we met a new hero this week. Monica seems to have a power similar to Nikki. She totally kicked that robber's butt. The only difference is that she didn't appear to turn into any kind of alternate personality to do so. I can't wait to find out more about her power and if she and Nikki are somehow connected with what they can do. Micah, meanwhile, needs to be a bit more careful. People will start to become suspicious if he keeps working his magic on electronics.
This was a great episode and very well rounded. I especially liked not having to sit through more of Hiro's Feudal Japan trip; it's starting to get very boring. Next week should be awesome and I can't wait to find out how Peter came back and who Kristin Bell is going to be playing.
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