This was a big night for Dan and Katie. As I predicted last week the two of them were going to have some serious bumps in the road now that Katie knows Dan has seen Livia on his trips back in time. Tonight showed just how bumpy it's going to get. Dan had to go back in time to save a woman from being killed over some embezzling in her Internet start-up business. Unfortunately, this was a big night for Katie as she was throwing a massive black tie affair she had been planning for a very long time. Needless to say, Dan's constant disappearances in addition to his meeting Livia did not go over well.
Understandably Katie is having a very hard time with Dan's travelling. He disappears at random times, comes back days later sometimes, and now he's seeing his ex-fiance. My problem with all this is that Katie is mad at him for something totally out of his control. Obviously he shouldn't have lied to her but throughout tonight's episode she got increasingly agitated at the circumstances, all of which are completely out of Dan's control. If he had started this whole thing or had any power to stop it then clearly she would have every right to be angry at him; but he didn't and he doesn't so I don't see why she should be this angry at him.
The worst part of all this is that Katie is leaning on Jack. This is something I'll never understand. Granted Dan and her are having problems but it hasn't been going on that long and yet she's already leaning on her ex. Her comment that she wanted him to ask her to dance at the event was over the line. Saying no was the right thing to do but then by saying that it's just as bad as if she had danced with him. Especially since none of this is Dan's fault there is no reason under the sun why she should be thinking of another man. We still don't know how or why Jack and Katie broke up and how she ended up with Dan but what Jack is doing now is wrong. He is clearly making it known that he wants her back and doing that with a clear mind and thought out is the worst thing he could do to a brother.
At least now Katie knows that Dan sees Livia every time he goes back and that she travels too. I don't think she knows that it means she never died in the plane crash or not. It would be interesting to see the two of them have a conversation in the present. Maybe Katie could work out her fears and she and Dan could move on from all the angst.
The biggest question of the night is about how the travelling is occurring. In the present, Dan made a call to Elliot Langly about tacions; apparently these are particles that might be involved in time travel and Elliot is an expert that may know about them. The weird part is that the return phone call Dan received was on his old cell phone from the early 1990's AND he got the call when he was IN 1998!!! There's no way this guy is not somehow involved in everything that's happening. At the very least he knows who or what is controlling it and he's associated with it all somehow. There's no way he can't be if his present day phone call reached Dan back in 1998. The details about Elliott are still eluding us but hopefully next week we'll get some more information.
I do want to point out that it was great seeing another appearance from our old friend Geoffrey Owens, Elvin from "The Cosby Show." He seems to be everywhere lately. We saw him show up in the season premiere of "Las Vegas" a few weeks back and if you saw "Boston Legal" last week he also made an appearance in one of the trials.
This was another great episode from "Journeyman" but unfortunately the ratings are still on the low end. One bit of encouraging news is that the new ratings systems placed "Journeyman" in the top ten DVR viewed shows within 24 hours of the original airing. Maybe this will save the show for a little while longer; NBC did announce their order of four more scripts.
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