ORIGINAL EPISODES, MONDAYS @ 10PM ON MTVOnly one more episode left of our beloved show!! I'm certainly going to miss the mayhem, drama, ridiculous nights out, and Lauren of course. For those of you who watched "Laguna Beach" and then moved on to "The Hills" you've followed Lauren (or as we know and love her, LC) for many years now and it's certainly going to be weird saying goodbye. Especially when "The Hills" is the highest rated show on MTV. But I guess we knew this day would come eventually; we couldn't really expect Lauren to walk around with camera's for the rest of her life no matter how much we hoped she would.
Before I get all nostalgic let's talk about the present and the present finds us stuck with She-Pratt once more. Why did they need to bring this girl around? Wasn't it enough that we had to deal with Spencer week in and week out? Now we have to deal with this monstrosity too? I think this girl has got to go except with one more episode left I think there's a fat chance of that happening.
Anyway, She-Pratt decided to mess with Heidi and Spencer this week instead of Lauren and Brody. Heidi approached her in confidence with some concerns that after all Spencer's issues with the wedding that maybe he didn't really want to get married and so she was feeling like

maybe she should postpone it too. I fully understand where Heidi is coming from and she's actually right in feeling this way. BUT YOU DO NOT TALK TO YOUR
FIANCE'S SISTER ABOUT IT!! What was she thinking? Obviously she wanted Spencer to find out or else she would have spoken to
anyone else in the world before talking to Stephanie. To get mad that Stephanie said something is ridiculous because you had to know she would tell Spencer; it's her brother, how could she not. That aside, Stephanie should have left everyone alone and let them work it out. Apparently she likes getting involved in everyone else's lives rather than living her own. On a side note, did anyone catch the fact that at the card shop Spencer mentioned he really wanted the wedding party to be at Don Antonio's? The ridiculousness never stops with him; I'm so stunned I don't even know what to say about this.
As you know all of this led to a pretty big fight between Heidi and Spencer. In his usual passive aggressive manner he sat on the couch reading a book (or possibly pretending to, hmmm) waiting for Heidi to say "what's wrong?" It worked (Heidi you're a sucker) and the fight ensued. I don't normally agree with Heidi about anything but the truth is that she was right to feel like

Spencer didn't want to get married. That's probably because he doesn't. I mean, who wants to get married but does not want to tell their family? This fight really highlights who Spencer is. Rather than acknowledge the things he's done he tries to win the fight by pointing out negative things about Heidi that she never really did. He twists and turns the past into this picture that makes it seem as though everyone is against him when in fact he was the one in the wrong the whole time. And now his new move is to walk out rather than lose the fights he thinks he can win but really can't. Heidi's chuck of the book at the door was a nice move and even a bit surprising. Do we have another abusive couple on our hands or the end of a couple? Personally, I'm hoping it's the latter.
Meanwhile, Lauren had her own drama do with. Brody has been a regular in the life of Lauren and many of us have been wondering what has kept them apart. Thanks to Lauren we know

exactly what - "Britney Canada Whore." I'm glad to see Lauren so strong and finally standing up for herself and what she wants. It seems this was the theme of the night - the women who are usually pushovers decided to stand their ground. Lauren come right out to Brody and asked what was going on. When he refuses to acknowledge that he's a player, she asked for his phone; turns out this was a brilliant move. His phone had a fantastically long list of women's names, including the Britney reference above, and he even had perverted references for many of them. She found all of this in the phone and only got to the letter "C"! This player will never change even if he claims they're old numbers. Obviously it won't be that easy for Lauren to end her feelings for him but at least she's taking steps in the right direction. It's great to see her getting stronger.

I have to tell you, Lo is the best! I only wish she came around more often. Her comment to Lauren. "I'll be your boyfriend," was great. Lo is awesome and probably one of the most level-headed people we've seen in all the years we've been watching "The Hills" and "Laguna."

By the way, what was up with that Halloween party? The flapper outfit of Lauren's was interesting but not all that much fun. And Brody and Frankie as Batman and Robin? Interesting idea for a costume...actually it was very odd; words of advice to them, NEVER do that again. And a smoke machine in a small apartment; ummm leave that one in the shop next time.
Lastly, we have Audrina who seems to have finally moved on from Justin. Not that I get what

she saw in him to begin with because as Lauren put it, he was basically worthless and didn't even shower. Her new Australian guy is kind of cool and a big step up from Justin - not that it's hard to accomplish anyway. The lip ring was a bit too much but hey, at least he showers right? Although his extremely transparent attempt at trying to get Audrina to seep with him after the date was very lame. It's great to see her moving on though and looking for decent guys now. Hopefully this will continue; her life will be much better.
Sadly this is going to be my second to last review of "The Hills." We have one more episode left until we have to say goodbye. It's been a great run and while I can't wait for next week's series finale, I wish it wouldn't come so quickly. Until next week's series finale, enjoy the review!