Isaac's back! And bringing some ruckus with him. I never knew Isaac could be so much fun. We never really saw that side of him all season until recently. The most we ever saw from him was a few back handed comments here and there which led me to believe he was not that nice of a person. Turns out I couldn't have been more wrong. It's not that he's a bad person, he's just very honest and likes to enjoy himself. And now that they're showing more of his time in the house we get to enjoy his crazy antics too.
What do I speak of? Well, anyone who saw this week's episode knows exactly what I'm referring to. The guy jumped into the massive fish tank in the house and swam around with snorkeling gear on. More than that, he did it naked!!! With Noireen undressed and wrapped in a sheet and the other roommates watching, Isaac reminded everyone in the house that they're still in this amazing place for another couple months and there's no reason to dwell over Trisha. Instead, they should have fun, be friends, and rejoice in the fact that the most manipulative roommate is gone. The truth is that Isaac was right and I'm glad someone finally said it - Trisha was a mean and manipulative person and everyone in the house will now be able to enjoy themselves a lot more with her gone. We can already see it getting better; when was the last time you remember seeing everyone in the house laughing together? I honestly can't remember.
Isaac homecoming made this episode great and one of the best in a while. I think Ashli did a
good thing in talking to Kelly Anne. Isaac really got to Ashli when he made her realize that not only did she not know Trisha but that she wasn't necessarily the best person. Ashli realized after this that she was in this new place with a great opportunity to make lifelong friends and she was blowing it over something that she wasn't even a part of. Her talk with Kelly Anne was very well
thought out and I'm glad someone was able to knock some sense into her. I still Ashli is wrong for her extracurriculars with Dunbar and that Kelly Anne is extremely immature but at least Kelly Anne recognized how immature she was and that she needs to give Parisa a chance. It was nice to see all three of them talk and decide to start fresh. It'll be a nice change to see everyone in the house get along; maybe we'll even see some fun being had.
Isaac homecoming made this episode great and one of the best in a while. I think Ashli did a
Speaking of Ashlia and Dunbar, who is Ashli kidding? "I never crossed the line." Just because she hadn't hooked up with him yet doesn't mean spooning and sleeping in the same bed with
him isn't crossing the line. It's sad how people convince themselves that what they're doing isn't as bad as it is in order to suit their purposes. Ashli doesn't want to believe she's doing anything wrong because she wants it to keep going. And then, they had sex. We knew this was coming. They were flirting with the possibility for so long that there was no way it wasn't going to happen so long as they kept pushing the envelope. I feel terrible for Julie because she seems like a really good person. It's incredibly selfish of Dunbar to not tell her what happened. He needs to tell her so she can make a choice about what she wants, he doesn't get to decide what he wants anymore. Oh, and the dude has to stop saying he loves Julie; YOU DO NOT LOVE JULIE! Or at the very least you don't respect her if you're willing to do this and on national television!
Aside from that, Dunbar pretending it was his birthday was great and I really like the fact that he kept it a secret. It was funny watching everyone toast his birthday.
This was a great episode and could be a turning point in the season. I can't imagine the Dunbar-Ashli stuff is going to work out given all the baggage and apparently the honeymoon is going to end pretty soon. Don't forget we still have the Dunbar and Kelly Anne pregnancy scare to look forward to. It seems that the condom burst and Cohutta thinks she may be pregnant. Whether or not she is, is yet to be seen. What do you all think? Is Kelly Anne pregnant? I'll do my best to find a spoiler for you and let you know. Until next week, enjoy the review!
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