I'm really sorry that I have to do this but I am beyond annoyed at this show. There's a lot going on and with Dan constantly travelling to the past I'm sure it has got to be hard keep everything straight given all the implications of his actions in the past. Except if you want to be a successful television show then you MUST keep everything straight and consistent. So how in the world do the writers think I wouldn't notice the fact that although the stolen money was left in the past the FBI is not only still interested in Dan in the present but they're still looking for the stolen money? What's even more ridiculous is that in the same episode that they drop they ball on this, they make it even worse. Throughout the episode Jack started to come around to Dan's rhetoric on time travelling after he fed him more and more information on a kidnapper that had never been caught. But when Dan went after him in the past and caused his arrest, Jack forgot everything and time changed to the way it was before Dan said anything to him. Now, if this changed then how could the issues with the FBI not change?! He left the money in the past! If they're this interested in it then I'm sure they would have come across the bills in circulation or even at the crime scene where he left it. Then clearly they would have no reason to suspect him in the future. Let's not forget that Dan's tip to Hugh in the past about the kidnapper should have had a big effect on his future position in life (possibly giving him greater opportunities for advancement) and yet when Dan went back to the present Hugh was still the same. I'm so incredibly angered by this that I actually considered not watching the show anymore. I think I'll continue to watch but another huge mistake like this and I can't see myself hanging around anymore.
Speaking of the kidnapper, I was actually pretty impressed with the creativity and action of the time travel story line this episode. Dan finally rebelled against his
intended job (although only slightly since he still helped the girl anyway) and went after the child kidnapper despite Livia's warnings. Apparently, if you stray from the intended path and change something in the past then there will be dire consequences in the future. For Dan, they are pretty extreme. His failure to listen to Livia resulted in the arrest of the kidnapper, which is all well and good except for the fact that he was released from prison six years later. Not only did he come out with an intense vendetta to pursue against Dan but he's meaner and stronger than when he went in. Jail seems to have turned him into a hardened criminal and he's targeted both Dan and his family now for revenge. Next week should be interesting as Dan finally learns the consequences of straying from his path.
I think it's interesting to watch Katie's reactions to everything. Her frustration finally boiled
over this week when she threw a mug at the wall after Dan disappeared during their conversation. Who could blame her though? She loses her husband randomly and for unknown periods of time, her son is beginning to lash out at others, and there's absolutely nothing they can do to fix it. But I don't think blaming Dan is going to help either. It's not like he asked for this
or knows how to fix it or who to talk to about it. It's totally out of his control. He's pursuing the only lead he has in Dr. Langley but he's not giving him much to go on at all. At least she finally admitted to Zack what Dan is doing seems to be very important. The truth is that although we don't know yet why this is happening he appears to be doing good things and so you have to believe it's important for him to keep pursuing it.
My frustration aside, this was a pretty good episode. Unfortunately, the word out is that "Journeyman" may not be around past the end of the episodes filmed before the writer's strike. I hope this isn't true and NBC decides to give it another chance when the strike is over. Anyway, I'll still watch even though I'm angry. Until next week, enjoy the review!
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