So the series of finale of "The Hills"...wait, as it turns out this was NOT the series finale!! Woohoo! Although we deny it to anyone who asks you know we all love this show just as much as we hide the fact that on Monday nights we run to the tv at 10 to watch our favorite group of Hollywood twenty-somethings. I can't imagine saying goodbye to this showing knowing that we're never going to see Lauren ("LC") again; granted I have my own reasons for feeling that way, the girl is gorgeous after all! Seriously though, this is one of those shows that every one loves but no one can admit, it's the ultimate guilty pleasure. And I'm perfectly willing to admit that I love it just as much as anyone. So when Lauren announced on the after show that this wasn't the end after all I was relieved. I can't wait to see the Paris trip and all the drama the girls cook up one last time.
Tonight was one of the best episodes yet and almost came entirely full circle. While Lauren left Laguna for L.A. significantly more mature than her friends back home, she was still a kid and made her mistakes over the years. Ummm, Jason...Paris... Well, anyway, tonight we saw just how much she's grown up and how strong she's become.
Right from the start the drama started when Lisa Love told Whitney she was going back to Paris again....without Lauren. "I think Lauren's had her chance to go to Paris." Harsh words but it was the truth. And it was nice to see someone on this show take responsibility for once; I just knew the first would be Lauren, she's always been very smart and down to earth. It definitely pained her to admit the truth and I really felt bad. At the same time though she really did dig the hole herself when she turned down the internship in Paris for a summer at the beach with
Jason. I still don't fully get why she did it, I mean we are talking about Jason; the guy is not that cool and he certainly isn't worth giving up your future for. With all that in the past at least Lauren is better for it and willing to accept her part in her current situation.
And then...Lisa handed Lauren a gift. She got a second chance to go to Paris! And you just knew Lisa wouldn't give her this chance without a little jab. She certainly gave a good one when she asked Lauren to go to the airport with Whitney to make sure she gets on the plane this time. I have a good feeling Lauren is going to make the absolute best of this opportunity.
Speaking of Paris, is Whitney really that insensitive? Obviously she didn't want to hurt Lauren's feelings but she was completely clueless about how to act. Before Lauren knew she would be
going too Whitney totally messed up the way she broke the news. Lauren was clearly upset and Whitney had absolutely nothing constructive to say. THEN later she asked Lauren if she's ever been to Paris so she could get tips on what to wear this time of year. What was she thinking?! Even if Lauren had been to Paris, which she hadn't, that was a terrible thing to do to her. I know it was innocent and she didn't mean anything nasty by it but she still needs to start thinking a little more before she speaks.
Now for the moment we've all been waiting for, the news on Speidi. These two are the couple from hell and deserve all the crap they've put each other through. Without taking sides, because I can't stand either of these people, Spencer is the one who caused all these problems in the
relationship. Time and again he did things that made us all think that he just didn't want to get married or even if he did that he was just playing around and not taking it all that seriously, like marriage was like a 4 year commitment to college you could just walk away from down the road. Then the worst move he made was to walk out on Heidi during fights, not once, but twice. The second time was the final straw and Heidi decided to head back to Colorado to think. And for all of us who have dated a bit we know that thinking is never a good thing; it only gets you into trouble.
The problem with Spencer is that he's just not smart. Add to that the fact that he's selfish and
just a plain old ass, and you have someone that you should never have been with. It has to be something that runs in the family because She-Pratt is just as absurd. I'll give her credit for at least realizing he shouldn't have walked out on the fight but suggesting he write Heidi an e-mail was stupid. They're supposed to be getting married! You need to actually talk at this point, not fall back on writing emails!
Heidi though needs to stop saying she gave up everything for him. Technically she did but it was always her choice. No one forced her on Spencer and whenever she had to choose she always went with him, no matter the consequences. I wonder if these two truly did break up. I wouldn't put it past them to do all this for some sort of personal gain with the media and paparazzi. I guess only time will tell but I'm putting my money on their greed.
Lastly, you know we have to talk about Lauren and Brody. Finally a couple we can all get behind...well, sort of. I mean, I think we could all agree that they make a good couple and they're fun to watch. Except, something always seems to be missing. I can never quite see them being a serious couple. Lauren definitely wants to give it a try but Brody's player side just won't go away. It's fine that he wants to be young and free, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. He just needs to stop flirting so much with Lauren and leading her on.
Tonight was one of the best episodes yet and almost came entirely full circle. While Lauren left Laguna for L.A. significantly more mature than her friends back home, she was still a kid and made her mistakes over the years. Ummm, Jason...Paris... Well, anyway, tonight we saw just how much she's grown up and how strong she's become.
Right from the start the drama started when Lisa Love told Whitney she was going back to Paris again....without Lauren. "I think Lauren's had her chance to go to Paris." Harsh words but it was the truth. And it was nice to see someone on this show take responsibility for once; I just knew the first would be Lauren, she's always been very smart and down to earth. It definitely pained her to admit the truth and I really felt bad. At the same time though she really did dig the hole herself when she turned down the internship in Paris for a summer at the beach with
And then...Lisa handed Lauren a gift. She got a second chance to go to Paris! And you just knew Lisa wouldn't give her this chance without a little jab. She certainly gave a good one when she asked Lauren to go to the airport with Whitney to make sure she gets on the plane this time. I have a good feeling Lauren is going to make the absolute best of this opportunity.
Now for the moment we've all been waiting for, the news on Speidi. These two are the couple from hell and deserve all the crap they've put each other through. Without taking sides, because I can't stand either of these people, Spencer is the one who caused all these problems in the
The problem with Spencer is that he's just not smart. Add to that the fact that he's selfish and
Heidi though needs to stop saying she gave up everything for him. Technically she did but it was always her choice. No one forced her on Spencer and whenever she had to choose she always went with him, no matter the consequences. I wonder if these two truly did break up. I wouldn't put it past them to do all this for some sort of personal gain with the media and paparazzi. I guess only time will tell but I'm putting my money on their greed.
The changes in Lauren I was talking about before really came out when the two of them were talking at dinner. Brody threw out a lame line about Lauren just wanting a boyfriend and the
fact that he had bad past relationships. So rather than being immature, Lauren told him the truth - that all relationships in the past ended because they're not the best, otherwise they wouldn't end; and if he really cares about someone he should want to be with her and call her his girlfriend. Unfortunately, this didn't completely register with Brody. Nothing new happened, the next morning they said goodbye, kissed, and that was that.

I think everything pretty much ended where it should. Speidi on the rocks - had to happen; Audrina done with Justin Bobby - just too much of a scumbag; Whitney conquering the fashion world - we knew it would happen; and Lauren getting stronger and smarter everyday - we always knew she was the best of the best from Laguna. So as Heidi drives in to the sunset and Lauren heads to Paris with Whitney, I say goodbye for the time being. I can't wait until the rest of the season comes back. As soon as I hear anything about a date I'll let you all know. Until then, enjoy the review!!
I think everything pretty much ended where it should. Speidi on the rocks - had to happen; Audrina done with Justin Bobby - just too much of a scumbag; Whitney conquering the fashion world - we knew it would happen; and Lauren getting stronger and smarter everyday - we always knew she was the best of the best from Laguna. So as Heidi drives in to the sunset and Lauren heads to Paris with Whitney, I say goodbye for the time being. I can't wait until the rest of the season comes back. As soon as I hear anything about a date I'll let you all know. Until then, enjoy the review!!
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