
Sunday, December 2, 2007

How I Met Your Mother: The Yips


You know, Barney is a genius and I'm not afraid to say it. The man is simply brilliant. His investment plan for sleeping with women, although considered disgusting by some, is in actually ingenious in a twisted sort of way. Like I said, some people might not like it even if it works. Take Robin's comment for example, "Let's all punch Barney in the face!" The best part of Barney's plan, however, was NOT that it worked but that we got an absolutely hilarious episode with the gang attempting to get in shape at the gym.

Marshall's trainer was by far the funniest part of the trip to the gym. Not only was his trainer funny but watching Marshall cry as she forced him to more farther and farther was putting me in teers. In the words of his trainer, "It smells like there's a little bitch in my gym." Although Marshall needs to man up just a bit. Having Lilly fight his battles for him and fire the trainer was a wussy way of getting out of it. And at the same time watching Ted go through the same thing and cry also was well worth it.

Even better was Barney running into the woman who took his virginity. Clearly, he was a bit of a loser back in the day but we all thought he turned into the Barney we know and love when he broke up with his girlfriend. As it turns out he turned into today's Barney when he slept with Rhonda and she told him he rocked her world. Sadly for Barney that only happened because his brother agreed to sleep with Rhonda if she would sleep with Barney. Apparently he thought this would help Barney snap out of his post-breakup funk; which to his credit it totally did.
Good for us though, we got to watch Barney without any game at the Victoria Secret party. Which I do have a beef with however. Why couldn't they have had them at the party for more than 3 minutes?! WTF??? Come on! I was looking forward to that all week and we only got a measly 3 minutes. It was great watching Barney blow it on the biggest night of his life though. Heidi Klum was very nice considering the things that were coming out of his mouth. She was totally right though that he had to sleep with Rhonda again to get his mojo back. Now this wasn't something I'm sure most of us wanted to see since Rhonda was much older at this point but at least we have Barney back. He rocked her world for real this time and then walked straight out of her house with the usual Barney swagger that we love.

Excellent episode of HIMYM and next time they better give me a golden ticket or show more of the Victoria Secret party. Until the next new episode, enjoy the review!

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