Noah is dead! Holy crap! (well maybe...; but more on that later) Not only did I think they would end up changing the future from what was portrayed in Isaac's paintings but I never thought it would come about so quickly. I'm so used to the stories playing out over a long season that it never occurred to me that any of this would materialize as soon as it did. Unfortunately for Noah it did and if you're looking for someone to blame then look no further than Dr. Suresh. For a
smart guy he is extremely naive and stupid most of the time. You'd think after everything that happened last year and everything he knows about the company he would take what Bob has to say at face value so easily. Well, he did and the immediate implication turned out to be the death of Noah while the more important implication appears to be an outbreak of the virus which he started when he and Nikki were there fighting Maurey. So there we have it, Suresh chose the company over everyone else and killed Noah. Terrible...
Now, if we're talking about people who have done stupid things then we have to talk about Hiro
next. If Suresh is to blame for the current turn of events then Hiro should be just as blameworthy. He is the one that created the person we know as Adam and he is the reason that a vendetta has been burning inside of Adam for 400 years. So we can't point the finger at Suresh and totally let Hiro off the hook. And this week, Hiro almost changed the future again and probably not for the better when he went back in time to prevent his fathers death. In the end at least he listened to his father and decided not to mess with things that should be left as they are. It was touching though to see the two of them pay
respects to their mother at her funeral again. I think most people would like to have such a personal moment with a loved one before saying goodbye once and for all. Speaking of implications of your actions, Hiro may have finally learned his lesson when he discovered it was Adam who threw his father off the roof. This might very well be the turning point for him and what turns him into that future Hiro we saw a lot of last year. Personally, I'd like to start seeing more of the kick ass Hiro than the softy Hiro.
So what could we expect in the next two episodes? Well, I think Parkman is going to have a big role to play. Now that he knows what he can do his powers seem to be growing much faster. He's already starting to control peoples thoughts and actions which can only mean it's just a matter of time before he'll be able to control what his father was able to do by placing people in a prison inside their heads. Also, this episode really showed Claire growing up, at least a bit. She's definitely more forceful and she knows what she wants. Plus she's very smart; she saw through Bob's disguise even though it was extremely surprising that he'd make such an obvious mistake. Like last year, Claire will probably have a lot to do with the outcome of the season.
We learned the most important piece of information tonight - that Adam is looking to kill everyone in the picture simply because they locked him up. Although I'm sure he'll be looking for Hiro when he's done too. As I said at the beginning of the review, Noah may not be dead after all. It appears that Adam hooked him up to an IV with his blood in it which as we know should bring him back to life very quickly. The last second shot of Noah's eyes would seem to indicate this is exactly what happened. With Noah on his side as well as Peter, Adam may have assembled an unstoppable team. Oh, and lets not forget that Maya may be a source of the virus and Silar likely won't be idle for too long. I can't wait to see how this plays out. Until next week enjoy the review!
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