Lou is the best! Come on, how many girls do you know would make you a mouth-watering sandwich on the first date? Probably none. She's totally cool, funny, makes incredible
sandwiches, and is not above making out in a car for an hour. She's pretty damn awesome if you ask me. Too bad it didn't work out for the two of them, I thought they made a great couple. At least she now knows the truth behind his secret identity, an undercover FDA agent in search of illegally imported deli meats. That was hilarious but Rachel Bilson played that with more of a straight face than I ever could have.
Speaking of Chuck's undercover persona, Lou ended up dealing with her ex-boyfriend to
smuggle in precious deli meats. Unfortunately, Chuck happened to catch them in the act, putting an end to her devious plan to take over the world with delicious sandwiches. At least she didn't turn out to be a terrorist or another undercover spy. I really wish I could taste one of those sandwiches; that meat looked incredible. I think at this point though they need to get Chuck just one normal girl. So far Lou has been the least of his problems (and she had a criminal of an ex-
boyfriend lurking around) and clearly Sarah isn't all that normal or easy to handle. This guy deserves to have someone normal in his life; hopefully Sarah will realize she has the chance to be that person. I'm going to miss Lou being around; it could be cool to have her come back somewhere down the road. These two are great together and if he can never have anything with Sarah then he should at least get the chance to be with Lou. Even their moment in the deli when he apologized to her and she forgave him was amazing. Definitely one of the best moments so far and the comedic aspects were some of the best yet.
As for Sarah, I think she definitely realizes how she feels about him, at least to some degree.
That kiss didn't come out of nowhere and she's definitely been jealous about Chuck and Lou the last couple of episodes. The bigger problem now is that Bryce is apparently still alive; which I'll put to the side for a minute because my rant may go on for a bit. Obviously things are not going to progress for the two of them as long as Bryce is around, if ever. It's unfortunate because the two of them make for a great couple and even better viewing. They're always funny together and as the sexual tension grew so did the funny in their relationship. I hope they get a chance down the road (as I'm sure the will), it's just a matter of when and how long down the road.
With my rant and the ridiculousness of the final plot aside, this was a decent episode. Not the best but certainly up there with the better episodes of the show so far. Keep it up "Chuck" and hopefully we'll see Bryce gone soon. Until next week, enjoy the review!
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