ORIGINAL EPISODES, SUNDAYS @ 10PM ON ABCHonestly, I didn't think Kitty would be pregnant this fast. After everything this family has been through in the past year or so and the fact that she's still not over her commitment issues (case in point, her prenup freak out last week), I was surprised to find that the writers did in fact decide to impregnate Kitty. I'm really not sure how I feel about this. I can't see a scenario where this could be good for their relationship let alone for the show. Robert is running for President! How are they supposed to stay together when Kitty needs rest and probably won't be able to travel everywhere with him on the campaign trail? I was hoping we would get to see some more of the fun side of their relationship before things got real serious with a wedding and kids.
Not to mention, Kitty apparently doesn't know Robert as well as she thought. It turns out that

his ex-wife was right last week when she said it's all about Robert, all the time. In the end he came through and supported Kitty, but I have a feeling this wasn't the last we've seen of his sharp temper. He really cut into her in the hotel when he found out she was pregnant. Maybe it was just a long day for him or maybe it was just a one-time thing; either way, it was a bit shocking and doesn't bode well for their future.
I thought it was hilarious when everyone knew Kitty was pregnant because Nora walked into the pantry to speak to her. Turns out she had done the same thing on a few previous occasions such as when she found out Kitty was a Republican. Too funny and Nora played it off hilariously.
The best performance of the night goes to Rachel Griffiths, Sarah. She was unbelievable at the end of the episode when she said goodbye to her children. It was one of the best performances

from an actor so far in both seasons; it was really something incredible. Speaking of Sarah, I can't believe what level Joe has stooped to in order to make her life miserable. Let's list what he's done: 1) kissed her half sister; 2) lied about kissing her half sister; 3) asked for a divorce when Sarah forgave him and wanted to work things out; 4) left Sarah to get back together with his
ex-wife! AFTER he slept with Sarah again; and 5) Now, he's asked for full custody of the kids because he believes her job, you know that little thing that supported him and the kids for the past 10 years, is preventing her

from being an available parent to her children. It's terrible that he wants to punish her for supporting their family while he stayed at home and played the guitar. Whats even worse is that the judge agreed with him. It's horrible that any good parent should ever have to be punished for supporting the family. I hate that this is how our system works and last night showed how good people can be destroyed by it. Sarah is an exceptional mother and the fact that she's a CEO of a company shouldn't factor into whether she could have shared custody of her children. I would understand if she didn't care and was never there for her kids even before the divorce but that's never been the case. I hope she finds a way to be with a children down the road. I have to believe Joe is going to mess up again sometime soon.
Meanwhile, it's basically status quo for everyone else. No big news to report with Kevin, Justin is continuing to sneak extra medication, Rebecca is just chilling with Justin, and Saul wasn't around much last night for there to be anything to talk about. Unfortunately, it's also status quo for Tommy who continued his affair with Lina. I know what he's thinking but this is completely wrong. Julia is treating him very unfairly; not only has she moved away but she's refused him any contact with her and his daughter. It's absurd but it doesn't excuse nor justify the affair. This is going to blow up in his face and it's going to get very ugly. I just hope someone will talk some sense into him before its too late.

This was an enjoyable installment from "Brothers & Sisters" and a good segway into November Sweeps. Things should start to get interesting over the next few weeks as we near the holiday break and I'm wondering what the huge bomb is going to be. Will it be Julia discovering the affair? A rift in the Kitty-Robert relationship? Relationship trouble for Kevin? Self-destruction from Justin? Maybe all of the above? I can't wait to find out.
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