Corny, cheesy, ridiculous, unoriginal, etc. All words that come to mind after watching the
opening of this weeks "Smallville." The idea to have a superhero movie shot on Clark's farm was awful but not totally unexpected. Every once in a while the writers on this show get a little too cute and come up with plots that don't work. This was one of them. On top of the cheesiness of the whole premise, the fact that Rachel (the star of the movie) tried to hit on Clark while reading lines and then gave him a red cape as a gift was just too much and I really did not like it.
Basically, tonight centered around the movie shot on Clark's farm during which there was an attempt to kill the star of the movie Rachel Davenport. Of course Clark saved her and oddly no one asked questions, of course Rachel fell for Clark, and of course this was just boring. There was nothing even mildly entertaining about this whole story. The situations were generic (for instance Rachel using the script reading with Clark to hit on him) and the premise was absurd. Are we really supposed to believe that Superman wore a red cape because Rachel Davenport,
the star of a superhero movie, once gave it to him as a gift? We get this from "Smallville" hear and there so I'm really hoping that next week we get an episode with slightly better writing.
The biggest revelation of the night though showed us what may be the true side to Lana. Apparently, her marriage to Lex was more than traumatizing, it changed her core. It appears that Lana has taken on the Luthor traits and as Lionel said, she's about to cross over a dangerous line and walk a path that it's very difficult to get off. I agree and I'm wondering whether her current personality is more a defensive measure or whether she really has changed. Is she still truly the quiet, farm girl? Or is she the ruthless ex-Luthor who will stop at nothing to get what she wants while deceiving all those around her? I'm really not sure at this point. I could see her surveilling Lex to protect herself but kidnapping Lionel? Hitting him in the face with a shovel? Lying to Clark? This is all very strange and I have to believe she really has changed.
In general I need to make the point that Clark has to be more careful. He was easily caught my the killer using his powers and he can't be that sloppy. It's fine if he wants to stop the bullet but you don't stand on the set looking at it. Go far away where you know no one will see you. Clark was lucky that this guy Grant is so infatuated with superheroes or he may have revealed Clark's secret to Lex. This was dangerously close to destroying everything by giving Lex the information about Clark; too close for comfort.
Anyway, I still love the show and I can't wait for next week. Until then, enjoy the review as usual.
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