ORIGINAL EPISODES, THURSDAYS @ 9PM ON ABCRebecca/Eva is back!!! I love this character and I think it's great the different side of Alex she brings out. Generally he's a major ass but when she's around he softens; she turns him into something resembling a normal, good human being. Their romance was short lived however, when Alex didn't return from making sure his intern, Norman, didn't die from a stroke. Understandably he wanted to make sure Norman was alright but he shouldn't keep disappointing Eva. She's the best thing that's ever happened to him and he needs to decide if he's in or out.

The one problem of course is that Eva is still married. Clearly, she isn't happy with her husband and although I don't like to promote divorce because I think too many people use it as a scape goat for fixable problems, Eva should probably get one. She went back to a husband she originally ran away from and she's still unhappy. So although she's disappointed with Alex for not coming after her last year and for not coming back last night, she really needs to make a choice herself first. If she's that unhappy a divorce should be the answer whether Alex makes the first move or not. Until she decides though, it really doesn't matter what Alex does or does not do. Personally, I hope they get together. The hard, mean side of Alex is getting old and it would be interested to see a different side while she's around.
I have to compliment Meredith for her attempts at becoming the woman that Derek deserves.

She's trying to get ready for a life with him and her first step was to finally move on from her mother's death. Thus, she decided it was time to get rid of her mothers ashes from the back of her closet. Speaking of which, I loved the line from the episode, "This is even more disturbing than you bag full of mommy." In the end, Meredith washed her mothers ashes down the drain in the surgical scrub room with the help of the chief. I think that was definitely the place she would have liked to go.
Speaking of the chief, I feel terrible for what he's going through. He worked so hard to fix his marriage and then Adele leaves him again because he doesn't want to force his niece to fight cancer for a third time. I think it's unfair to ask someone to do that out of selfish desires. Hopefully next week he'll start to think of some way to get her back. He is very much in love with Adele and I think it would be great for them to finally end up happy and together.
As for George and Izzie things didn't get any better. Callie told everyone about the affair and in

this hospital information like that can make life very difficult. Christina turned out to be very judgmental and is ignoring Izzie now. I agree with Izzie though, that although what she did was terrible Christina has no right to judge. She's made her mistakes and even slept with her boss when it was expressly forbidden. She can disagree with Izzie's choices but she should keep her opinions to herself. Christina should also keep as many allies as she can with Dr. Haan signing on to work at Seattle Grace! This should be very interesting and I can see Christina reverting to the old, extremely competitive doctor we once new before Burke destroyed her.
I was also impressed by the developing relationship between Bailey and George. I hated seeing Bailey so beat up about not getting home especially when she's doing great things with her time

(she donated her time to help build a child ears). It's Bailey so I have no doubt she'll find a way to be there for her family and work. She always figures things out. Along those lines she put George's situation into the perfect light. While his actions were unforgivable, it always takes two to create marital problems. Obviously Callie would never have wanted this to happen but like Bailey said, George had a hard week back then with his father passing and all. The thing is that Callie knew all this and still married George. This makes it two of them as part of the problem, not just George.
As for the patients, who saws off their own foot?!?! That guy was insane but worse than that was what happened to the father and daughter. The father needed a new heart and the same day that he was in the hospital his daughter was killed by a brick that flew off an overpass. Fortunately and unfortunately, her heart would be a perfect match for him. It had to be devestating for the father to take the heart but George was right, a child
would give their heart to save their parent. This one really pulled on the heartstrings and so did the young boy who was born with ear canals but no ears. His mother works in the hospital cafeteria but they don't have enough money for the surgery to build him ears. So Meredith brought him around the hospital trying to get the staff to donate their time. It was hilarious when he went trick-or-treating for new ears, great idea and it was so funny how it worked immediately on everyone. I really enjoyed this patient's storyline and it was nice to see how happy he was when he got the ears.
Favorite thing from the episode: Nurses United Against Mark Sloan. Love that he slept with so many that they formed a hate club. Too funny.

Before I end the review I have to apologize for missing last weeks review. As I said in the review of Las Vegas, I started a new job that took up a lot of time last week and I got backed up on the reviews. I don't think it will happen again and I hope you all continue to enjoy the reviews. Until next week, enjoy reading!
Regarding Izzie/Cristina: To be fair, Cristina didn't heap judgment onto Izzie. She got up from the table because she didn't want to hear it, and she was going to walk right on by Izzie in the stairwell. Izzie was the one who stopped her to make her listen, because she can't take anyone disapproving her or judging her. And the comparison between Izzie sleeping with a married man and Cristina sleeping with a superior is completely ridiculous. Izzie stole something that belonged to someone else and showed blatant disregard for someone else's feelings by sleeping with someone's husband. Cristina just broke the rules--there was no one else involved but her and Burke. She wasn't hurting anyone. Izzie trying to make a parallel there was weak at best, idiotic at worst. Cristina's behavior may be a little inconsistent with her past history of not caring about what other people do with their personal lives, but for Izzie of all people to get mad at her for judging her is ridiculous. Izzie is the FIRST one to judge everyone for everything they do, INCLUDING Cristina. But when it's her turn in the hot seat, she's all "You're judging ME?!" Give me a break. And for her to bring Meredith's situation into the mix--uncalled for. Meredith, first of all, did not judge her and was the only one who acted supportive. For her to throw that into the discussion in an attempt to justify herself and "call Cristina out" on having double standards is EXACTLY why Meredith and Cristina aren't closer to her, why they are an alleged "closed circle." She's never proven to be a good friend to either of them. Izzie's a hypocrite as well as a childish, selfish bitch.
Great review as always. I did love the trick or Treat for ears part. And I also agree that at least Meredith is trying to change. Baby steps people baby steps.
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