I have one thing to say right from the start, WELCOME BACK! Finally, a great episode of "Heroes" came on last night and I felt like it was a year ago when I was sitting on the edge of my seat wondering what was happening and what would come next. This is the kind of episode that made "Heroes" a household name and a fan favorite. I only wish the show hadn't fallen from this ledge and I only hope they can sustain this for the rest of the season.
Let's get into the nitty gritty now shall we. Lets start with Hiro. Thank the Lord he's back in present day. I was so happy to see him finally leave Feudal Japan. The story got old a very long time ago. But I will admit that this week was not too bad. The excitement and the action definitely picked it up a bit and I almost didn't remember how much I hated it. Basically, Hiro saved the day despite Kensei's attempts to kill him and take over Japan. Understandably, Kensei is hurt and feels betrayed by Hiro but I think Hiro was right when he said it was always in Kensei to be this way. In the end, Hiro blew Kensei up when he destroyed all the guns and the powder, or at least he thought he did. Hiro did the noble thing and said goodbye to his Princess despite being madly in love with her. The only problem is Hiro had no idea that he changed history despite all his attempts to fix what he had broken. I'll get to this a bit later but let's just say thank you to the writers for sending him back to the present day and move on.
While Hiro was finishing up his work in Feudal Japan, Nikki, Parkman, Suresh, Nathan and Bob and a big problem of their own to deal with at The Company. Maury decided to go after Bob at the facility but he had to get through everyone else first. Bob finally told Matt the truth about his abilities. He has every power his father has which is that he can not only hear what the brain is thinking but he can control every action the brain can control. This is a powerful ability and
Matt needed to master it in very little time if he was going to save everyone including Molly. I think this is a great revelation and we're probably going to see some pretty cool things from Matt as he learns to control it better. It was great to see him figure it out for the time being at least and trap his father in the world he created in his mind. Ironically, its the setting of their old apartment the day Maury walked out on the family. I have a feeling he won't be trapped in his own mind for too long and when he gets out he's going to be plenty pissed off. At least Matt was able to save Molly and her powerful will probably come in handy as the dim future becomes a reality.
Just when you thought everything was over with these four we find out that the virus Nikki injected in herself does NOT have an antidote. Personally I thought this was a bit predictable especially after we saw the future in Peters story but I won't go on another rant about that. I'll let it be since the upcoming episodes she get pretty damn interesting as we find out more about the virus. I don't exactly understand why Bob thinks Claire's regenerative ability could fix this. It seems to me to be completely seperate from what you would need to cure a virus. I happen to think this was a cover and he has some other plans he's not letting anyone in on. It would probably be a safe bet that he wanted Nikki, or whoever was injected, to be incurable. Why? I have no idea. But I'm sure we'll find out soon. But seriously, what was Suresh thinking? Admitting to Bob that he was trying to take down The Company?! Is he really that thick? For a smart guy he's very stupid. If there's one thing he should have learned by now it's that The Company never lets you know their true plans and they are never for the greater good. He totally screwed everything up and he's going to regret his decision very soon.
Meanwhile, Peter got a look at the future which is VERY interesting. Apparently, 93% of the
worlds population died from an outbreak of the virus. Unfortunately, the U.S. government (or what's left of it) deported Kaitlin because she didn't have permission to be in the U.S. This must be killing him and even worse he ended up travelling back to the present without her. I have to believe he's going to get her back but I doubt he'll be able to do it until he remembers who he is and how to use his powers. One important thing we learned is that the Outbreak took place on March 20, 2007. This was probably going to coincide with an episode around March this year but with the Writers Strike who knows when we'll actually see it. I'm curious to know how Peter's mother survived the outbreak when so many others died. It was good to hear from her though that Peter is the most powerful of everyone. It really instilled his importance to all the story lines and the fact that it's going to
be him and him alone that can save everyone.
Also, if anyone watched "Alias" when it was on, you weren't too surprised at all to see Kensei back in the present as Adam. David Anders is actually playing the same type of character, which is a conniving, slippery, and evil man. I'm surprisingly alright with this because David is absolutely amazing at playing this character type and he brings such an amazing presence along with it. Soak up every moment of his devious activities because you're not likely to see too many actors who play an evil mastermind as well as David.
I do have a couple things I'm interested in: 1) The Company knew Peter was a live and they appear to be the ones who nursed him back to health. Why did they keep it a secret and why did they let him go free? At least Nathan knows he's alive now and will do whatever it takes to find him again. 2) Adam apparently worked with everyone in the Company and was sort of their leader. But he went rogue with plans of holocausts and genocide. I wonder what exactly his role was in The Company and whether he truly is at odds with all of them or just a few. Clearly, one of his main goals is going to be to kill Hiro.
Lastly, I need to say a few words about Noah, Claire, and West. West understandably reacted horribly when he found out Claire's father was the man with the horn-rimmed glasses. But he
needs to talk to Claire. If he keeps using his abilities out in the open he's going to get into serious trouble. At the same time I think he's not out of the picture just yet. He has a knack for being nosey and he doesn't always know when to chill out and back off. I have a feeling he's going to try to get back at Noah before long. With Noah back in town and Claire refusing to move things should start to get real interesting. Noah seems to be losing it ever since he saw the painting of his death and he appears to be spiralling out of control. I'm not quite sure what I think is going to happen to them yet but Claire has to start getting involved in the main story lines soon.
Once again, this was an amazing episode from "Heroes" and I'm glad to see it back on top of its game at least for this week. Hopefully we'll get some great stuff next week and it seems like we might with a flashback to the time directly after last years season finale. Until next week, enjoy the review!
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