They absolutely started this episode off perfectly! Richard got a trailer right next to Derek. Too funny. I can see Derek out there, fishing, and living in the wild but NOT Richard. He is 100% the opposite of the guy who roughs it. And it wasn't too long before he made that known either; he was already sick of eating fish for breakfast and immediately called together a Gentleman's Evening in order to shake things up a bit. In the end Haan ruined the Gentleman's Evening and made it a Gentleman's Evening plus one woman. Still, it was good for many funny jokes and moments throughout the night. At one point Derek and Sloan thought it was going to be a night of strippers and took a survey around the hospital to figure out if that was the case. Their friendship re-igniting has been great for the show. With the departure of Burke and Addison, a rift between the only two attendings, other than the Chief, would have been dull and boring. Besides, this turned out to be a very funny friendship and great for the show. I also loved that Gentleman's Evening turned into a night of playing Monopoly.
Now, I need to talk about something serious for a minute here. I fully admit that I was a BIG fan of George and Izzie hooking up. I thought it would be great, funny, and exciting. Somehow though this ended up not being the case. Instead, their relationship sort of creeps me out. I really don't know why just yet but every time they talked about sex or intimacy tonight I got this feeling that I just wanted it to stop. The writer's need to tone everything down a bit and get us used to the idea of the two of them together because right now it's just not working.
Meredith on the other hand is fully in control of her life and emotions. Yeah right. I will give her some credit though. Ever since Derek told her he might not be there when she comes back to
him she's been working hard to figure out what will make her happy. This is more than she's ever done in the past and most importantly she now realizes that she not only has a problem but that Derek is the best thing that has ever happened to her and probably ever will happen to her. For Meredith this is a huge step and while it may take a while for her to figure everything out this was important and is definitely bringing her closer to a stable life. The problem now is that Lexie isn't helping things. The last few weeks they seem to have made some progress but in this episode Lexie pretty much shot that all to hell when she woke Meredith up while she was naked in Alex's arms. Definitely not what
you want to be doing if you're trying to get closer with your half-sister. Why she went for Alex anyway I'll never understand. He told her what he was about and she seems like a really good person. So why in the world would she go ahead with such a self-destructive situation? I guess I'll have to wait to find out more on Lexie before I jump to any conclusions.
Dr. Haan has already made an impact and watching Christina jump through hoops for surgeries is very entertaining. I'm glad things aren't coming so easy for her now and she has to work just as hard as everyone else to get ahead. I have a feeling she'll get the surgeries eventually though, she's just too good of a surgeon to be sitting on the sidelines for long.
Great episode this week and this is a good sign for the quality of the upcoming November Sweeps. We still have a lot to learn about some people and others have a lot to learn about themselves. I can't wait until next week! Until then, enjoy the review!
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