Great guest star, Danny Glover! Mr. Glover made an appearance tonight as Isaac, a political strategist that doesn't mind getting his hands dirty and compromising his morals. Apparently, both Kitty and Robert have a past with him; neither all that clean. Kitty kept some information about a candidate of Isaac's a secret and called upon him tonight to return the favor when she needed to run damage control regarding her pregnancy.
Unfortunately, Robert wasn't very happy when Isaac showed up. It turns out that Isaac worked with a candidate Robert ran against years earlier and days before a pivotal event while Robert was leading in the polls, a story was leaked "outing" his brother. Needless to say this killed Robert's campaign but more importantly, it nearly destroyed his relationship with his brother. If Robert could have, he would have kicked him out on his butt except he had no choice; they needed Isaac's "expertise" if they were going to survive the pregnancy scandal.
Isaac suggested a shotgun wedding at City Hall which turned into an all out wedding when Nora refused to allow Kitty to be married there. Personally, I love that she stood up for her daughter at a time when she wasn't thinking about herself. The scene where they fought in the office
really impressed upon me just how lucky we are to see these two incredible actors working together every week. They are unbelievable at their craft and the fact that they work together makes it that much better. Sadly, the story didn't turn out well. Kitty found out she miscarried her baby during her first sonogram. The scenes with Calista during these moments were very poignant and incredibly emotional. Even worse is that Robert is hiding the truth from her; he never wanted the child to begin with. I get that he already had two and is running for President but he needs to be honest with Kitty. If they're going to be married this is a very huge deal and he has to tell her before it's too late. It would be unfair to marry her if she wanted kids and he didn't. It seems that next week he may finally tell her the truth, I just don't see how their relationship is going to survive if she wants kids and he doesn't.
Lina is a slut! Well, she's at least 3/4 of the way there. Not only is she sleeping with a married
man but then she flirted with his younger brother and made out with him. Granted she stopped kissing Justin after a few seconds but she's entirely out of control. On top of all this, she certainly likes to party. She drinks her fair share and takes prescription medications also. Tommy needs to stop what he's been doing. Has he forgotten so quickly what his father did and how mad he
was when he found out? This is no different even if his wife is treating him like dirt. Like father, like son I guess. The only problem is that he's definitely not as good at keeping secrets as his father. In this family there's no way he'll be able to keep this quiet for long and when it comes out it's going to blow up in his face.
We know how Justin is getting is pills now. Somehow he's getting the prescription under a fake name; Jose Suarez. How exactly they came to be in his possession is still a mystery but that's besides the point. He's fully addicted again and unless someone does something soon it's going to
be a lot worse than before. At least Rebecca is paying close enough attention. Everyone begged him to take the pills so that he'd get better and it seems they all got preoccupied very quickly. It's a good thing Rebecca stuck around and knows the signs to look for. She was awesome when she called him out on it and wouldn't take any of his sly talk about why he needs to do it. During next weeks episode it looks like the family will finally confront him and it's not going to be easy but he'll get through it just like last time.
Kevin, while quiet the last few weeks, is slowly digging himself into a big hole. Not only is he friends with Scotty and having dinners with him every so often, but now he has him crashing at his place. I give him props for trying to be a good friend which is completely unlike the usually selfish Kevin, except it looks really bad. To an outside observer who didn't know any better it would seem that their lives are getting ever so close and given their past who knows what will happen. He's walking a very dangerous line and needs to keep some barriers permanent.
Meanwhile, Sarah is still being put through hell. Joe hasn't budged a bit on the custody issue and it's starting to effect Paige. She pulled a fire alarm at school and ran away from Sarah's house. To be honest, I thought Joe was going to stick it to Sarah when Paige ran away and he almost
did. He started on his usual hurtful and blind rhetoric when Sarah began to cry and said this wasn't working. Something finally reached him and he agreed that there needed to be changes. So, Joe decided to give in and share custody with Sarah. This was the first good things he's done in months and this was definitely the best thing for the children. At least now he's being somewhat of a responsible parent. I really hope they start to work this out and things settle down because Sarah has certainly been put through enough. Joe has single-handedly turned her life upside down. If any deserves a break it's Sarah.
Another great episode from "Brothers & Sisters." I can't wait until next week and I hope that when they confront Justin he'll kick the drug addiction once and for all. Until next week, enjoy the review!
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