First of all, I want to apologize to all of you who read my Las Vegas reviews each week. Last week I wasn't able to post a review and I'm very sorry for that. I started a new job this week and the hours were a bit odd. I got backed up and didn't have time to catch up on the reviews. Next week should be a lot better and I don't think I will be missing any more reviews.
As for this week, the episode was fantastic! Easily and by far the best episode of the new season with the revised and slightly reduced cast. Granted it had the usual element of criminal activity but in a slightly different twist this week. We don't normally see such attachment to the people involved in the criminal activity, except for maybe the dozen or so times Delinda has been kidnapped. I don't mean to say that our regular cast doesn't get involved with those that are a part of that week's criminal story but Mike was different this week. It was a deep love that attracted him to the situation and dictated his actions. Normally we see more detached involvement from the regular cast members. This was definitely a nice change of pace and it really had me sitting on the edge of my seat for a change.
Mike met a beautiful woman in a movie rental store who turned out to be his soul mate. Unfortunately for Mike, he tends to ruin his relationships by over thinking. Which, to no one's surprise, he did tonight when he ran a background check on Claudia. Turns out her name belonged to a child born at death almost 40 years earlier and her real name was Katie. Expectedly, Mike ended the relationship without asking for an explanation. At the same time, however, he found out that she was living with the assumed identity because her husband has been tracking her around the country and she's been on the run because he physically abuses her. So it turns out her feelings for Mike were real and she was just a good person caught up in a very bad situation. Needless, to say Mike came to her rescue. But I have to admit I doubted him for a while. When he assaulted the husband in the dark, bought a stolen gun, and went after the husband, I really thought he lost his cool and was going to do something terrible. Turns out I was very wrong and Mike knew what he was doing. He set the guy up so that it would appear he followed Mike, beat him up, and then drew the gun on him. When the L.V.P.D. arrived, the husband was arrested and Katie was free. Sadly though, the husband would only be in jail for a few years at best and Mike asked Cooper to help her disappear. It would be the only way she could have a life because when her husband got out of jail he would come looking for her again, starting in Vegas. It was extremely noble of Mike to let her go. I do hope he finds someone normal soon, he deserves it.
As for everyone else, there wasn't all that much excitement. Sam joined Cooper's rich man's poker game after Cooper lost her a big whale. After losing all the money, buying in and losing again (both times to Cooper) she bet her last valuable asset, a very old and rare coin worth over $120,000. Now, throughout the entire night I assumed Cooper's actions in driving away the whale were completely accidental. I did catch on to how he was playing the poker game, realizing that he was projecting his tell's in order to draw Sam in for a bigger hand down the line. What I didn't see coming was the entire day being a setup. Cooper wanted her in that game because he's a coin collector and was looking to get his hands on Sam's coin. It was a very nice play and well done. But this doesn't really make me a fan of Cooper. Why should a billionaire have to swindle someone else out of that coin? If he was noble he would just pay her for it. I'm starting to wonder what he's all about and if any of us should like him.
Meanwhile, Piper ran around the Montecito attempting to scare everyone with elaborate Halloween costumes. I thought the idea was cute and honestly, I did laugh every time she popped up in a new costume. I enjoy the little things sometimes.
As the title of the episode indicates, Lemon Bars were a big theme of tonight's episode. This was unfortunate because Delinda's storyline was generic Las Vegas and not very good. She hired a pregnant pastry chef she met at the doctor's office and she turned out to be quite insane. She was an excellent chef but couldn't listen to any of her employees or her boss. So Delinda spent the night trying to figure out how to get rid of her. As she was doing this, the chef had made Lemon Bars that were a big hit with all the cast members and customers which only infuriated Delinda even more. In the end, she got rid of the chef by pawning her off on an ex-boyfriend who treated her badly and was opening his own restaurant.
Maybe next week will keep up the theme of excellent storylines. This would be an interesting change for Las Vegas and could be it's ticket to another season. Only time will tell though and I'm hoping the show will be around for a little while longer at least.
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