Unfortunately for all of us "Journeyman" fans, our beloved new show isn't faring to well in the ratings despite excellent episodes the last few weeks. Monday was no exception; we had a great all around episode and another slip in the ratings. The only encouraging news is that the new ratings demonstrate that many viewers are recording "Journeyman" and watching it within 24 hours of the original airing. Whether this saves the show or not is still a question up in the air but for my part I hope the show is given a chance before it gets the customary quick axe from NBC.
Last night, Dan travelled back in time to help Dylan McCleen complete what he set out to do. At first, it appeared Dylan was a robber and criminal who formerly served in the U.S. Marines. It turns out he did serve but he was stealing money and engaging in criminal activity for an important reason. While serving overseas in Malaysia, a local family saved his life and kept him safe. He vowed that he would find a way to get that family into America but it would cost a lot of money to do that. This led to his robbing a plane that was carrying a very large amount of money. This is where Dan comes in. He had to help Dylan find the father of the family who he was able to get into America but then lost contact with and then help him to get the rest of the family. As usual Dan was able to do this but not without the regular bumps in the road along the way.
Lucky for Dan, Dylan was very generous. Apparently, he only needed a small portion of the money to get the family to America and gave Dan the rest as a thank you. How is this good for Dan (besides the obvious)? He mentioned earlier in the episode that he wasn't able to buy old currency because it was too expensive and this was affecting his ability to accomplish his goals when he traveled back. Now he won't have that problem for a very long time. Plus he was able to use some of it to buy 49ers tickets for his son, Zack, to make up for missing the game they were supposed to go to.
Speaking of Zack, he's the first person to actually see Dan travel back in time. This was huge and I have to believe it's going to have serious repercussions down the road. How could he be the first to see and not have a bigger role to play from now on? Maybe he has something to do with the reason it's all happening or maybe he's supposed to take over for his father when he gets older. We may get a better idea what role he's going to play in all this as we see more episodes but for now all we can really do is speculate about what this could mean.
Dr. Langley also made a visit tonight and claims that maybe he was trying to call Dan's father when Dan's phone rang in 1988. Still, this makes no sense. Even if he was trying to call Dan's father why would Dan's cell phone ring? He's definitely hiding something and Dan should follow up on it rather than take this man's posturing at face value. It was really cool watching Dan meet his father. Wouldn't you like to be able to live moments by traveling back in the past that you never got to live before? I have a feeling we'll be seeing more of his father on the trips but for now I think this was good for Dan. It reminded him how bad of a father his dad was and it was a kick in the butt to start working harder to be there for his own family.
Lastly, Livia needs to start dropping some more information. It's really starting to get annoying that she knows a lot but refuses to let anything slip. Give us at least a little something to go on
here. The one thing that's bugging me about Livia has a lot less to do with her and a lot more to do with Dan. Why has Dan not told Katie that Livia never died? Katie is under the impression that the only Livia he sees is the past-Livia not the I-Never-Died Livia. Granted Dan said that she does what he does but I don't know if Katie really understands what this all means. If she knows its the actual present day Livia, just traveling back then too she might be a bit more angry.
Keep watching and get your friends into it too. We don't want to have to start a letter writing campaign to NBC begging to save the show. It'll be much easier if we all just watch. The show is definitely increasing the quality of writing as well as the acting and is consistently bringing us good storylines now. My recommendation is too keep watching or start watching if you haven't tried it yet. Until next week, enjoy the review.
Instead of "fairing" use "faring". Fair and fare are entirely different words - look 'em up.
Your analyses of the TV episodes are really remarkable, very perceptive. You see beyond the face of the drama to understand what's behind it. Excellent writing.
First of all, thanks so much for the compliment. It's always great to hear that my readers are enjoying the reviews.
I appreciate your comment regarding the vocabulary. While I do know the difference between the spelling and definition of both "fair" and "fare" it was just an honest mistake and mainly attributable to sleep deprivation. I started a new job this week and I'm struggling to keep up with the volume of reviews I try to complete each week and my editing slacked a bit.
Thanks again, I really appreciate your feedback. Keep throwing down some comments, I love reading what you think.
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