Still one of my favorites. While the intensity and fast-paced storylines are slowing down, this show remains one of the best prime time television shows. The Walker Clan is still in a state of flux as everyone's lives appear to be dropping off a cliff simultaneously; with the exception of maybe Kevin which is relatively stable for a change. Here's where we currently stand: Kitty's relationship with Robert is being put to the test every week as a result of his presidential campaign (including a visit from his ex-wife), Justin returned from Iraq and had to go back on pills in order to get through rehab despite being addicted to these pills twice before, Julia took the baby and left Tommy because she decided she blames him for Williams death leaving Tommy without any time frame on when she might come home, Sara is now going through a divorce despite wanting to give it another shot because her husband not only kissed her half-sister but got back together with his ex-wife, Saul is gay and refuses to come out, Kevin is remaining faithful to his boyfriend who is in Malaysia on a mission for the church, and Nora is attempting to juggle everyone's problems all at once.
Well, the family is basically falling apart and no one more than Tommy. I feel absolutely awful for him right now. Granted Sara's marriage is falling apart too but at least she knows where she
stands and can still see her kids. Tommy though has no idea what's going to happen with his wife or his child. Not only that but they left to stay with Julia's parents in Arizona! He can't even see his newborn child. Julia is being beyond selfish and blaming him for something that is NOT his fault. I couldn't imagine having to go through anything like this and I hope she gives him some answers soon. The problem now though is that her move and not returning any of his calls for weeks led directly to Tommy's affair with Lina. Now, Julia's actions are inexcusable but this is unforgivable. No matter what happens he shouldn't be having an affair. I'm wondering if maybe Lina and Rebecca are friends for a reason. They both seem to like making moves on married men. Holly was absolutely right - for now it was a mistake but after this it's a choice and it's wrong! He needs to go after his family and stop messing around with his secretary.
Meanwhile, Kevin is remaining faithful to his boyfriend but found out from his ex, Scotty (who
he is friends with now so maybe he won't be faithful for long), that Saul attended an all gay men party. Kevin believes Saul is gay and asking him straight out for an answer. Unfortunately, Saul just can't bring himself to admit it and lied straight to Kevin's face numerous times. It's sad because he might have a happier life if he can admit the truth at least to himself. I think Kevin has a right to be a bit annoyed with Saul since his father gave him such a hard time when he came out and Saul never said a word to support him in front of his father. I have a feeling this story isn't over and the truth is going to come out sooner rather than later.
Well, well, well. Justin turned out to be right. He's addicted to pills again and worse than that, no one in the family realizes it. Rebecca did but she fell for the oldest trick in the book where the
addict turns the situation around of the accuser and gets away with it. She needs to tell someone what she saw before it's too late. My big question is, where did he get the extra pills? The pills he's taking can't be the prescription Nora got because they would notice. So where did all the others come from? Is someone slipping them to him? A friend maybe? We'll see more in the coming weeks and I'm sure things will be getting much worse.
The Walker Family will always be going crazy but I really hope we can have a happy episode sometime soon. It would be nice to see everything going well at least for a night. Until next week, enjoy the review.
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