No he didn't. He did not pin racing numbers to each of the potential fellows! This is why House is one of the best characters on television. Not only does he do whatever he wants when he wants but he's funny while he's doing it. His sarcasm and utter lack of caring for any rules is why the show is not only brilliant but comedic as well.
The fact that Wilson was able to so easily convince House that he was seeing his old team also shows that deep down House is human just like the rest of us. It's obvious to everyone except House (or at least in so far as he'll admit it) that he misses his team and the qualities each of them brought to the table. There are some very good potential replacements in the fellow search but so far they're just not as good. Chase proved this point when he diagnosed the patient from the surgical gallery after only hearing her symptoms for the first time while the fellows still hadn't figured it out.
That one girl who was sent to wash the car and convinced everyone else washing to quit was really getting on my nerves. Thankfully House got rid of her. If she were on his team I don't know how much longer I could watch her. The car washing was hilarious though! I also liked that he was putting the guitar back together that Wilson broke last week in the guitar-knapping.
Best Line of the Episode: House says to Dr. Cuddy when she wants to stop him from giving breast implants to his patient in order to examine her lungs at the same time - "You would condemn her to a life where people look at her face when they talk to her?"
At the end of the episode we find out that House wasn't in fact hallucinating and his old team was in fact back at the hospital. Chase is now working in surgery, Cameron is a Senior Attending in the ER), but Foreman isn't back. Odd though that House saw him in the hospital. Maybe his conscience is feeling guilty after all.
And Cameron does not look like a hooker with the blond hair but I like it too. Overall another great episode from the team at "House." I'm wondering how long it will be until the old team is back together because I can't see this being permanent. For now though, it's definitely fun watching House mess with a whole new group of doctors. See you next week!
I heard that Chase and Cameron are back on the show permanantly but not on House's team.
Also, I'm glad the storyline died out but I don't find it totally believable that that cop that was gunning to pin a drug charge on House just gave up and walked away for good. I think we're hoping we forgot about it....
Me too. The whole cop chasing House think was annoying and not all that interesting.
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