ORIGINAL EPISODES, MONDAYS @ 10PM ON MTVThe line of the night came from Lauren, "I just saw Lo's Britney." Really, this season Lauren has thrown out so many good one-liners. I don't know where it all came from; she never used to be so witty with the one-liners. Anyway, this line came while the girls were out partying for Brody's birthday in Law Vegas. They surprised him at his massive suite in the Palms and the group went out to live it up on the town. Just another Saturday night for the rich and somewhat famous out on the West Coast. Man, I wish I had the money to just take over huge suites in the Palms for a birthday party.

Vegas baby! A lot of drama in sin city and we can thank Justin for once again starting trouble where there need be none. Everyone was happy and having a great time except Justin. Wherever he goes with this group he isn't happy, he sulks in the corner, and refuses to even acknowledge anyone. I understand that Lauren and Lo weren't welcoming to him but Lauren has given it a shot. She went with him and Audrina to dinner where Justin treated Lauren horribly. She tries saying hello and talking with him. Yet he refuses to make any effort and Audrina defends him to the end despite the fact that he doesn't treat her well most of the time. And wasn't it just a couple years before this that he ditched her in Vegas where she was left all by herself? So Lo got a bit annoyed and so did some of the others on the trip which ended up causing Audrina to storm out of the hotel room. I feel bad for Audrina only because it sucks when you're friends gang up on you like that but at the same time she asks for it by going back to a guy that blatantly and purposefully treats her and her friends terribly.
The biggest surprise of the night (well not really since MTV blew the surprise in last week's scenes) was the hook up of Lauren with Brody. I was actually a bit surprised that she went back

to him but Frankie was right, they never broke up because of anything wrong in their relationship. It was all a result of the Speidi fighting. I
really hope that Brody had nothing to do with the sex tape rumors. Lauren's been messed with enough by the guys in her life, she doesn't need him to turn out to be a loser too. I don't see them getting married or anything but she at least deserves a normal relationship for once. I have to give props to Brody for making the move in Pure. Pretty slick catching her off guard and just going for the kiss.
As for Speidi, things seem to be falling apart in their fairy tale engagement (hahaha). Spencer's selfishness is starting to become obvious to Heidi and it's a shocker that it took this long for her to realize it. Her excitement for their anniversary couldn't have been less enthusiastic. Plus I think she's really starting to question why he refuses to tell his parents about the wedding. The kid is shady and although Heidi isn't much better herself she needs to move on. He doesn't want to be married and even if he does go through with it he won't remain faithful and committed for long. And by the way, Spencer needs to shave that stuff on his face. Blond beards do NOT look good under any circumstances.
As for Bolthouse, Heidi finally got a dose of her own medicine. I was shocked that Elodie decided to screw her over also but man did she get Heidi good. To work in an office and have no idea a

co-worker quit means you must really be hated there. Normally someone in that office would have mentioned it at some point but not a single person told her. Elodie was brilliant in convincing Heidi she would work the event and really got some sweet revenge. Again, Spencer was beyond selfish when Heidi had to leave. I understand that its their anniversary but they were at Don Antonios! This wasn't an expensive OR well thought out dinner plan so what's the big deal. Also, he couldn't even tell his parents about the wedding so he has no right to be pissed that Heidi has to leave and save the event. What it comes down to is that they both deserve each other but Spencer is by far the worst of the two.
The scenes from the rest of the season look great! I can't wait to see the confrontation between Lauren and Heidi. I'm actually really excited to see what Brody has to say about the sex tape rumors also. I wonder what role he really had to play. Until next week...keep the dish coming in the comments.
Poor Audrina. The more the pick on Justin-Bobby (although justified) the more she is going to feel compelled to stand up for him, even though he has once again ditched her in Vegas.
Regardless of the allegations, I really don't think Brody is behind the sex tape rumors. Heidi and Spencer have had their fun making cracks about it when they are alone and you can tell that even Jen Bunny (Heidi's only sorta friend) thinks that Heidi did it.
By the way, PROPS to Elodie. That was hilarious!
Also, random question. Not that I want to see any more of Heidi's slutty season 1 & 2 oufits, but this has to be the first time someone gets a boob job and goes up 2 cup sizes only to start dressing more conservatively. She didn't even dress up for their anniversary. I mean, I know they were only going to the hole in the wall mexican restaurant but she could have thrown on something cuter than the white button down top she wore to work!
P.s. I love how no one reacted when drunk Lo and Frankie started going at it. Ah, Vegas...
So when Heidi finally gets the balls to call Spencer out on all his stupidity and selfishness do we think she will try and go crawling back to Lauren?
Also, here's a bad thought, the fact that none of Lauren's friends boyfriends seem to like her much could that mean something? Is she that hard to get along with or are the guys her friends pick REALLY that dispickable??
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