Honestly, does Heidi even know what's right or wrong anymore? That question by Elodie
Now, it's only been a half hour since the new episode aired and already I see that many of you are looking for information on Jason's new girl. I recently took a trip to LA with my girlfriend where we stayed with a friend of hers in West Hollywood. Her friend works for a publicity firm and informed me that Jason is 100% engaged to this new girl that will make a first appearance next week. I will do my best to get some more information about her for you and if you want to know anything specific leave me a comment and I'll see what I can find out.
Needless to say, I'm sure most of you feel pretty dumb right now (as would I if I didn't know
I really feel bad for Lauren because most of the time she shows such great judgment. She just can't say no to Jason. It's sad and like I spoke about in last week's review, the girls on this show love the bad guy and can't stay away. By the way, notice how Lauren fully admits this in the beginning of this episode.
Well, let's get back to the biggest story of this episode - Lauren and Jason's encounter with Speidi (Spencer + Heidi). Spencer is really that guy that we all wish we could kick in the face. He just can't help being a jackass. The fact that he walked into the restaurant and had to say something shows just how sleazy he is. But more than that, Speidi is even worse. There was absolutely no reason they had to send over those drinks. Did they really expect Lauren and Jason to accept them? I thought it was funny that they actually thought it was rude that Lauren sent the drinks back. It would have been great to see Spencer and Jason go out it outside the restaurant.
The ONLY thing I have agreed with Heidi about in the last 2 years is that Lauren should be nowhere near Jason. How she can go back with an addict and felon is beyond me. Sure he has the bad-boy allure but this is too much. Hopefully next week she'll finally get over Jason when she meets his fiance'. Here's hoping...
Elodie was awesome. I loved how she wasn't even bitchy, just very matter of fact. "You must have done something. Lauren was your friend, Audrina was your friend, Whitney was your friend, and now none of them even talk to you."
And what's with her dressing in suits to work all of the sudden? Wasn't it just yesterday that Spencer threatened a beat down on her coworker because he told her to dress more professionally and not so slutty?
And P.S. how did Lauren not know he was engaged? I knew he was engaged!!!
From socialitelife.com
At the celebration for her birthday at the Los Angeles hot spot, LAX, Heidi Montag decided it would be a good idea to perform for the crowd. And by perform, I mean, she danced around goofily, while lip-synching to her own first single, while her dorky boyfriend Spencer Montag played hype-man and Perez Hilton nodded in agreement awkwardly. It's hilarious, yet sort of uncomfortable. Sort of like watching someone's parents trying to freak each other at a wedding. In any case, here's the happy couple and unsuspecting guests before the event, everyone smiling, not yet aware that later in the evening, they'll be forced to take home a gift bag, having had lied through their teeth that why yes, Heidi's single was AWESOME and they can't WAIT for the video, where there'll be plenty more dancing
hey, just want to know whats the song that is played as lauren and jason are in the car on the way home from ketchup? I LOOOVVEEE it thanks :)
I will do my best to find out for you. Check back tomorrow or the Tuesday and I'll let you know if I have it.
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