As I sat down to write tonight's review I was debating how to write it up for you. On the one hand I could throw down just my thoughts and leave it at that. Or I could copy everyone else on the Internet and review scene by scene everything in the season finale. But to be honest I always find the scene by scene reviews annoying. Unless I haven't seen the show why do I need someone to write down the entire episode for me? So I'm going to go with a straight up review with a mention of a few scenes here and there.
Let me start by saying I LOVE THIS SHOW! I truthfully don't understand why HBO keeps airing short seasons for this show (with the exception of Season 3; but even that season had an 8 month break between its first and second half). It's one of the best comedies on TV today and I just can't get enough of it. Apparently, HBO doesn't feel the same. Wouldn't it make more sense to air more episodes, bring in more viewers, and charge a higher price for the DVD's?
With my rant out of the way, this was one of the better episodes over the first four seasons. It had everything - comedy, drama, old characters, and best of all, Drama having 3 hours of sex on the beach and then smiling when he realized a large mass of people had been watching. Drama is great! So the boys try to sell their movie at Cannes and as I predicted months ago, the movie tanked. It's obvious that "E" knows his stuff. He's the most level-headed of the group and always looks at things objectively. Add to that, the fact that he's not insane, a.k.a. Billy, and you have the guy you should be listening to. Rest assured though that the writers will probably get "E" and Vince all their money back. Harvey may have only paid $1 for the movie but they can still get their money back, and more, if people go to see it at the theatre. I can't imagine they'll be broke for too long.
A couple things that were fantastic in this episode. First, Turtle getting a blow job at Cannes in the first couple hours they're there. He needed it. Turtle never gets the love - whatever happened to all the date's he was going on with Kelly, Rufus' daughter? It was also great when Lloyd was getting a mimosa out of the ice sculpture of a giant penis. Lloyd never fails to make everyone laugh and from what I hear (from a friend in LA) he is just as funny in real life.
Entourage you will be missed. While I watch the network comedies this fall (that suck in comparison) I will be eagerly awaiting next summer's season. As soon as I find out the start date for season 5 I will let you all know. Until then...Le Victory!...
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