
Saturday, October 6, 2007

Smallville: Kara


Compared to the usual Smallville episode this one was pretty typical. It had the subtle subplots, romance, and comedic interjections. It also had lots of mystery surrounding new characters and the status of old ones. The thing that worked best about this episode was that it slowed down. The usual season premiere for Smallville is jam packed with action and numerous storylines. So what worked is that we finally have a slower pace and a chance to evaluate exactly what's happened and where the lives of our characters are heading.

With this much said, Clark finally meets Kara, his kryptonian cousin later known as "Supergirl." The only catch is that Jor-El tells Clark that she cannot be trusted and he must keep a close eye on her. Except, from everything we've seen she appears to be anything but an honest, caring person. It will be very interesting to see what happens and whether or not we've seen the real Kara. Like I've said before, I never read the comic books so there many be some of you who know what this all means but for myself and some others I think this is a very cool storyline to keep watching. One thing I noticed was that Kara's ship was exactly the same as Braniac's and he was evil. Maybe there's some sort of connection there or maybe all Kryptonian ships look the same. Any know the answer to this?

You knew that Lex was going to find Lana real soon. I was sort of wondering how he knew she didn't die since it didn't seem he had much reason to think she was alive based on what we had seen. But then again, he knew he was cloning her (which is VERY creepy, more so than usual from him) and had a good idea that she could use one of them to fake her death. I do believe that he has no intention of hurting her again, at least for now. If she does anything that pisses him off, like going back to Clark, who could really see him sitting back and not doing anything to hurt her ever again? Not me.

One of the better things about this episode is that we didn't find out the truth about Kara or the whereabouts of Lionel or the end of the Lex/Lana drama in this episode. The writers of this show tend to create questions and provide the answers all in one episode. It's definitely nice to see them draw the suspense out a bit and keep use coming back to get just a little bit at a time. It makes the stories much more effective and really keeps my attention from episode to episode.

So far I really do not like the new editor at the Daily Planet. He's way too over the top for my taste. I understand the point in making him that way but the acting was just too much. It didn't work for me. Subtle power I find to be more effective than in your face exertions.

I like the government involvement in the storylines now with their capture of "the Crystal." Although I'm not entirely sure it's just the government. I could see them working with the Luthors or maybe someone worse. This brings an entirely new dimension to the trickery and treachery which should make for some good storylines. I'm looking forward to how they develop it next week. Until then, leave some love.

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