
Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Damages: I Hate These People


Unbelievable!! If you've never watched this show before last night's episode is why this show is so great. Just when you think you have a handle on things they throw about twenty curve balls at you and turn the story upside down. This was probably one of the best episodes of television I've seen in a while and next week could be even better.

Ray killed himself! There's no possible way to know that the blood spot on Patty's shoe could have come from that and thus it turned every conspiracy theory from last week on its head. Although, now that I think about it there were definitely signs that Ray was heading down this path. For weeks now he's been losing it and slipping deeper into a depression. I think the last straw was Gregory's murder and the fact that everything they did was finally coming out. For Patty's part I think it's pretty obvious just how horrible she can be. She gets the information on Ray's insider trading and instead of revealing it (which would have been the right thing to do) she tries to blackmail him into subverting justice by tanking the trial. More than that, she tries to hire him after he does this.

The problem now is that if the blood on Patty's shoe wasn't from David, Ellen's attacker, or Ellen then who was involved? I think the way it's shaping up we're going to see that David was killed by Lila or by one of Frobisher's men. The scenes for next week show David watching Gregory's video tape and if Frobisher finds out he has it he'll probably do anything to get it back and silence whoever watched it. This could be how David ends up dead and it could also explain the attack on Ellen. Maybe Frobisher sent someone there to silence Ellen but more likely he wanted to kill Patty if he thought she saw the tape too. Don't forget about Lila though. She continuously enters the apartment and stalks both Ellen and David. She could very well be the killer especially since we saw David yelling at her on the phone to leave him alone.

I think the end of the case and whether Frobisher is involved in the attacks/murders are intertwined. I don't know if we're ever going to see a courtroom conclusion to the case. Maybe that's for season two. Maybe though something will happen to him before the end of this season if he ends up being involved in everything.

You have to applaud Ellen for sticking up for herself. She's had so many opportunities in this episode to go back to work for Patty but thankfully she's smart enough to realize who Patty really is. She turned down the job offer and the money; very hard to do but smart. You don't want to be in Patty's debt. I question her helping out with the case because it keeps her near Patty but I guess if she was the only one who could talk to George Moore it made sense. She is very idealistic when it comes to lawyers and clients. Honestly though, did she expect Mr. Nye to give her a job when she walked out of the job offer at the beginning of the season to work for Patty? Ellen may be brilliant but when you do that to a law firm they won't welcome you back with open arms any time soon, if ever.

Next week should be amazing. It's all going to come together and I can't wait to see how it all fits in the end. The best part is that next week is NOT the season finale! There are two more episodes left in the season, so we should be getting a lot more before we say goodbye to season one. Throw down some conspiracy theories and let me know how crazy mine sound. See you next week.


Anonymous said...

I loved your review. The episode was complete madness. The storylines are changing so fast since the first ep. When you think you have it figured out they pull the rug from underneath you.

I think Patty has the tape and she waiting for it to be safe to come out.

Uncle Pete is obviously getting rid of Fiske's Body. (wonder where they dump him?)

I also think Patty doesn't trust Tom in the present.

Danny was probably killed by Lila. A killer would have brought his own weapon instead of the bookends.

Let's see how much the stories will change in the Finale.

Anonymous said...

It was obvious that Fiske took his life because he could not live with the fact that he sold out his best friend in order to get a new job with Patty plus I am sure that he knew that Patty was playing him like a violin. I am also not sure that Lila is the killer..she is a psycho but to kill someone with that heavy statue is not easy and I think Danny was killed by possibly Frobisher himself as the walls protecting him continue to crumble.

Anonymous said...

the blood on her shoes IS from Ray, you saw it spatter on it, they zoomed in on it and made a point that you saw it come from him.

Mr. President said...

Yup, that's what I said in the review. Before we knew Ray killed himself I thought it was from Ellen or David but now we saw what actually happened and we know it wasn't from either of them.