
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

House: Alone


What a way to start off a new season! I really didn't see a building collapse in the cards for the start of this season but then again that's part of what makes "House" so great, you really never know what you're going to get. Plus, the show has basically been turned upside down with House's team gone leaving him to play Van Halen on the guitar alone in his office. This will absolutely be a season like no other for House.

It kills me that House can never show his true feelings but always seems to have emotional responses to the events around him; which oddly enough is why I love his character so much. He clearly misses his team despite loving the freedom. He would never admit this to anyone ofcourse but he showed how he really feels when he recruited the janitor to be on his team. This was incredibly funny and House even gave him the name Dr. Buffer. Hilarious!

Even more hilarious than this was the Guitar-knapping perpetrated by Wilson. Absolutely brilliant and it's really nice to see him standing up to House and not taking his shit. I still can't believe how House can get anyone to break the law with him? In this episode alone he got Wilson to commit breaking & entering and the janitor to impersonate a physician. I know he's persuasive but it's absurd to think he's THAT persuasive.

By far my favorite scene was Wilson begging House not to erase his Tivo over the phone. That's a shot below the belt, you never erase someones Tivo!!

As for the patient I was on the edge of my seat the entire episode trying to figure out what could possibly have happened to her and why she would like about this alternative lifestyle of drugs and alcohol that neither her boyfriend or mother knew about. I never even thought that this girl could be someone else entirely. It was a brilliant twist and a great way to kick off the new season. Glad to see the writer's can still keep us guessing and guessing completely wrong.

Hopefully House's hallucinations in seeing his old team in the hospital next week come true and we'll get them back in one way or another. In the meantime, watching House torture his new job applicants should be fun and hilarious...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They're not hallucinations. All 3 actors are still on the show working in other parts of the hospital. I bet Cutty hired them to mess with House.