Fine, I was wrong last week when I said that the police should test the blood on Ellen and they would find out it wasn't David's thus she couldn't be the murderer. But in my defense they didn't show Ellen hugging David until this week, so I had no idea that his blood also got on her. With this admission out of the way (and my girlfriend is probably laughing because I never admit when I'm wrong), let's discuss this week's episode.
This week we learned a lot more than we did in the last episode. There was significant progress in the case and we also got some new storylines thrown in. A quick recap on what we now know: David and Ellen decided the night of his murder to break if off because she couldn't decide between her life and her job and that's when Ellen left her ring at the apartment which the police later found; Ellen chose her job over her life (which I can't believe by the way); and Mr. Moore who works for the SEC is Frobisher's inside man AND his hitman!!.
This last piece of information was HUGE!!! Obviously none of the characters have any idea but we know that Mr. Moore had been the man Frobisher has doing all the dirty work. Plus, he showed up at Gregory Malina's place in Florida the night he was with Katie. Then on top of all this we find out that Mr. Moore works for the SEC. This is how Frobisher was able to pull off the fraud; he had a man on the inside. Apparently, the government did not do a great job in its criminal case or else they would have discovered this information in all the interviews they conducted with Mr. Moore in that trial. Exactly how Frobisher and Moore pulled this off is yet to be seen but it will definitely be interesting to watch.
As for a new storyline, Ellen's parents come into the picture in a big way. Although not connected to the Frobisher case (at least so far), Ellen's father ran over a crossing guard with his car and Ellen has to help him navigate through the lawsuit so that he doesn't lose everything. However, Ellen's father is a straight shooter who can't help but own up to his mistakes. Unfortunately, this isn't how the law works and the crossing guard's attorney gets her father to admit he was distracted while driving. As we find out when Ellen is arraigned, her parent's end up settling for a sizable amount of money which prevents them from being able to post bond for her.
Overall, this episode was significantly better than last week. It was thrilling, suspenseful, and fast-paced. AND Frobisher came back, which in my opinion is a good part of what makes this show so good. His character plays an important role and the good/bad dichotomy we see in many of the characters; and when he isn't there it seems like something is missing from the show. Speaking of which, I honestly believe Patty is worse than Frobisher. Granted I wouldn't invite either of them over for the holidays but Frobisher at least hesitates when a suggestion of killing comes up or even when someone might get hurt (like when his bodyguard pushed Larry to the ground). But Patty never flinches, not once; and more than that she has no problem killing dogs, manipulating people, using force, or apparently trying to murder another person (it seems she tried to have Ellen killed). So who really is worse here? To me the answer is easy...Patty. Everything you need to know about Patty is in her response to Ellen's description of her fathers accident and the fact that he wants to tell the truth, "just blame everything on the victim."
The show is really starting to pick up some steam and it should be a great second half. I can't wait to see what's next.
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