This show is definitely a guilty pleasure of mine. I was a fan of the original Laguna Beach cast and especially "L.C." a.k.a. Lauren, so when she moved to The Hills I kept watching. Over the first two seasons the show was generally alright but usually inconsistent. This season though has been great and Spencer and Heidi never fail to provide material on the stupidity of people.
First off, Lauren was completely right about guys in the beginning when she said Justin was basically playing Audrina. Too bad Lauren can never follow her own advice when it comes to guys (ummm Jason...).
Does anyone notice that every time Heidi is given something to do at work she has a look of shock on her face? It's almost like she doesn't understand English when it comes to her having to do something. She gets this spaced out look and never looks her boss in the eyes. It's damn hilarious and explains a lot about her relationship with Spencer.
One of my favorite moments in this episode was Audrina's talk with her co-worker Chiara. I've always said the same thing about girls and this conversation typifies what I've always said (as a generalization). Generally girls love the bad boys and just can't get enough of them even when she knows he's wrong for her. Audrina describes her relationship with Justin as a roller coaster - she likes him and hates him. So when Justin treats Audrina like crap for two years she still goes back again and again because "roller coasters are so fun." I personally don't get it, it's not like Justin only does stupid things. He actually treats her like crap. So why does she keep going back for two years? The guy ditched her in Vegas for god sake!
On a side note, what was Spencer thinking growing a blond beard? He usually looks like the devil and that just isn't helping anything. Also, give it up for the white guy with the blond fro at Les Deux. Good stuff.
Overall Brody has the best attitude about the whole situation right now. He just wants to have fun with whoever is around and not worry about any high school fighting. I think Lauren has been starting to think the same way which is the only way they should be acting. Although I'm starting to get the feeling that Brody is acting so laid back to compensate for something. Heidi tells us at the end of the episode that Brody spread the sex tape rumors but she couldn't possibly have had a more guilty look on her face if she tried. The truth probably lies somewhere in between; Heidi and Brody probably spread the rumors and each of them is blaming it on the other.
When did Audrina decide to date Justin again?! Out of nowhere she's getting ready for another date. It's starting to piss me off watching these girls go back to the guys who treat them so terribly and justify it by saying that there are times when they're treated great. It doesn't equal out!!! Does Justin remind anyone else of Matthew McConaughey's character "David" in Dazed and Confused? If you never saw that movie check it out...with the exception of hair color I swear they're he same person. Lo (glad to see her back this year) was 100% right that after 2 years of on and off dating and 4 months of dating now Justin should be Audrina's boyfriend. Clearly Audrina just doesn't want to hear it.
I find it ironic that Spencer is talking about loyalty to Brody. When Spencer first started dating Heidi her best friend was Lauren, but he did everything he could to break them apart. Apparently loyalty only matters to Spencer when it's about him. Brody is in the right on this one, even if he is shady himself. By the way, I don't really get what Spencer's job is. He sits on the couch with a computer all day and no paperwork. Unless his job is searching for porn he's definitely mooching off his parents.
Lastly, Spencer needs to chill on wanting Heidi all to himself. She mentions that she's having lunch with someone else and he has this look on his face like she shouldn't ever be able to speak to anyone other than him. It's pathetic and just goes to show that she should have stayed broken up with him last season. Anyway, her lunch with Jenn was ridiculously awkward and it's really sad how messed up Heidi has gotten. She treats her friendship with Lauren like it was no big deal and that Lauren's the one with the messed up priorities. Not true at all. Everyone knows Heidi has been awful to Lauren since the day she started dating Spencer. How easily Heidi forgot all the times she ditched Lauren last year.
Next week Lauren may be meeting up with Jason again. God help us all...
I totally agree that Lauren is the best! Have no fear -- she's not getting back with Jason, he just got engaged and it's not to her.
Maybe he is reaching out to her to apologize for something. He is in rehab, he must be hitting the apology step...
Spencer is the shadiest most inconsistent character. His job is as Heidi's manager for her new albumn and he raps on it. Heaven help us...
Wait, she made an album??? And Spencer is her manager?? And he raps on it?? What is going on in the world!!?!
And yes it's ridiculously apparent that she got a boob job even though no one is talking about it.
yup, they were doing an interview at a radio show a few weeks ago and talking about it. i think it drops in november.
btw she also have some work on the old shonozaroo.
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