
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Journeyman: Keepers


This week's episode was pretty weak in my opinion. Usually we see a lot of mystery, turmoil, action, and excitement in the show but this week many of these seemed to be lacking. Despite having bomb plots, explosions, and conflict among Dan and his brother, the episode just didn't do it for me. I'm usually psyched for the next week except this time I was just glad the hour was over.

Dan spent the episode trying to stop a young man, Stephen, from blowing up buildings. He was a genius child and grew up with many problems including an abusive father. This changed him and he lost control of his emotions which resulted in his belief that he had to blow up buildings and people in order to feel better. Dan met this young man and his older brother when they were just kids and followed them through to when they were adults in order to prevent these tragedies. As usual, he was successful and changed Stephen's life for the better. The problem though is that this wasn't all that interesting. Not that it was completely boring; I just didn't find myself as enthralled with the time travel story as I usually am.

Although I will admit that the best part of the night came just after Dan averted Stephen's bomb plots. Dan was leaving with Livia when he noticed his brother, Jack, and his wife (or soon to be at that point) Katie, walking down the street together. He followed them back to his apartment and listened to their conversation in the lobby. Dan had asked Katie to marry him back then because she got pregnant. The sad part for Dan is, that he didn't know Katie wasn't sure if she loved him. I couldn't imagine finding that out from someone you love at any point, let alone after years of marriage. That must of killed Dan and he even asked Katie if she would have done it all again when he got home. Honestly, I wasn't all that convinced by her answer "of course" when he asked her. She seemed a bit hesitant and appeared to think about the question entirely too much afterwards. These two may have some pretty big bumps down the road and I think one of them may be Katie's lingering feelings for Jack.

It was nice to see Jack and Dan work things out by the end of this episode. It was certainly helped by the conversation Jack had with Katie back in 2000 that Dan overheard. Apparently, even though Dan asked Katie to marry him, Jack still protected him and made Katie feel better about him and their pending marriage. This helped smooth things over back at home and the two of them appear to be on their way to reconciliation. I think this would be a good thing for Dan; with everything that's happening he could use support from his brother.

I REALLY want to get interested in the whole, why is the time traveling thing happening question, and I was for a while, but the writers are just killing me. They're making the journey to the truth so damn boring! If they want us to be hooked they need to surprise us! More than that, they need to make it interesting. I'm not going to be hooked on the quest just because they happen to drop hints about how it might be happening. I need something to be pulling for; I need a reason to want to know the answers now, rather than later. The problem here is that all we keep getting are hints that maybe someone might know something. We need a little more to go on here and I hope the writers pick up on this before NBC decides to give the show the axe. I'd hate to see so much potential go to waste.

So, all around not the best episode but hey, it's just before November Sweeps so maybe we can chalk this up to the writers needing a filler episode before the craziness of November. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the review and I'll see you next week.

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